The Power of Discipleship


My Story

When I was in college I wouldn't be caught dead sitting in the seats of a Christian Group like this!

I was drinking, smoking up, and hooking up with girls and foolishly spending money I didn't have.

I looked just like a typical UAlbany student!

The terrible thing about all that stuff is that it's fun

For a little while anyway.

After a while though sin has a sneaky way of catching up with you

Eventually the destructive nature of it does kill us in so many ways.

I was also turning into an Alcoholic, a drug addict, in terrible financial debt and ultimately felt terribly alone and depressed!

I actually attempted suicide at one point.

But if you asked me if I was a Christian, I would have said, “yes.”

Was I?


I don't think so.

See, I prayed to ask Christ into my heart in High School at a great retreat weekend

BUT when I got home from that weekend, I didn't have anyone around me to really teach me what it meant to follow Christ and know His ways

I didn't have a mentor to guide and teach me and unfortunately I was too lazy and selfish to look into the matter for myself in Bible.

Being mentored/discipled is so important.

It builds the Church

It builds the Kingdom of God

Economists know what Christ knew...

For instance,

If you were given a choice to receive one million dollars in one month or a penny doubled every day for 30 days, which one would you choose?

Think about that for a moment.


Turn to Luke 5

Jesus has a plan that is different than many people's first instincts

He lays out that plan for us in the Gospels for how He says we should build the Kingdom of God

His plan is evident in what He says

It's also found in what He did

remember: what Jesus did is just as important as what He said!

He had integrity that we will never truly know.

Luke 5:1-11

we have to explain what it really meant to be a disciple

the Goal was to study under a Rabbi to be just like that Rabbi

this is deeper than just studying His ways and knowing them

You as a disciple would believe you could do and be what your Rabbi did and was!

The idea is that you would replace Him and carry on His yoke/Way of living and understanding the Scriptures

Especially vs 10 - JC calls one and then three to be his disciples

First one was Simon Peter

second and third were his partners James and John [Zebedee brothers – obviously they were Hockey players due to their name :) ]

Luke 6:12-16

Spends the night in prayer

choses 12 after much consideration

Checks in with the Father

“Dad, are you sure about Judas?” :)

Luke 9:1-6 sends them out

He gives them some experience

experience really is one of the best teaching tools and the greatest teachers understand that!

Then after some time away they return to Him and report what they've done

In the rest of Luke 9 Jesus continues to teach them

They witness Him perform miracles

and he instructs them with some of the harshest words any of us will ever hear

vs 23-26

In other words, following Jesus is going to rock your world!

- it's beautiful, but the hardest thing you will ever do!

Then in Luke 10:1, 3-12

sends out the 72!

-very specific instructions!

"2x2" they are NOT to go alone!!!

whole point is they need each other = community

The real interesting question here is, “Where did the 72 come from?”

What is 72 a multiple of? [answer 12 X 6 =72]

Maybe it's possible that each of the 12 was spreading the word and drawing 6 more people to Jesus!

They spend More time with Jesus...

talking with Him

Asking Him questions

learning from Him

watching Him

witnessing how He carried Himself and what He did

- how He interacted with people

Witnessed the power and nature of His miracles

Until finally in the ultimate act of Love and self-sacrifice for them [and all of us]

He took the place we rightfully deserved on the cross and died to take away the sin of the world

and He rose again defeating death, sin and satan

and the story goes on to tell us...

In Acts 1:15 Group of believers numbered about 120

[12 X 10 = 120]

Then in Acts 2 the believers are baptized with the Holy Spirit

Peter gives a beautiful and strong speech

at the end of that - about 3000 added that day to the believers


JC starts off with 1

then 3

then 12

then 72

then 120

then 3000

End of acts – spreads throughout asia minor all the way to Rome

People in the 100's of thousands!

Rhetorical: Can making disciples change the world?

Let's go back to our example of a penny doubled every day...

How much better would it be to have a penny doubled every day for 30 days?

Looks something like this:


The point here is this:

the Kingdom of God is not built overnight in one giant payoff [million dollars] which gets spent quickly and stops

It is something that begins slowly and small but slowly grows until it is exponential.

As Christ followers, We are to double ourselves!

But why?


Group Question: “Why do you think it is important to be a disciple?”

Point: this is where growth in a person truly happens.

Beautiful part is it happens for both the person growing and the person helping them grow!

everybody grows!

I can speak from personal experience!

Several years after college I came to my senses.

One of my friends from that original retreat weekend in HS invited me to his wedding

listened to me

showed me I could have Christ back in my life once again

I asked Christ to forgive me

this time I was discipled

Jon called me up every week and read the Bible with me

prayed with me

helped me to understand what it meant to follow after the master!

Eventually Jon was in my wedding!

I am still discipled today!

I meet regularly one-on-one with my pastor

Kim and I also have a couple that mentors us in our marriage!

This is a life long process.

It doesn't end.

And now I mentor people the way I was mentored!

Now I'm not just talking about growing in sheer numbers of people here!

I'm talking about truly doubling ourselves

Walking closely with Christ and

helping others to walk closely with Him too

this doesn't happen through holding events!

it isn't just listening to sermons

There is nothing wrong with that and those things serve a purpose, but

this is something that happens by walking alongside the master

sitting and learning

listening and doing what He says

doing what He did

Following the path He put us on!

It is a constant process through immersion out of one way of living, into another.

We as followers of Christ are to lead in such a way that the gospel will go forth,

visible righteousness be established,

the love of God made evident,

and the lordship of Christ proclaimed

Discipleship is the very foundation of the Church and any group within it!

This is where depth happens

Some groups are an inch deep in their following and a mile wide

Others are an inch wide but a mile deep

Neither one is entirely healthy...

We strive to be a mile deep and a mile wide

We want everyone to join the Kingdom

We want everyone to have an deep intimate connection and relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit!

That is what Christ laid out for us in the Great Commission

Matt 28:19

Campus Ambassadors is committed to train students to be leaders in all arenas of life.

Our campus desperately needs women and men who will influence others with the truth and relevance of Christ and the Bible.

The individuals we touch will in turn touch multitudes more as they graduate and settle into various communities.

I'd like to invite one of your fellow classmates up here to share with you her experience being mentored and the impact it can have.



If you are interested in knowing more about this and growing in your relationship with Christ.

If you are interested in being mentored, please see Lisa and give her your info, and we can start [or continue] this journey together.