The Water Right Number and any Pending Change Application (approved or unapproved) identifies the specific water right being conveyed with the Report of Water Right Conveyance (ROC). Give the Water Right Number, Application Number, or Claim Number (Diligence, UGWC, Certificated, etc. of the water right being conveyed).


This section is used to proved summaries of the individual conveyance documents being reported. Space is provided to summarize up to three conveyance documents. If more than three documents are being reported, additional pages bearing Section A must be attached to the report. The documents being reported should be listed in order of effective date with the earliest document listed first and the most recent document last.

The document summaries are to be completed as follows (numbers correspond to the numbered items within Section A):

If no water right number is mentioned on the deed, is a map attached? (If you marked “Yes” this is conveyance by appurtenance. You will need to retain a Professional and a map is required. If you marked “No” – then the water right is specifically mentioned on the deed(s) and no map is required).

  1. Indicate the type of document by an “X” or describe the conveyance document under “Other”.
  2. Obtain this information directly from the conveyance document and County Recorder’s stamp. If the signature date and the notarization date differ, the notarization date should be used as the “date signed”.
  3. Grantor: List the grantor name(s) exactly as it appears on the conveyance document. Any differences between the grantor name (s) on the document and on the State Engineer’s water right file must be rectified using appropriate documents.
  4. Grantee: List grantee name(s) exactly as it appears on the conveyance document.
  5. Mailing Address: List current mailing address(es) of grantee(s).
  6. Email Address: This is optional and will only be used to notify new owner of update.
  7. Special Conditions of Conveyance/information of conveyance: List any special conditions, which help define the intent or limits of the conveyance document. Examples of special conditions may include:

a) Specific conveyance or reservation of water sources, diversion or conveyance works, or less and exceptings

b) Parcel ID #

c) Identifies part of a particular parcel by appurtenance


Complete this section with the information requested. The certification section is to be completed by the preparer. If the grantee is preparing the form as allowed under State Administrative Rule R655-3-7, completion of the lower portion (area in bold type) is not required.

I, (name of grantee/new owner), certify that I am authorized by Administrative Rule R655-3-7 to complete this report, and that the information contained herein or attached hereto is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

If a professional was retained:

I, (name of professional retained, certify that I am licensed as (type of professional: an attorney; a professional engineer; a title insurance producer; or a professional land surveyor) in the State of Utah, that my license number is (the license number of the professional preparing the report)…


This section is to be completed by personnel of the State Engineer’s office.