PHYE 221

Semester/Year: Fall 2007 Office Number: 226
Instructor: Karl Kleinkopf Office Hours: 9-11am T/Th
E-Mail: Office Phone: (208) 732-6487
Class Time: T/R – 9/28/07—10/18/07 – 9:00am-10:50am
This class covers the science of sports injury taping. It consists of two hours lecture and two hours of laboratory each week covering rehabilitation and taping of the foot, ankle, leg, knee, thigh, hip, groin, pelvic region, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand.


Athletic Taping and Bracing; 2nd ed., David H. Perrin published by Human Kinetics.

The objective of this course is to bring you to an awareness of preventive sports injury taping and management. This course is designed for the physical education professional to demonstrate the taping skills necessary to coach in K-12.

1.) Attend classes. (Please don’t bring children).
2.) Read the text.
3.) Take all the examinations. Complete make-ups by the next class.
4.) Complete all taping assignments.
5.) Complete out of class assignments.
6.) Come to class dressed in work-out clothing, e.g. shorts and sweats are best. (Check out a locker if you desire.)
7.) Take notes daily and compile a selection to take with you.

Total points(Approximate) 90 - 100% of total points...... A
a.) 200 - Written 80 - 89% of total points………B
b.) 200 – Taping 70 - 79% of total points...... C
c.) 100 - Final exam 60 - 69% of total points...... D

59% & under of total points..... F
50% of total points - written exams & assignments
50% of total points - will be determined by your demonstration of knowledge of care (taping) and prevention of athletic injuries.
Bonus points available ----- see instructor

Additional Fees of $35 are required.

Library Services

This course involves some online research. The CSI library offers access to many online journals and indexes, including EBSCO and InfoTrac. These resources will help you greatly in your research. To access information through the CSI library, go to: If you need additional help, please contact reference librarian Steve Poppino at or call him at 1-800-680-0274 (Idaho & Nevada) (208) 732-6504.


28 Orientation and introduction.

30 Definitions; tape tear; duties of the athletic trainer/facilities; video on training room procedures; pre-wrapping – Come dressed in sweats with long shorts for all classes.


4 Elbow, wrist, hand; lab test
6 Test elbow; The ankle; lecture, lab; Tape and Ankle Wraps
11 Test Ankle tape; Ankle Wraps

13 Wrapping the ankle; Review for Exam #1
18 TEST 1 - Written in class; (Definitions)
20 The foot; lecture, lab
25 The foot; lab test
27 Nutrition lecture; Journal of Athletic Training Article Due in class;
Training Room Modalities


2 The knee; lecture; lab – Long Shorts m/W
4 The knee; lab test.
9 Test 2 - Written
11 Review (approximate dates)

16 Review

18 Taping Final

*This 2 cr. Class begins Aug 28, 2007 and continues for 8 weeks.. The class is held in the training room 106 of the Gym from 9:00 to 10:50 am. Women and Men should wear longer Basketball shorts and sweats for the duration of the class this semester. Short sleeves or no sleeves works best while taping the upper body. Pick up the Athletic Taping and Bracing 2nd Ed.; David H. Perrin, 2005, and review the book immediately before class starts and you’ll be bunches ahead each week.


PHYE 221 Training and Taping Techniques

This class covers the science of sports injury taping. It consists of two hours lecture and two hours of laboratory each week covering rehabilitation and taping of the foot, ankle, leg, knee, thigh, hip, groin, pelvic region, shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand.

Student Learning Outcomes and Assessments:

Learning Outcome 1: Students will demonstrate their skills mastery and knowledge of the athletic Taping.

Activity: Students will complete a physical demonstration of the taping skills on the anatomical limbs and torso of the body.

Outcome Assessment: The students will demonstrate thru pre/post instructor evaluation, their beginning and ending physical completion of taping fundamentals and skills.

Learning Outcome 2: Students will demonstrate appropriate safety practices.

Activity: Students will complete a pre/post safety assessment to measure progression of safety knowledge of athletic taping.

Outcome Assessment: Pre/post assessment given by the instructor.

Students who wish may earn bonus points by completing outside work as assigned by the instructor. Please see your instructor early for bonus assignments in each unit. It would not be uncommon to raise your grade by one letter by completing bonus work in each unit.

Student study groups are encouraged for help in completing the practice taping procedures. Past experience shows that students who regularly study with others experience greater success in this course.

The student handbook outlines the CSI cheating/honesty policy. Cheating in this class will result in the student receiving a zero. In addition, the student may be asked to drop the class.

NC's are not given by this instructor. To avoid receiving an F when your grade is 59% or below, the student must drop the class by the appropriate date in the semester (check the catalog). This instructor will not drop you after the third week of class, it is the responsibility of the student. Instructor consultation may help the process. Come and see me before the problem gets to this point.

Attendance is expected. See Mr. "K’s Tips for Success.



v  Don't call if you are sick or absent; ask a friend to take notes.

v  For each in class hour of taping, tape the same at home.

v  If you know you will be absent, turn your work in ahead of schedule, tape the next class.

v  Bonus points are available, ASK.

v  Participate, don't vegetate.

v  Don't bring cell phones or electronic devices to class.

v  Don't bring children to class.

v  Make-ups are no fun. Be there for the exams & taping assignments.

v  Make-ups are given only once, the next day of regularly scheduled class.

v  Find my office early in the semester.

v  Make college fun!

v  Come properly dressed.

This class begins at 9:00 a.m. ---not 9:05 or 9:10. Please be there on time.


Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for related accommodations. To determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact the coordinator of Disability Services at their first opportunity after registration for a class. Student Disability Services is located on the second floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus. (208)732-6260 (voice) or (208) 734-9929 (TTY) or e-mail .

ONLINE COURSE EVALUATION: Students are strongly encouraged to complete evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at: Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in they should see the evaluations for the courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated!