Access to Higher Education

Course Handbook

Curriculum Leader: Ann Inkson


Or 0191 5116000

Contents page

Page 2 / Staff details
Page 3 / Introduction
Page 4 / Term times
Page 5 / Course content
Page 6 / Mark scheme
Page 7 / Nursing and Health
Page 8 / Social Work, Teaching and General
Page 9 / Course information
Page 10 / Programme delivery
Page 11 & 12 / Module outline
Page 13 / Assessment procedures
Page 14 / Special circumstances
Page 15 / Comments, compliments and complaints
Page 16 / Criminal convictions
Page 17 / Student representation
Page 18 / Appendix 1 – extenuating circumstances form
Page 19 & 20 / Appendix 2 - plagiarism
Page 21 to end / Appendix 3 – QAA Handbook

Welcome to the Access Course


Head of Department: Tim Field ;

Curriculum Leader : Ann Inkson

Preparation for Access Programme Leader: Ros Jackson

Access Tutors:

Ros.Jackson /
Melanie Cassap /
Amy Close /
Wendy Elliott /
Pauline Ewart /
Paul James /
Shirley Jones /
Jo-Ann Ridley /
Julie Welsh /
Hugh Waterson /
Angela Mc Dermott /
Sarah Robson /
Elaine.Renton /
Monica Pizzoli /

Learning Centre Opening Times

Monday – Thursday 8.15am – 9.00pm

Friday 8.15am – 5.00pm


Monday – Friday 9.00 – 12 Noon and 1.00pm – 4.00pm.


Access to Higher Education programmes are designed to give students of 19 years and over the opportunity to gain a qualification that meets the entry requirements along with GCSE qualifications for entry to university.

Progression from the access programmes would include the following routes:

·  Single and Joint Degree

·  Teaching- Primary and Secondary

·  Early Childhood Studies

·  Social, Health, Community and Youth Work

·  Nursing/Operating Department Practitioner

·  Midwifery

·  Physiotherapy

·  Diagnostic Radiotherapy

·  Occupational Therapy

·  Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care

·  English, Law, Journalism, Media, Computing, Games Design etc.

·  Business, Marketing.

Progress from the Humanities and Social Sciences pathway can provide entry on to degree level programmes. Specific entry criteria should be checked in individual university prospectus or from the Website.

Course Aims

The Access to HE programme aims to:

·  Provide mature students (19+) the opportunity to progress to higher education

·  Develop skills and knowledge necessary to perform effectively at Degree, HND and Foundation Degree Level.

·  Provide academic and tutorial support and career guidance.

Term Times

All access programmes will be held at both Bede Campus and Washington Campus..

Autumn Term 2014

Monday 1 September: Autumn Term begins for Sixth Forms
Monday 15 September: Autumn Term begins for adult classes

Monday 27 to Friday 31 October: Half-term break (one week)

Friday 19 December: Last day of Autumn Term

Monday 22 December 2014 to Friday 2 January 2015: Christmas break
Spring Term 2015

Monday 5 January: Spring Term begins
Monday 16 to Friday 20 February: Half-term break (one week)
Thursday 2 April: Last day of Spring Term

Friday 3 April: Bank holiday

Monday 6 to Friday 17 April: Easter break (two weeks)

Summer Term 2015

Tuesday 22 April: Summer Term begins (Monday

Monday 4 May: Early May Bank holiday

Monday 25 May (Spring Bank holiday) to Friday 29 May: Half-term break (for one week)
Friday 3 July: End of term

Monday 6 July to Friday 14 August (Summer break, 6 weeks)

Course Content

The access programme has two main focus areas:

HE preparation - Includes tutorials and UCAS applications.

Career Guidance

Subject Units - Students must study five ,graded Level 3 units to give 45 credits and 15 credits ungraded units level 2 units to achieve 60 credits overall:

There are 4 Access Diplomas :-

Access to Higher Education (Health ) :- Professional Skills in Care, Social Policy and Welfare, Human Biology, Psychology, Contemporary Issues in Health, Maths, I.T. Study Skills and English.

Access to Higher Education (Humanities and Social Sciences ) ;- History, English, Sociology, Psychology, Social Policy and Welfare, Maths, IT, Study Skills.

Access to Higher Education (Educational Studies ) :- Teaching and Learning, English Literature, Sociology, Psychology, Human Biology, IT, Study Skills, Maths.

Access to Higher Education (Counselling ) :-Fundamental Skills, Counselling Theory, Psychology, Professional Skills, Personal Development, IT, Study Skills, Communication Skills.

Mark Scheme – Access Programme


Candidates must submit assignments for each unit as they are set within the UNIT guide.



Level 3

DISTINCTION: All learning outcomes and assessment criteria and grading descriptors must be achieved at an excellent level.

MERIT: All learning outcomes and assessment criteria and grading descriptors must be achieved at a very good level.

PASS: All learning outcomes must be achieved at a good level.

Unit guides contain guidance on achievable grades for each assessment.

Level 2

Level 2 units are ungraded and may be achieved or not achieved at a PASS grade only .Assignment must demonstrate correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure and use of paragraphs.


If you wish to progress to university to enter the nursing profession there are two North East Universities which a 3-year nursing degree:

These are:

1.  Northumbria University

2.  Teesside University

There are separate fields of nursing.

These are:

1.  Adult

2.  Children

3.  Learning Disabilities

4.  Mental Health


Operating Department Practitioner (ODP)

It is recommended that you apply for one branch of nursing only.


If you wish to progress to university to study midwifery the two North East Universities are:

1.  Northumbria University

2.  Teesside University

However, you may wish to apply to other universities outside the area which also offer the degree in midwifery or nursing.

Please be aware there are a very limited number of places available.

You must have GCSE maths at grade C or above and GCSE English also at C or above

Other Branches Health related professions

Other branches of health e.g. physiotherapy, occupational therapy, radiography, podiatry etc. are also available at university.

Social Work

If you wish to progress to university to study social work there are five institutions in this region which offer a degree:-

1.  Sunderland

2.  Northumbria

3.  New College Durham

4.  Teesside

5.  Cumbria

Note: You must check with the university if they require G.C.S.E. maths.


If you with to progress to university to study teaching there are three north-east university which offer teaching degrees:-

1.  Sunderland

2.  Northumbria

3.  Durham


If you wish to progress to university to study on a degree programme there are five north-east universities which offer a variety of degrees:-

1.  Newcastle

2.  Sunderland

3.  Northumbria

4.  Teesside

5.  Durham

Foundation Degrees

Sunderland College offer two-year foundation degrees in:-

Health and Social Care; Counselling, Education and Care and Early Childhood Studies. Foundation degrees are also offered at other colleges

Reading Weeks

Between Semester 1 and 2 and the end of Semester 2 there will be a reading and preparation week. In this week you will be expected to attend the learning centre, at the times you would normally be having lessons, to prepare for forthcoming units. Access teaching staff will be on duty in the learning centre to support you with your studies and to give you feedback on your progress to date.

Internal Assessment Board

The Assessment Board will meet in the Reading Weeks and at the end of the second semester.

Progression Board

The Progression Board will meet four weeks after the start of the course. Tutors will review student’s attendance, engagement with the programme and performance. Students who have not reached the expected level will be at risk and may be asked to leave the programme or offered an alternative route such as Preparation for Access.


You will be given the results of your assessments from subject tutors. All grades are provisional and will not be confirmed until after moderation. It is your responsibility to find out the grades you need to achieve your place at university. You must keep your tutor informed of your grade profile to make sure you are achieving the grades you need for your university place.

After the final awards meeting Oneawards will send your results electronically to UCAS who will then forward them to your university.

All students who successfully complete the course will receive a letter confirming this. Your official Oneawards certificate will be delivered to your home address. Please inform your tutor if you change your address and hand in an “amendment form” from College Receptions.

Attendance and Punctuality

Full punctual attendance is required for all parts of your course. Unsatisfactory attendance will be a factor taken into account at assessments boards. Three consecutive absences without informing your tutor or without a fit-note will result in your withdrawal from the programme.


A final good-bye and celebration will take place shortly after the Final Awards meeting. The date will be announced on Moodle.

Programme Delivery

One Year September to June and sometimes Fast Track January until June

Access study Room ;Workshops

For each unit studied the student will have workshop sessions as part of the curriculum model facilitated by a workshop tutor. Specific subject information i.e. lecture notes, assignments etc. will be displayed on your college Moodle Virtual Learning Environment site (VLE).

The study room is also available for independent study.

On line workshop support

We have an on-line workshop tutor to support students on this programme who may be accessed through Moodle. The email address for the on-line tutor is

Tutorial Support

Students are assigned a personal tutor who will deliver timetabled tutorial sessions and provide guidance throughout the course. During these sessions students will be given career guidance, supported by the College Advice and Guidance Team that will help to identify progression routes. Support and guidance will also be given with applications to higher education or further professional training however, students will be expected to undertake individual research within their chosen areas.

Workshop sessions will be held to further support this process.

Counselling Service

The college has a confidential counselling service which is available to all students. Arrangements to meet with a counsellor can be done at the reception desk at any centre.

Art and Design (please see Art and Design handbook for details )

Assessment Procedures (in line with QAA regulations and Oneawards guidelines)

Assessment schedules will be issued during induction week and displayed on Moodle.

Coursework ( Portfolio building )

Each unit on the programme is assessed by continuous coursework assignments to build up a portfolio. This coursework will have a deadline for completion. Meeting the deadline is part of the assessment criteria. Extensions to submission deadlines are possible in exceptional circumstances and must be agreed with the subject lecturer. Poor performance in assessments may be rectified through referral, see policy below. All assignments will be marked following a common set of grading guidelines in line with the QAA grading criteria which can be found within the unit guides for each assessment.

Time-constrained essays (exams)

Time-constrained assessments will be set for some subject units you study. You will be given a clearer indication of the subject of the time-constrained essays one-week prior to the planned date of assessment. These activities will take place in normal class contact time.

Extensions and Late Submissions

All assessments have a submission date for work to be handed in. Extensions must be agreed with unit tutor 3 days in advance of the submission date, genuine reasons will be considered and tutors can ask you to produce the relevant evidence e.g. fit-note etc. An extenuating circumstances form should be completed. (see Appendix 1) Unacceptable circumstances which will not be accepted include:

·  Computer failure

·  Traffic problems

·  Childcare problems

·  Holidays

·  Poor time management


Drafts are not allowed as there is a no drafts internal policy.

Special Circumstances – Access Programme

( please see appendix 3 for Oneawards guidelines on Referral policy ) )

Access Policy ; -

Students whose work does not meet the learning outcomes will be asked to re-submit work which will then be graded. This is known as a resubmission .( see appendix 3 )

Students failing to attend time-constrained assessments or submitting work, without prior notice to lecturer and/or tutor, may be allowed to sit such assessments at a later date. If this is the case then such assessments will achieve no more than a pass.

Students who do not meet the set deadlines without a genuine reason/mitigation will receive a pass grade only if work meets the criteria.


An appeal on the grade may be made via your tutor who will then consult with the module leader and finally the Curriculum Leader.

For a grade to be changed a representation must be made to the awarding body.

Academic Misconduct

In line with college policy work found to be plagiarised or found to be colluded will be returned to students for re-submission and will then only achieve a pass grade. (see Appendix 2)

Recognition of Prior Learning and Aegrotat Awards

This is dealt with in-line with provider policy.

Comments, Compliments, Complaints

We do our very best to make sure all students have a positive and enjoyable time with us on the Access course. However, if you need to comment about your programme the first port of call is:

Subject tutor, then

Personal tutor, then

Curriculum leader (Ann Inkson)

To comment or compliment please e-mail

Contacting staff

If you need to contact staff you can do this by e-mail or by telephone. Please do not leave important messages on the answer phone either speak to the member of staff directly, e-mail or leave a message in staffrooms at Bede or Washington Campus. Row Centre.