Pierce Choirs 2015-2016
Contact Information:
Voicemail – (313) 432-5207
Course Objectives
1. Develop vocal technique 3. Sing and perform challenging literature
2. Develop musical literacy 4. Explore a variety of musical styles
Expectations of Students
Students in a choir class are members of a large group. Each person has a responsibility to themselves, as well as to the whole group.
Students in the choir are asked to participate as follows:
o Cooperate in rehearsal with appropriate behavior and a positive attitude.
o Be prepared for class with a pencil, music, and binder.
o Attend class regularly, and attend scheduled rehearsals and performances.
o Be prepared with any daily assignments or weekly tests, and be able to demonstrate improvement in his/her singing skills.
Classroom Behavior
Students’ behavior during rehearsal is the single most important factor for the development of their individual skills, as well as the development of an excellent performing group. Choir classes are typically large groups and each student’s cooperation and respect is needed for success.
Rehearsal and Concert Attendance ---Performance is the culmination of practice and rehearsals. It is an essential element to a complete musical education. Therefore, concert attendance is a required part of all vocal music courses at Pierce. A calendar of required activities is included so that conflicts can be resolved well in advance.
Attendance policy
1. Excused absences are as follows:
a. Illness of student or family member
b. Absences which have been discussed by parent and teacher and agreed upon in advance
c. Absences of an emergency nature
2. Unexcused absences will result in a lowered grade.
Homework and class work --Class work will be given frequently; anything not finished during class time will be given as homework. All homework MUST be completed in pencil only. Late work is only accepted one week past the due date for 70% of the grade. You will recognize a late grade in pinnacle by the .01. Other codes on Pinnacle are; “Z” stands for missing and “X” excused. With 150 choir students and 35 drama students I will make mistakes and typos, please don’t get upset if you believe I made an error. Email me if you think there is a correction.
Class Participation --Active participation is an important factor in a student’s progress. Behavior, attitude, preparedness, cooperation, and sincerity of effort are figured into this portion of the grade. Students start with an A+ in participation, points will be deducted based on misuse of class time. (Gum, talking, disruptions, disrespect of others or the teacher)
Testing --Quizzes will be given to hold students accountable for vocal techniques, music vocabulary, music theory, music history and sight-reading.
Extra Credit Opportunities—Students will have a number of chances to earn extra credit throughout the school year. One way students may earn extra credit each quarter is by attending concerts as an audience member (suggested concerts are those occurring within the Grosse Pointe schools, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, etc.) Students can receive extra credit through concert attendance by submitting a signed program, or hand written note from their parent confirming their attendance at the show.
Concert Dress
7th & 8th graders:
-Dress rental forms will be distributed to the students and the $10 dress rental is due Friday, Sept. 18.
-The tan character shoes and ‘spanx’ (dance trunks) can be ordered in Fancy Dancer (now located at 23517 Mack, near 9 Mile). Boys need black socks and dress shoes.
-Do NOT wash or dry clean the girl’s uniforms or the boy’s vests without checking with me first. They require specific instructions.
6th grade boys and girls:
-A choir T-shirt ($8.00 ish) and khaki pants, capris or shorts (weather permitting) and a brown or black belt.
-clean looking sneakers. No sandals please.
DATE / ACTIVITYThursday, Oct. 1& 2 / Cookie Dough Kickoff
Friday, Oct. 9 / 7th Grade Choreography 10:22-11:18
8th Grade Choreography 2:00-5:00 on Stage / Required
Saturday, Oct. 10 / 6th Grade Choreography 9:00-12:00 on Stage
7th Grade Choreography 1:00-3:00 on Stage
Finale OPTIONAL 3:00-5:00 / Required
Extra Credit
Thursday, Oct. 29 / Halloween Concert, 6:30 Call, 7:00 Show / Required
Friday, Oct. 30 / Halloween Pride Show- bring costume etc.
Parents welcome
Thursday, Nov. 19 / Cookie Dough Delivery- 10:30-4:30 Boys Gym
Sunday, Nov. 22 / Grosse Pointe Park Tree Lighting-8th grade
Windmill Point Park (6:15 call time) / Extra Credit
Friday, December 11 / Too Hot To Handel- 11:00 8th grade Field Trip
Monday, March 7 / Rehearsal for District Choral Festival 3:30-5:00 on stage
7/8 / Required
Wednesday, March 16 / 7/8 MSVMA District Choral Festival - Tentative
Some parent chaperones needed / Required
(Weekend to Be determined ) / 8th Grade Choreography 2:00-5:00 on Stage (Friday)
6th Grade Choreography 9:00-12:00 on Stage (Saturday)
7th Grade Choreography 1:00-4:00 on Stage (Saturday)
FINALE (optional / extra credit) 4:00-6:00 (Saturday) / Required
Finale not required
Friday- Saturday,
April 22-23 / 8th Grade Chicago Trip / Festival competition / Optional
Saturday, May 14 / 6/7 Cedar Point Festival In The Park / Optional
Thursday, May 19 / Spring Choir Concert
6:30 call, 7:00 Show / Required
Friday, May 20 / Pride show and Elementary show 2:30 - Bring uniform
Uniform Collection 7/8 @ 3:30 choir room / Required
Pierce Choirs 2015-2016
Parent/Guardian Information
Student Name:______
Parent Name:______
Anything you would like me to know about your child regarding choir?
Parents are an important part of the choirs at Pierce. Please check any areas of expertise or where you are willing to volunteer your time. Many thanks in advance!!
______Fitting students for choir outfits 4-5 parents needed (a day or two in September, you pick)
· 7th grade 10:22-11:18 (Tuesday-Friday)
· 8th Grade 4th hr & 6th hr
______Sewing alterations on choir outfits 7 & 8 only (Sewing in exchange for a Chicago discount possible?)
______Photographer for choir- some events and rehearsals (whatever you can attend)
______Stage Decorating for the Halloween Concert- any décor we can borrow? Can you help set up / tear down?
______Cookie Dough Checking orders / counting money (during school hours / flexible times)
______Cookie dough Delivery- supervision & organization (Tentatively Nov. 19, 2 hr shift from 10-4:30)
______Chaperone 8th Grade “Too Hot To Handel” Dec. 11 at 11:00 field trip
______Chaperone MSVMA District Choral Festival March 10 or 11- during school day
______Chaperone Cedar Point trip May 14 (6th & 7th grade only)
______Chaperone Chicago Trip April 22-23 (8th grade only)
______Uniform collection & laundering May 20th ½ day following Pride show
______accompanying choirs on piano, running sectional rehearsals during the day?