Russellville High School - Understanding by Design Template

Teacher: Cheryl Massengale Topic: Protists and Fungi Grade: 10th Subject: Biology

Stage 1- Desired Results
Established Goals:
Describe the characteristics used to classify protists:
  • plant-like
  • animal-like
  • fungal-like
Evaluate the medical and economic importance of protists.
Compare and contrast fungi with other eukaryotic organisms.
Evaluate the medical and economic importance of fungi.
Students will understand that…..
  • Protists include a variety of eukaryotic cells that do not fit into any other category of eukaryotes and are classified by the way they obtain nutrition.
  • Protists and fungi are abundant, diverse and successful organisms
  • Protists and fungi are eukaryotic organisms that fill several niches in the environment
  • Fungi are classifies by their method of reproduction and spore production
/ Essential Questions:
  1. What are the distinguishing characteristics of protists and fungi in terms of:
  2. anatomic features
  3. food getting and reproductive methods
  4. metabolic activities
  5. environmental responses
  6. uses/diseases

Student will know….
  • Protists and Fungi are eukaryotes
  • Protists and fungi have both unicellular and multicellular members
  • Decomposers, like fungi, recycle nutrients
  • Protists and fungi are classified into groups based on the structure and other characteristics
  • Autotrophic protists start many aquatic food chains
/ Student will be able to…
  • Describe the general characteristics of protists.
  • List the four main groups of protozoans?
  • Describe the methods of movement and feeding used by protozoans.
  • List the three main groups of plant-like protozoans.
  • Distinguish among paramecia, amoeba, and euglenoids.
  • Explain how protists are adapted to their environment.
  • Describe the negative effects of overpopulation of various protists.
  • Tell the negative effects of fungal-like protists.
  • Describe the general characteristics of fungi
  • List the main groups of fungi and identify their members
  • Describe the sexual and asexual methods used by the fungal groups
  • Tell the economic importance of both protists and fungi
  • Tell the medical importance of both protists and fungi

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
  • Protist Identification Lab
  • Growing mold Lab
/ Other Evidence:
  • Quizzes
  • Lab reports
  • Tests
  • Class discussion
  • Cold call questioning

Stage 3 - Learning Plan
  • PowerPoints on Protists and Fungi
/ Summary:
This unit teaches students the characteristics used to identify the various groups of protists and fungi and the medical and economic importance of each group.