8th Grade

Teacher: Ms. Sally StewartPlanning Time: 10:45 – 11:30


Text: Bridges to Algebra; Each student will have their own textbook.

Textbook Website:

School Code is: wolfe county ms-41301

Objective: Students will study material based on algebraic ideas through group learning with the incorporation of technology. Students will explore concepts related to the four strands of mathematics: Numbers and Computation, Geometry and Measurement, Probability and Statistics, and Algebraic Ideas. One of the goals of this class if to relate concepts learned in the classroom to the real world.

Materials: 3-ring binder or pocket folder, paper, and pencils. Calculators, rulers, protractors, and other manipulatives will be provided for students to use during school.

Notebook: Students will be required to have a notebook. Notebooks will contain notes, quizzes, bellringers, tests, and vocabulary. Checklists will be given to students before I take them up to grade at the end of the nine weeks.

Homework: Students will be given ample time to complete assignments in class. However, assignments may need to be finished at home on occasion.

Quizzes: Several weekly. Quizzes will be over homework and content covered in class.

Tests: Pre and Post-tests will be given for each chapter. Results will be sent home and parent signatures will be required.

Attendance: Absolutely necessary and make-up work will be according to the Code of Conduct Book.

8th Grade Math

Bridges to Algebra Curriculum Map


Month / Chapter / Topic
August / 1, 2, 3 / Number Sense, Fractions, & Mixed Numbers
September / 4, 5 / Decimals, Ratios, and Proportions
October / 6, 7 / Percents and Integers
November / 14, 8 / Number Systems & Algebraic Problem Solving
December / 13 / Linear Functions
January / 9, 10 / Geometric Figures their properties (Area)
February / 12, 15 / Volume, Surface Area, & Transformations
March / 11 / Probability & Statistics
April / 1 – 15 / End of Course Review
May / 1 - 15 / End of Course Review

The curriculum map is a tentative schedule for the year. Some chapters may take more or less time, therefore changes will be made accordingly.

I have read the syllabus and am aware of the course requirements.

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______
