NOVEMBER17, 2011

A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on November17, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.

Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;DeVore,Gustafson,Heaton, Moos,Thomas, Truax and Mayor Moser. Absent: Attorney Anson and Gary Carsten.

Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the October20thmeeting. TrusteeThomas moved to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 6 -0.

Item 3–Public Hearing on proposed 2012 Budget. Mayor Moser opened the public hearing on the budget for comments. Trustee Truax mentioned he thought it would be in the Town’s best interest to fund the Great Western Trail Authority (GWTA) and would like funding set aside for the Eaton Town Trail. Trustee Thomas stated the Town needs a Transportation Plan done in order to go after any outside funding available, such as grants etc, for trails. Trustee Thomas concurs that funding should be given to the GWTA. Trustee Gustafson is not in favor of funding the GWTA. Steve Bagley and Tom Jones, members of the GWTA Board were in attendance to answer questions and provide information. Claud Hanes, local resident and business owner, encouraged the board to continue funding the GWTA. No further comments from the public so the hearing is closed. The Board would like to see something included in the budget for parking and sidewalks around the Town Square. Mayor Moser questioned the need for the proposed columbarium, the lawn mower and police car purchase and wondered if they could be delayed for another year. Assistant Administrator, Don Cadwallader reported that Gary’s policy has been to keep equipment in good condition and up to date to avoid higher repair expenses. Chief Jacobson has always priced vehicle purchases at very low prices yet maintaining good quality.

Item 4 –Resolution regarding National Incident Management System (NIMS). Mayor Moser stated this resolution was supposed to be in place when the plan was adopted a few months ago and could hold up funding if not adopted. Trustee Thomas moved adoption, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Motion carried 6 – 0.

Item 5 –Comments/Questions. Shawn Ragan, owner of Cornerstone Community Store, appeared before the board to request the town give consideration to changing part of the sign ordinance. Mr. Ragan had a sign placed on Highway 85 giving directions to his business and was asked to remove it because a complaint had been received. The ordinance does not allow off premises advertising. Mr. Ragan had permission from the owner to place the sign on his property. Concluding discussion Trustee Truax moved to suspend a portion of the ordinance for sixty days, to allow Mr. Ragan to place his sign, until further research is done and possible modifications are made, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Upon further discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Trustee DeVore moved to allow off-site special signs, as defined in Section 7-10-5-e or Ordinance No. 519 for sixty daysthereby giving the board time to review it, up to and including our January meeting, seconded by Trustee Gustafson. Roll call; Thomas-aye, Truax-aye, Heaton-aye, Moos-aye, Gustafson-aye and DeVore-aye. Motion carried 6 - 0.

Item 6 –Reports. Don Cadwallader reported the EPA has finally arrived to start cleanup at the Sugar Factory which will take two to three months minimum. Don provided a copy of the revised construction meter and bulk water policy that includes a new paragraph as follows: The water provided by the Town is “CBT” water which can only be used within the boundaries of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. The District requires us to report to them at year end where the water we sell is delivered, so we must receive from you a report as to which section and township you delivered your water. This report is due when payment for water is made. A map of the district boundaries is attached for your use. The number of oil companies wanting to buy water from the town is escalating substantially. Research is being done on cost and location placement of a water station, which would keep the water trucks out of the subdivisions and away from the fire hydrants. It takes up to twenty acre feet of water to frack one well. The board would like to see further research and cost analysis done regarding the water station. Trustee Truax gave the board an update of the Eaton Trail Committee’s meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Item 7–– Adjourn. Asthere was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk