Application Details:
Position applied for: / Salary Expectations: £
Where did you first hear about this vacancy?
 Newspaper Resort Website Internet
Employee (name) …………………………………Other (please state) ………………………………….
Are you looking for full time or part time employment?

Personal Information:



Maiden Name (if applicable):





NI Number:

Post Code:



Do you have the right to work in the UK without restriction? Yes No


Place of Birth:

Visa Details:

Education and Qualifications:

Secondary Schools attended / Qualifications obtained including grades
Colleges / Universities attended / Qualifications obtained including grades
Are you a member of any Professional Institutes? Please state:
What foreign languages do you speak, if any? Please state your level of competency:

Employment History:

Present or most recent employment

Employers Name:



Job Title:

Reason for leaving:

Period of notice required:

Post Code:



Please give details of your key duties and responsibilities:

Previous employment

Employers Name:


Job Title:

Reason for leaving:

Post Code:



Please give details of your key duties and responsibilities:

Other employment (use continuation sheet if necessary)
Employer / Job Title / Reason for Leaving
Please provide any supporting information which makes you particularly suited to the job.
Tell us about your skills, abilities and experiences gained through previous employment, voluntary or community work, spare-time activities, training and any other areas that you think may be relevant.

Continue on separate sheet if necessary


Are you in good health?


Yes No

If no, please give further information:

Are you a registered disabled person?


Yes No

If yes, please give registration number:

Please tell us about any adjustments we may need to make to assist you if you are selected for interview:

Have you ever suffered any serious illness or had any major operation?


Yes No

If yes, please give details:

Are you prepared to undergo a medical examination prior to employment?


Yes No

In case of emergencies who should we contact?

Phone Day:Phone Evening:Mobile:

Supplementary Information:

Please give details of any holidays arranged:
Are you subject to any restraints in your current or future employment? /

Yes No

If yes, please give further information:
Do you have any commitments which may limit your working hours? /

Yes No

If yes, please give details. (e.g. military reserve, local government)
Are you willing to work overtime and/or at weekends when required? /

Yes No

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?

(which is not a spent conviction under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)


Yes No

If yes, please give further information.

Have you ever worked for The Celtic Manor Resort?


Yes No

If yes, reason for leaving:

Are you member of The Celtic Manor Resort Golf or Leisure Club?


Yes No

Do any members of your family currently work at The Celtic Manor Resort?


Yes No

Do you have a current full driving licence?


Yes No

Does your licence have any current endorsements? If yes, please give further information:

Please list your interests and hobbies:


Please give details below of two people who we can contact for a confidential assessment of your suitability for this role. These should be your two most recent employers. Personal references should only be given where there is no previous employer. Please note referees must not be related to you.
Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Post Code: / Post Code:
Contact Number: / Contact Number:
Occupation: / Occupation:
Tick in box if you do not wish your employer to be contacted before an offer of employment is made
Before signing below, please be sure to read through carefully what you have written, and check that you have filled in all of the sections correctly. Your signature will be taken as:
  1. Acknowledgement that all the information you have provided is complete, correct and not misleading.
  2. Your understanding that any offer of employment is subject to the receipt of satisfactory references and your permission for us to approach your referees and previous employers to obtain references.
  3. Confirmation that you agree that your personal details can be held, and processed, by The Celtic Manor Resort in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
  4. Authorisation that your personal details, may, from time to time, be passed to 3rd parties (such as the Employment Services) as part of our recruitment procedures.
  5. I understand that any false information or deliberate omissions will disqualify me from employment or may render me liable for dismissal.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form. Please return your application to:

Donna Jenkins

Recruitment Officer

Human Resources Department

The Celtic Manor Resort

Coldra Woods

The Usk Valley

South Wales

NP18 1HQ

Due to the large number of applications received in the Human Resources Department, unfortunately we are unable to respond to all applicants. If you have not heard from us within a 4 week period of submitting your form, please assume that on this occasion it has been unsuccessful.

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This form is confidential and not used as part of the selection process. /

The Celtic Manor Resort is committed to a policy of Equal Opportunities. To assist in the implementation and monitoring of this policy, we would be grateful if you would provide the information requested. Applications are welcome from all sections of the community.

Position applied for:………………………………………………….


Which category best describes the ethnic group to which you belong:

(Categories by Commission for Racial Equality 2001 Census)

White / Black or Black British / Chinese or other ethnic group
 / British /  / Caribbean /  / Chinese
 / Irish /  / African /  / Any other
Any other white background please specify
______/ Any other black background please specify
______/ Any other please specify
Mixed / Asian or Asian British
 / White and Black Caribbean /  / Indian
 / White and Black African /  / Pakistani
 / White and Asian / Bangladeshi
Any other mixed background please specify
______/ Any other Asian background please specify


Male Female

Please indicate what age group applies to you:

16 - 19  40 - 49Over 65

20 - 29  50 - 59

30 - 39  60 - 64

Are you a person with a disability?

 Yes No

If Yes, are you registered?

 Yes No

Should you have a disability that would result in specific requirements at interview, please provide details with on your application form.

Is there anyone who relies on you for day to day care and attention:

Children under 5

Children 5 – 16

Sick or elderly relative or friends

Thank you for your assistance.

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