the College Activities Office at Barnard College

2013Native AmericanHeritage Month

Committee Member Application

The CC/SEAS Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) and Student Life at Barnard College are currently accepting applications for the 2013Native American Heritage Month Committee. We are looking for students who are interested and enthusiastic about contributing their creativity time for the development of NAHM.

The NAHM Committee will meet regularly to discuss and plan all events for the month of November. Prior involvement in other organizations or leadership experience isnot required for participation in the NAHM committee.

Name ______

Class Year: ______

Major (Anticipated): ______

Local Address ______

Phone ______

E-mail ______

  1. Please indicate which positionyou are most interested in(rank top choices, 1-8):

______Executive Co-Chairs (Overall Event Management)______

______Treasurer ______



2. Please indicate the name of any other organization(s) in which you hold a leadership position

(for informational purposes only):

3. State why you are interested in joining the committee(please attach additional sheet if necessary)

4. Are you involved in any outside activities other than student organizations (i.e., work, alumni involvement, community service organizations, club or varsity sports, etc.)? If so, please indicate your time commitment for each activity:

  1. As a member of the NAHM Committee, students are asked to commit their time and effort to aid in successful planning. By signing this application, you affirm that you understand this time commitmentand will therefore attend regular meetings as established by the collective committee (Bi-Weekly, Weekly and/or on an On-Call basis). The co-chairs will meet weekly on Friday afternoons with the Advisors.



  1. Application Checklist

□Signed application

□Letter of reference


Please complete and return application by Friday, September20, 2010 via email to Hayden Greene at r in person at the following locations:

Student Life, The Diana Center, room 301 - Barnard College