Greetings from the Office of the Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS)!
As organizers, we are pleased to announce that the FAONS is now accepting proposals for symposia and mini-symposia for The 10th International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) World Congress of Neuroscience, taking place in the exciting city of Daegu, South Korea from September 21- 25, 2019.
Please complete and submit the mandated symposia proposal form by April 9, 2018. The FAONS Executive Committee will then review the submitted proposals to select the candidate proposals and then will forward their recommendations to the IBRO Scientific Programs Committee. The symposia selections will then be announced by the end of May of 2018. Each approved symposium proposal will receive financial support to facilitate the symposium organizers in attracting their outstanding speakers.
Important dates to remember:
•Call for symposia will be closed on April 9, 2018
•Successful applicants will be confirmed by the end of May of 2018
Symposia Guidelines
Symposia may be proposed by the members of FAONS member societies.
There are two options, which are symposia and mini-symposia. Symposia has to be two hours (2hours) with four to five speakers (25 min. talk per speaker), and mini-symposia has to be an hour and a half in length (1.5hours) with 6 speakers (12 min. talk and 3 min. Q&A per speaker).
The participation of all speakers must be confirmed prior to the submission of the proposal.
Proposals covering a novel topic not represented in previous FAONS meetings as well as with high diversity of age (priority will be given to proposals with young scientist), gender (balance of male and female speakers), and geographical location of the speakers will be preferred.
For each accepted symposium we provide financial support ($2,000 USD per symposia) to facilitate symposia organizers in attracting outstanding speakers including free registration and 5 nights on-site accommodation.
All proposals and any questions you may have should be addressed to:
Dr. Sung-Oh Huh, President of FAONS
Symposia Proposal FormTitle of Proposal
Type of Proposal / □ Symposium (2 hours) / □ Mini- Symposium(1.5 hours)
Description of Proposal
[Information on Chair]
Gender / □ Male / □ Female
Phone Number
Please list three scientific articles in which the Chair’s research has been published.
[Information on Speaker 1]
Gender / □ Male / □ Female
Phone Number
Please list three scientific articles in which the Speaker 1’s research has been published.
[Information on Speaker 2]
Gender / □ Male / □ Female
Phone Number
Please list three scientific articles in which the Speaker 2’s research has been published.
[Information on Speaker 3]
Gender / □ Male / □ Female
Phone Number
Please list three scientific articles in which the Speaker 3’s research has been published.
[Information on Speaker 4]
Gender / □ Male / □ Female
Phone Number
Please list three scientific articles in which the Speaker 4’s research has been published.
[Information on Speaker 5]
Gender / □ Male / □ Female
Phone Number
Please list three scientific articles in which the Speaker 4’s research has been published.
[Information on Speaker 6]
Gender / □ Male / □ Female
Phone Number
Please list three scientific articles in which the Speaker 4’s research has been published.