All Saints Church of England Primary School
We aim “to create a happy, caring, secure and stimulating environment in which children are supported to accelerate progress and grow as individuals, and where the community enjoy our facilities to promote life-long learning.”(From school aims)
Through our Strategic Improvement Plan we hope to meet these aims and move towards becoming an outstanding school.
Section 1: Long term goals and priorities for development.
The Context for development:
School profile:
We have 185 pupils on roll: 95 boys, 90 girls,and 27 in our pre-school. There are high levels of vulnerable children: 57% of pupils receive Free School meals,35% are children causing concern and 23% have Special Needs. Mobility is slightly above average at 4.5% and this year there has been a significant improvement in attendance which is in line with national averages
Standards and progress:
From very low entry points, in 2013, 60% of pupils reached a ‘good level of development’ in the Foundation Stage, in line with National Average. This demonstrates good progress. Pupils have made good and some outstanding progress through Key Stage 1 and attainment at the end of Key Stage 1 is improving. 80% of pupils reached expected levels in Maths and Reading and 70% in writing. There has also been a significant rise in pupils meeting higher levels of attainment at the end of Key Stage 1However there is still more work to be done to raise standards in reading further, and to accelerate boys’ progress.
At Key Stage 2, pupils make good progress, and by the time pupils leave All Saints at the end of Yr 5 they have closed attainment gaps with their peers nationally and the vast majority make above expected progress in reading writing and maths.Pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium grant perform equally well and in some cases produce outstanding standards. All in all there is a consistent picture of improving progress across the school. However there remainsopportunity to continue to narrow the gender gap. Girls perform especially well in writing, and boys’ in maths. On average SEN children make good to outstanding progress across the school.Our nurture provision is well established, as pupils make emotional as well as academic progress. Nurture continues to be a priority as the work of the Family Link Workers develops. This is especially important in emotionally supporting pupils so they are ready to learn.
Leadership and Management:
In our March 2014 Ofsted Inspection, which requires us to improve, leadership of the school was reported as having ‘clear capacity for further improvement’. This with a distinct focus on strengthening teaching and learning whilst embedding the New National Curriculum, will form the basis of our improvement drive to secure an Ofsted grading of at least good by Spring 2016. This was echoed by HMI in July 2014 which noted that the “School leaders and Governors are taking effective action to tackle areas that require improvement” Following a Governance review and reconstitution the Governing Body are embedding their fully active role in ensuring accountability as the school continues to improve.
Our Section 48 Inspection(Diocese, April 2012) was good. We continue to develop our identity as a Church of England School with the needs of parents and families who attend our school in the community of Wigston. The role of Foundation Governors is central to this. Our thriving ‘FAST’ team and Parental partnership continues to improve and use of the community centre is healthy, yet there is more work to be done to improve the conditions of the environment to inspire all learning and teaching Our next challenges are to begin to secure and prepare for a possible return of provision for Year 6 pupils with our High School colleagues, and the implications for Academy Status for pupils and families at our school; enabling us to be
‘All Saints: All growing, All learning, Altogether’.
To embed this, our goals for the next three years 2014-2017 are:
Effective Learning Environment:Enabling environment facilitates raised attainment, accelerated progress and holistic development for each child, the school acts as a central learning hub for the community. /
- Attendance consistently inline or above National Average.
- Effective partnerships with stakeholders embedded to support effective outcomes for pupils, Leading Parent Partnership Award maintained.
- Effective and efficient IT network across school: ICT mark,
- Building developed to meet the needs of Yr 6 returning and to minimise open-plan design.
Governance and Leadership:
School judged good or better by Ofsted.
Sustained role as Yr 6 return. Academy status established underpinned by embedded Christian values and school supported by active governance and dynamic staffing structure. /
- Secure good or better judgment by Ofsted January 2016 onwards.
- Work towards Securing academy status and return of Yr. 6, when time is right for All Saints and to meet the needs of all All Saints pupils through a fit for purpose staffing structure.
- Core subject leaders are effective in challenging and leading dynamic teaching & learning
- Governance is consistently effective to hold school to account and so to ensure sustained progress of pupils and closing of achievement gaps between groups of pupils.
- Co-working with partnership schools is firmly embedded in preparation for academy status when the time is right for All Saints.
Raised attainment and accelerated Progress.
Sustained 3 year trend shows a consistent increase in raised attainment and accelerated progress for all pupils. /
- Secure good or better judgment by Ofsted January 2016 onwards.
- Highly motivating curriculum and delivery inspires, engages and motivates pupils to learn,
- Good and outstanding teaching ensures all pupil groups make sustained progress
- Pupil Premium Grant evidences accelerated progress to narrow gaps for vulnerable pupils
Curriculum provision and development:
Creative curriculum amplification of New Curriculum has a sustained positive impact upon outcomes. /
- Secure good or better judgment by Ofsted January 2016 onwards.
- New National Curriculum and International Primary Curriculum firmly embedded
- Alternative and outdoor provision directly supports sustained and consistent progress
- Equalities and ICT award secured,
- ICT effectively embedded across teaching and learning and the management of the school.
- Effective development and maintenance cycle established for subject areas.
The priorities for the current academic year 2014-2015 are:
Effective Learning Environment:To ensure the learning environment continues facilitates effective conditions for pupil’s learning that enable inspirational teaching and accelerated progress. /
- Continue to develop and enhance parental partnerships so good communication and understanding between home and school underpins pupil progress.
- Continue to raise attendance in line with National Average, Ensuring that attendance continues to improve and fewer pupils are regularly absent (OFSTED)
- Continue to maintain a safe and secure physical environment that actively enhances Teaching and Learning and an emotional environment that reflects high standards of wellbeing, behaviour and communication across the school:
- Develop IT capacity so that the infrastructure in the school effectively supports use of IT mobile devices to enhance teaching and learning.
- Relocate and develop library to better motivate literacy and inspire young readers.
- Maintain development of outdoorlearning environment, extending provision of fixed equipment for KS1
RobustGovernance and Leadership:
By May 2015 secure Ofsted grading of good or better, to reflect consistently improving outcomes and an increase in above expected progress for pupils. /
- Strengthen and enhance role of Governors by embedding the outcomes of the Governance Review.
- Embed collaboration with partner school, other local alliances and Diocese to secure effective CPD and local preparation for Year 6 return in Autumn 2016.
- Develop skills of Senior Leadersto challenge accountability and further support whole school development of teaching and learning.
- Manage cohesive implementation multiple changes: revised National Curriculum, including data and tracking, Code of practice for SENDand ‘Food for Life’ programme to reconcile and amplify whole school development.
Consistently Raised Attainment and Accelerated Progress:
To meet the academic targets for accelerated progress and raised attainment for all pupils through enhanced teaching and timely and well-focused interventions. /
- Progress and Attainment:Sustain consistency in progress across all year groups and increase acceleration of attainment so that:
100% pupilsYears 1-5: Pupils meet individual targets which are at least 6 points progress as measured by Essex Target Tracker Steps
- Vulnerable Groups: Continue to close gaps for vulnerable pupils: particularly double disadvantaged (eg Pupil Premium and More able) implementing the new SEN Code of practice, developing staff expertise in support for autism and
- Curricular targets:Raise specific attainment: in Reading, writing and maths to embed greater consistency for all groups of pupils.
Writing: increase writing attainment across the school, specifically for boys; embed new handwriting scheme.
CLLD: secure phonic development and application for early readers across the school.
Mathscontinue to embed problem solving and reasoning with focus on application of mental arithmetic (number bonds and multiplication facts
- Improvethe quality of teaching and learning so it consistently judged good or better by May 2015.
Enriched Curriculum Provision and focused Curriculum Development:
To extend experiential learning through a creative curriculum delivery that is responsive to the academic, social and emotional needs of pupils at All Saints. /
- Embed the revisedNational Curriculum for Maths and English
- Implement the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) toaugment and enable Science and the Foundation Subjects of the revised National Curriculum.
- Embed impact of Sports Grant, specifically increasing dance and gymnastic expertise of staff.
- Maintain development of the wider curriculum (clubs and activities) and development of outdoor provision.
Section 2:2014-15 Action Plan
1.Effective Learning Environment:To ensure the learning environment continues facilitates effective conditions for pupil’s learning that enable inspirational teaching & accelerated progress.
Target / Input, activities and tasks / Lead / Timing / Resources / Monitoring / Success criteria
Continue to develop and enhance parental partnerships so good communication and understanding between home and school underpins pupil progress. / Continue to communicate and work with parents to ensure they have a good understanding and confidence in the school’s arrangements to tackle behaviour and bullying.
Consult with parents on refresh of Whole School Behaviour Policy
Raise parental awareness of anti- bullying and use of our behaviour code through engagement of pupils’ performances and expressive arts
Review Leading Parent Partnership strategy
Family Learning Programme
Strengthen use of IT systems to communicate with parents, using appropriate social networking, increased use of photos and video
Increase attendance at drop in sessions.
Increase opportunities for parents to engage with their children’s learning, especially through ‘Food for Life’ project. / JLM/DS
KH/AV / Continu
Oct + / £400 (website)
HT & Staff time
DHT Time
Staff time
AV Time, £400
Fl tutor time
Office support time
Time / Feedback and comments from parents
Parental response and input in to policy
Parent surveys shows improved understanding of school’s procedures
Milestones on LPPA plan
Uptake of Family Learning / Increased parental understanding of behaviour policy
Increased engagement in anti-bullying procedures
Increased uptake and participation by parents in school activities and school life
LPA renewed in May 2015
Continue to raise attendance in line with National Average, Ensuring that attendance continues to improve and fewer pupils are regularly absent (OFSTED) / Raise attendance to above 95%
Continue to reduce persistent absence
Reduce % of pupils who are regularly late
Refresh and repeat strategy as 2013-14 strengthening and embedding culture of good attendance.
Continue to work with AES, to move hard to reach families / JLM
JLM / By Dec 2014 / £500 (rewards)
NS time
NS/office admin time
£800 AES / Structured weekly and fortnightly monitoring of attendance and punctuality tracked by Attendance officer. / Attendance rises above 95%
Persistent absence in line with national or below
Persistent lateness reduces to
Continue to maintain a safe and secure physical environment that actively enhances Teaching and Learning and an emotional environment that reflects high standards of wellbeing, behaviour and communication across the school: / Embed new Safeguarding guidelines in line with OFSTED guidance Sept 2014.
Secure refresh of Team Teach training.
Review Investors in People award 2014
Ensure all community groups rigorously follow procedures.
Update policy and practice in management of the Community usage of facilities
Establish business plan to invest and renew/refurb conditions of community facilities and school environment.
Develop IT capacity so that the infrastructure in the school effectively supports use of IT mobile devices to enhance teaching and learning. (ipads)
Relocate and develop library to better motivate literacy and inspire young readers.
Maintain development of outdoor learning env, extending provision of fixed equipment for KS1 / JLM
JLM/AV / By Jan 2014
By March 2014
By end Autumn term
By Oct ½ term / HT time
Admin time
Admin time
£10,000 / Record compliance
Termly procedure audit
Monitor library usage through new tracking system
Milestones / New Safeguarding Compliance in place
Premises continue to be a safe place to learn, with effective procedures to manage safeguarding Community use of premises is sustainable, safe and enhances the school as a centre of learning.
Library becomes an inspiring place to support development of reading for pleasure.
2.Robust Governance and Leadership:
By May 2015 secure Ofsted grading of good or better, to reflect consistently improving outcomes and an increase in above expected progress for pupils.
Target / Input, activities and tasks / Lead / Timing / Resources / Monitoring / Success criteria
Strengthen and enhance role of Governors by embedding the outcomes of the Governance Review. / a)Review the size , composition and structure of the Governing body including a skills audit, & training plan
b)Ensure school accountability including the understanding and use of school data,
c)Measure and assess impact in terms of the Governing Body’s contribution to school improvements.
d)Develop contacts with other schools and sectors of the school community. / JC/JLM
JC/JLM / Sept +
Sept+ / £1,200 Gov review
Additional Governor training package / As per milestones on Governance Action Plan
Evidenced in Govs’ minutes as reported actions and as impact on outcomes / Governors effectively support the leadership and management of the school so that leadership is at least good and there are improved outcomes for pupils
SEF for Teaching and Learning is accurate and is effective in accelerating pupil progress.
Embed collaboration with partner school, other local alliances and Diocese to secure effective CPD and local preparation for Year 6 retention in Autumn 2016 / a)Develop sustainable partnership with NLE school.
b)Invest in Target Tracker shared data system to exchange data across partner schools.(Multi-tracker)
c)Interschool joint lesson observation continues to ensurethat evaluation of teaching is accurate enough and takes into account sufficiently the progress made by pupils
d)Implement Interschool lesson study programme to improve quality First Teaching.
e)JoinOadby Learning Partnership to support CPD needs across school
f)Work with local primary and high schools to drive forward Yr 6 retention in September 2016
g)With Governors draft plan return of Year 6 in All Saints in September 2016.
h)Restructure Officeand facilities staff to support re-alignment of SBM role in readiness for YR 6 return and eventual Academy Status. / JLM
DJ / Cont Sept+
On going
Jan+ / £1K
Gov time
DHT time
Admin time
Staff mtg
NLE support
LA rep + additional time / Milestone impact
Comparative data reports
Validation and cross school moderation of T&L judgement from LA rep, NLE and HMI
JLM & NLE lesson Obs
SLT feedback impact of meetings, Impact on pupil outcomes in curric action plan
WGP group mins
Milestone monitoring / Capacity for school improvement is secured and further enhanced as school works alongside partners to strengthen self-evaluation
Pupil progress is embedded in evaluation of Teaching and Learning.
School leaders demonstrate excellence in leading T&L in their subject areas
Capacity is strengthened within SLT for accountability for whole school outcomes
Plans in place to support retention of Year 6
Restructured admin team effectively supports school to increase outcomes for pupils.
Develop skills of Senior Leaders to challenge accountability and further support whole school development of teaching and learning. / a)Specific NPSL course for Deputy Head Teacher, and Deputy Mentoring from partner school deputy to strengthen first year in role.
b)Middle leader courses through OLP for KEH and AV
c)SENCo support through local partnerships
d)Strengthen focus of monitoring and use of data at Middle leader level through specific training and introduction of monitoring software’ Perspective’.
e)Develop role of SENCo, LitCo and Maths Co in Pupil Progress meeting to further challenge and support core learning in these areas and ensure specific CPD is focussed to have impact on pupil outcomes.