Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12: 2 (NIV)

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Jesus said:

“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly”

John’s Gospel 10:10

Jesus said:

“Let the children come to me; do not stop them; for it is such as these that the Kingdom of God belongs.”

Mark’s Gospel 10: 14

Dear Friends

Greetings from Togo

The months that have passed since our last newsletter have been busy and varied. The arrival of water was the cause of a great celebration in the village of Vogan. Sheila has been the link between the Network in Cumbria District and the setting up of a water project in Vogan. With the help and direction of the development department of the Methodist Church in Togo (PMDCT), and the funds raised by Network, a well and pump have been constructed to provide a much needed source of water to the church and the surrounding community in Vogan. There was great rejoicing when the church opened the pump officially giving praise to God during the visit of the then president of Network, Cumbria Sylvia Hall and her husband Rev Gilbert Hall(Sheila’s Parents). The church is now beginning to train some of the women in market gardening

using the water to irrigate the


The Project Dieu N’Oublie Personne (DNOP) has continued, providing food and support for orphaned children. The project now supports 15 children and many of the carers have received loans to start small businesses like selling tomatoes or maize on the road side and with the money they earn they learn to provide for their child themselves.

We are seconded by the Methodist Church of Great Britain to the Methodist Church inTogo as mission partners, sharing in the work of building God’s Kingdom across the world.

For further information and details about how you can help support this work, please get in touch, (address below) or contact the World Church Relationships Office of the Methodist Church at:

Methodist Church House

25 Marylebone Road



0207 486 5502

Contact Us

C/O, L’Eglise Méthodiste du Togo

BP 49,



West Africa

+228 9154 88 29

Mailing Options

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Adjovi’s story can be seenon the DNOP DVD, (available on request), or alternatively on YouTube:

The school year finished in May for the students in Aného to whom Sheila was teaching English and they will be starting again at the end of September. She is following the same class through the school.

Michael has been working with the Christian radio training organization Mediafrique in evangelism through radio.

He has also been a link in providing much needed biblical and theological literature for preachers and pastors of the Methodist Church here in Togo in partnership with Langham Literature in the UK.

Michael also continues in his role as pastor preaching in French and leading a French speaking Bible study at home.

The Methodist Church here recently suffered the loss of the General Secretary, Rev Salomon Kuassi LOKO, who died suddenly and this was a great shock to all of the church. A funeral service was held over three days and many people attended.

Srijana and Saffron both finished a good year at school and have just started a new year. Srijana is in her final IGCSE year and was nominated student of the year. Saffron is now near fluent in French and does well communicating in the local language too, especially whilst playing with local friends.

Prayer Points

We appreciate your continued prayers:

  • For the Methodist Church in Togo, its leadership and its development programmes.
  • For the development of the work of DNOP.
  • For the family, good health.
  • For encouragement in the frustrations of life and work.