1078 Basic Algebra questions: solving an equation, equalities and inequalities

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Edward Morey October 6, 2006

(note that the questions are numbered in groups)

(note that this page is a work in progress)

Please email your instructor with suggestions and corrections - thanks


Solve for the indicated variable in terms of the remaining variables:

  1. A= P+Prt; for r

; for m

  1. Solve for x:
  1. Solve this equation for u:

times on both sides à

  1. You need a compressor and there are two choices for you. You can rent a compressor for the cost of $90/day. Alternatively, you can buy one at $4,000 with maintenance costs around $10/day. Let X denote the number of days that the compressor is needed. Find out the value of X that makes these two choices equivalent.

Total cost for buying a compressor after x days: 4,000+10x

Total cost for renting one after x days: 90x

Set two costs function equalized and solve for x:

4000+10x = 90x à 80x=4000 à x=50 days

  1. Solve for x.




  1. Supply and demand

Suppose that the supply and demand equations for printed T-shirts in a little town during Christmas week are

Supply: p = q + 12

Demand: p = - 2q + 36

Where p is the price in dollars and q is the quantity in hundreds.

A)  Find the supply and demand quantity if p = $16.

B)  Find the equilibrium price and quantity. (when the price of supply equals the price of demand).

1.  Solve.


Solve and graph



( ]

–2 8 x

  1. Solve the inequality for y and graph your answer:


( ]

–9 6 y

  1. You need a compressor and there are two choices for you. You can rent a compressor for the cost of $80/day. Alternatively, you can buy one at $7,000 with maintenance costs around $10/day. Let X denote the number of days that the compressor is needed. Find out the value of X that makes these two choices equivalent.

A Solving , x = 100 days.

Check the following equalities.



3. 3(x-2 ) = 2(x-3) + x




Demonstrate the equalities:

  1. Solve the inequality for y and graph your answer:


Solve for x:





1.  The supply for broccoli is described by the equation Q = P/6 where P is the price of broccoli and Q is the amount that will be supplied at price P. The demand equation is described by Q = 330-9P where P is the price of broccoli and Q is the amount that will be demanded. What is the equilibrium PRICE of broccoli where demand equals supply?

2.  Solve for y in terms of x the expression

3.  Solve by factoring:

A (Since ,)

4.  Solve using the quadratic formula


5.  Suppose the demand equation (inverse demand function) is written as:

And the supply equation is:

What is the equilibrium price p when D = S. (Choose only the positive price.)

A (By ,) .

  1. Solve this equation for u:

A times on both sides à

  1. Solve for x: