Class- VI Sub- English M.M.90

SECTION-A (Reading) (20 marks)


Read the following poem carefully. (5)

School bells are ringing, loud and clear,

Vacation’s over, school is here.

We hunt our pencils and our books,

And say goodbye to fields and brooks.

To carefree days of sunny hours,

To birds and butterflies and flowers.

But we are glad school has begun,

For work is always mixed with fun.

When autumn comes and the weather is cool,

Nothing can take the place of school.

Write the option you consider the most appropriate:

1.’We’ in the above poem are

a) parents b)school children c)children who work in fields d)children who hate schools

2. A phrase that suggests that the poem deals with summer vacation is

a) when autumn comes b)the weather is cool c)carefree days of sunny hours d) goodbye to fields and brooks

3. Mention one thing the poet did during the vacation

a)he hunted for his pencils and his books b) he stayed indoors all the day long

c) he waited for the school to reopen d)he played in the fields and nearby rivers

4. According to the poet most children are glad when vacations get over because

a)they can have fun while they work at school b )they love to hear loud bells ringing

c) they will not have to stay indoors all the day d) they can buy new pencils and books

5. The poem deals with a child’s

a) eagerness to join new school b) eagerness to return to school c) hatred for school d) boredom at school

A2Read the following passage carefully(5)


1.Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, where in the last50 years large immigrants have settled, making it a country of mixed races and cultures. The first inhabitants of Australia were the aborigines.

2.This island was not known to the Europeans until just about 400years ago. The Dutch made the first voyages along the Western Australian coast in the 17th century and Britain sent Captain James Cook in 1768 to explore the unknown island.

3.Europeans sent convicts from colonies to this faraway land. They soon formed new settlements here. In 1851, when gold was found in New South Wales and Victoria, more educated, middle- class immigrants arrived to make a fortune and the beginning of trading soon brought prosperity to the country.

4.The main industries are agriculture, mining, timber production, fishing and tourism.

5. Climate here ranges from hot and tropical in the north, to cool and wet in the south.The inland region of the country is hot and dry, but even the large tracts of desert here are full of life. Eucalyptus trees are dotted along the deserts and mountains. The world knows Australia for kangaroos ande emus, large flightless birds, similar to ostriches.

Write the option you consider the most appropriate.

1.  ------formed the first settlements in Australia.

a)  The Dutch b) the aborigines c) the Europeans d)Captain James Cook

2.Captain James Cook’s mission was a) to explore Australia b) to establish European settlements there c) to leave convicts there d) to discover gold mines there

3.The climate of the island regions of Australia is

a)hot and tropical b) hot and dry

c)cool and wet d) hot and humid

4.------brought prosperity to the people of Australia.

a)Tourism b) Educated immigrants

c) gold mines d)Trading

5. Which word in passage means persons ‘guilty of a criminal offence’?

a) immigrants b)aborigines c)convicts d) inhabitants

A3, Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow(10)


1.  Curious to learn more about the history of greeting cards,I started looking things up.I gathered that while greeting each other on special occasions,like the advent of new year, the Chinese sent messages of goodwill and cheer, the Egyptians despatched their salutations,by means of papyrus scrolls, the greeting card, as we know it now, appears to have been invented in England..

2.  Wood engravers were producing prints with religious themes in the European Middle Ages, but the first commercial Christmas and New Year’s card was designed by John C. Horsley, a British narrative painter at the suggestion and request of his friend Sir Henry Cole, who was the first director of Victoria and Albert Museum ..It featured within a frame of ivy and flowers, the picture of a family with a small child drinking wine together, even though it was objected to by many on moral grounds, the idea was shrewd.

3.  A batch of 1000 cards was printed and sold for a shilling each. The postal service had introduced the Penny Post, another idea of Sir Henry Cole’s, a short while earlier. So it was an ideal marriage printed cards with sentimental messages inexpensively delivered .There was no looking back from then on.

4.  In the United States, the greeting card industry was started by German immigrant ,.Louis Prang , who had founded a small lithographic business in Boston in 1856.Within 10 years he had perfected in lithographic process of colour printing. And in the early 1870’s, he began the publication of delux edition of Christmas cards which found the ready market within the country and in England. Today some seven billions cards for all types of occasions are sold annually in the United States alone,it has been estimated .It is a big ,very big business.


Now, answer the following questions:

1.  How did the ancient Chinese and Egyptians greet one another on special occasions?(1)

2.  Who suggested the idea of greeting cards? Who invented it? (2)

3.  It was an ideal marriage (para3)Why is it called so an ideal marriage?(2)

4.  What is Louis Prang’s contribution to the greeting card industry?(2)

5.  What evidences the passage contains to show that greeting card industry is a very bigbusiness?(2)

6.  Write the same meaning word from the passage –arrival, clever

SECTION-B (WRITING) (20 marks)

B1. On the occasion of the International Children’s Book Day you have to speak on the topic”Benefits of Reading” Write the speech in about120 words.(8)

In your speech you should have

1.  Express your concern at the decreasing popularity of reading

2.  Point out the benefits of reading: source of knowledge. means of entertainment. improve skills,spread education etc.

3.  Appeal to students to read books, newspaper and magazines

4.  Suggest how& where they can find reading materials

B2. Use the notes given below and write the bio-sketch of Homi Jahangir Bhabha in about 80 to 100 words.(4)


1909: Takes birth in wealthy Parsi family,on October 30

1937: in collaboration with W. Heitfer,a German Physicist, solves the mystry of cosmic rays

1940: joins the Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore,begins to the research on cosmic rays

1944: elected as fellow of Royal Society

1948: becomes the chairman of Atomic Energy Commission

1963: constructs India’s first Atomic Power Station at Tarapore

1966: a plane crash during a visit to abroad, kills him


You recently read a newspaper report saying children are getting addicted to social media like the ‘Facebook’. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper to (8 Marks)

a) Express your concern on this issue

b) Highlight the harmful effects of using social media

c) Suggest what can be done to check its misuse

SECTION-C (GRAMMAR) (20 marks)

C1 Write the missing word in each line.(4)

The Yak is most precious (a)------

Animal Tibet. It is known as (b)------

the boat of the highlands just the (c)------

camel is called the ship the desert. (d)------

Used in teams,carries barley,tea (e)------

And salt from place to another. Yak (f)------

Milk very rich and nutritious. (g)------

It be made into butter. (h)------

C2 Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases into meaningful sentences.(4)

1.  In 1846/ was first introduced/ the Christmas tree/ by Queen Victoria

2.  The word Christmas/ the term/came from/Christ’s mass

3.  First used/were/electric lights/in 1895/ on Christmas tree

4.  In America/became/Christmas/a national holiday/ in1870

C3.Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verb of the tense given in bracket. (5 marks)

a) When I entered the room, I saw everyone______television. (watch) (past cont. tense) b) The police ______(look) for the culprit. (Present cont. tense c) At this time tomorrow, I ______(travel) in a train (future cont. tense) d) She ______(buy) a new dress for the party. (present perfect tense) e) The patient’s condition ______(improve) before his doctor arrived. (past perfect)

C4Fill in the blanks with suitable Modals. (5 marks)

a) ______you please shut the window?

b) You ______take rest today.

c) My mother ______speak several languages.

d) You ______be punctual.

e) I think this plan ______definitely work.

C5Complete the conditionals by using appropriate form of verb given in brackets. (2 marks)

a) You ______(may) score well if you put in hard work.

b) If he ______(get) the job, he will give us a treat.

SECTION-D (Literature) (30 marks)

D1. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:-

There’s been an elm outside our school

Its shadow long across our playground

Today three men ripped it down chopped it up

In Ten minutes.

Q1. Name the poet and poem?

Q2. Name the tree mentioned in the extract?

Q3. Where was the elm tree? And where does its shadow fall?

Q4. What message does poet wants to convey?


With the name of Bharat Desh on our lips

Let us shake off fears and poverty

And overcome our sorrows and enemies

We shall stroll on the snow clad silvery heights of Himalayas

Q1. Name the poet and poem?

Q2. Which poetic device used in 4th line?

Q3. What does the poet advise us?

D2. Read the following extract from the play and answer the questions that follow:-

“We have had a very painful incident at the collage”

Q1. Identify the speaker, whom is he speaking to?

Q2. What is the painful incident?

Q3. What does the speaker want from the listener?

D3. Answer the following questions:- (10 marks)

Q1. How did the young man save the buck and jackal?

Q2. How did the young man finally conquer the princess?

Q3. Bring out the contrast between the beginning and the ending of the poem”OUR TREE”

Q4. What was Attila’s attitude towards strangers?

Q5. Why was Soams upset?

D4. Imagine yourself to be Gilchrist. Write a letter to the Education officer informing him about your decision not to taking the scholarship paper. (6 marks)

D5. Value based questions:- (4 marks)

Q1. How did the young man’s goodness fetch him support in time of need?

Q2. How you ever helped anyone in distress? Describe how you helped the needy ones.