149/03 / 10 October 2003


Almost a million UK homes were burgled last year, according to new figures1, but only half of those reported were covered by insurance. Lloyds TSB Insurance is warning that while home insurance is not a legal requirement, the price of being uninsured means it’s not worth the risk.

Lloyds TSB Insurance has the following advice for homeowners to help prevent burglars breaking in:

  • Have good quality window and door locks fitted and use them - even if you are just popping out.
  • The back door can be particularly vulnerable. Make sure it’s made of toughened glass if glazed and that it bolts at the top and bottom.
  • Have a timer fitted on your interior lights, but vary the time it goes on and fit sensor lights in the garden.
  • Have an intruder alarm fitted.
  • Don’t leave ladders or anything a burglar could use to break in, lying in the garden.
  • If you have a garden shed, lock it with a combination lock.
  • Do not leave a spare key hidden outside the house.
  • Wherever possible, vary the times you leave and arrive. Do not be too predictable to an interested observer.
  • Put off potential burglars by growing thorny plants up against the house.
  • Contact the crime prevention unit at your local police station – they will check that your house is secure and recommend extra safety measures.



Phil Loney, managing director Lloyds TSB Insurance, said: “The number of burglaries is gradually falling, but for the million homes targeted each year, that’s no consolation. It is even more worrying that half of these have no insurance cover at all.

“We all know that burglars are often opportunists and cantake advantage of even the smallest security lapse, but by following our advice you will hopefully prevent unexpected visits. However, it goes without saying that the best protection is to get your home insured – then you’ll not be left to pay the price of a break in.”


For more information:

Emile Abu-Shakra

Lloyds TSB Press Office

Tel: 020 7356 1878

Notes to Editors:

1British Crime Survey 2002/3

General Insurance advice is provided by Lloyds TSB Insurance Services Ltd.