“Let Change be the Tradition”

Welcome to Fall 2006!

Academic Senate


September 26, 2006

Humanities 107

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Roll Call:

Dibakar Barua, Jaima Bennett, Joyce Bishop, Dennis Carrie, Gregg Carr, Henrietta Carter, Stephanie Dumont, Barbara Jones, Darla Kelly, Chip Marchbank, Veronica Pizano, Omid Pourzanjani, Victor Quiros, Diane Restelli, Roxana Ross, Mike Shaughnessy, Marde Snedeker, Terri Speakman, Elizabeth Sykes, Richard Ulrich, Renah Wolzinger, Student Representative

I.Welcome Guests

II.Approval of Agenda

III.Approval of Minutes fromSeptember 5, 2006

  1. Opportunity for Public Comment

Members of the public have the opportunity to address the Academic Senate on any item that has been described in this notice, before or during consideration of the item.

  1. Consent Items
  1. Faculty-at-Large to Planning & Budget (4 Faculty-at-Large from different divisions):
  1. Omid Pourzanjani – Business & Information Systems Division/Faculty Co-Chair of College Technology Committee
  2. Theresa Lavarini – Arts & Letters Division
  3. Sue Berman – Social Sciences, Learning Resources, Distance Learning Division
  4. Marde Snedeker – Technology & Vocational Education
  1. Faculty Representing Planning Teams on Planning & Budget:
  1. Student Services – Yvonne Valenzuela, Counseling
  2. Instruction – Chip Marchbank, EOPS
  1. Acceptance of Resignation: Renah Wolzinger as Senate Representative to Program Vitality Review of Broadcast Video Production


  1. Call for Nominations
  2. 1 Faculty for Outreach Supervisor Selection Committee; Current Nominees:
  3. Chip Marchbank, EOPS
  4. Linda York, Counseling
  5. Re-Call of Nominations for Senate Representative to Program Vitality Review of Broadcast Video Production; Current Nominees:
  6. John Lervold, Communication Studies

VIII. Unfinished Business

  1. Request from the President to Add 3rd Co-Chair to College Technology Committee – Discussion and Recommendation to Planning & Budget –POSTPONED.
  1. New Business
  2. Pick-A-Prof.com
  3. Senate Vice President Nominations (e-attach: Nomination Form)
  4. Call for ASCCC Resolutions for Fall Plenary
  5. Consideration of Planning & Budget Subcommittee Recommendations for Institutional Effectiveness Committee Membership (handout):
  1. Composition:
  • 4 Outcomes Coordinators (1 from each wing; Executive, Administrative Services, Instruction, Student Services)
  • 4 Additional Members, 1 from each planning team (ASPT, IPT, SSPT, PAC) – must be 50% faculty
  • 2 Academic Senate Representatives
  • 2 Student Council Representatives
  • 1 At-Large Full-Time Faculty
  • 1 At-Large Part-Time Faculty
  • 2 At-Large Classified
  1. Term of Appointment: 3 year term commencing Fall 06 (First meeting Thursday, October 26th at 1pm)
  2. Charge: Carry out the recommendations in the Spring 2006 Institutional Effectiveness Task Force Report
  1. 2006-2007 Senate Goals and Outcomes (e-attach)
  2. 50% Law and District Directive (handout)
  1. Information Items
  1. FA 06 Enrollment Data (compared to FA 05) as of 9/18/06:


Hours -3.5%

Units -1%


  1. WASC/Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges is soliciting applications for one commission member representing faculty. Application deadline October 6, 2006. See the Senate Office for details.
  2. Senate Committees – Vacancies

a.Academic Senate

1.Communication Studies/Journalism (2009)


1.Cosmetology (2008)

2.Learning Resources/College 100 (2009)

3.Visual & Performing Arts (2008)

4.World Languages/Sign (2007)

5.Auto Tech/Auto Collision/Diesel

6.Architecture/Drafting/Floral/Engineering Technology/Environmental Studies


1.Business/Marketing/Management (2008)

2.Computer Science (2008)

3.Mathematics (2007)

4.Physical Sciences (2009)

5.World Languages/Sign (2009)


a.Huong Bush to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Phuc Bui.

b.David Barrett to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Ryane Harris.

c.Richard Ullrich to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Collette Hausey.

d.Chip Marchbank to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Ron C. Wilkinson.

e.Bruce Bales to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Martha Ramm Engle.

f.Cecilia Galassi to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Veronica Pizano.

g.Theresa Lavarini to serve as the Arts & Letters Representative to the College Planning & Budget Committee.

h.Amanda Best to serve as the Visual & Performing Arts Representative to IPD.

i.Collette Hausey to serve as the Visual & Performing Arts Representative to CCI.

j.Victor Quiros to serve as the Out-of –Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Julie Davis-Wolfe

k.Julie Davis-Wolfe to serve as the Library representative to the Campus Outreach Committee.

5.2006-2007 Meeting Dates

  • October 10 & 24
  • November 14 & 28
  • December 12
  • February 13 & 27
  • March 13 & 27
  • April 10 & 24
  • May 8 & 22
  1. Reports

Written reports are due to the Senate Office by Thursday at 5pm the week preceding the meeting at which the report is attached to the agenda.

  1. Announcements
  1. GWC Foundation 40th Anniversary Celebration, Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort, September 30, 2006 6pm-midnight
  2. GWC Foundation “Night at the Races” October 20, 2006
  3. ASCCC Fall Plenary October 26-28, Newport BeachFairmont
  4. ASCCC Teaching Institute February 16-18, 2007, SofitelSan FranciscoBay
  5. Accreditation Site Visit Schedule: March 5-7, 2007

XIII. Adjourn