Meeting Minutes: April 28, 2016 @2:00 pm

Vanier College Council Meeting
Minutes / April 28th , 2016
@2:00 pm

Motion to commence meeting @2:00 pm, Motioned by Menfes, seconded by Man . [9-0-0]

1)Welcome & Opening Statements:

●Council Intro with ice breakers

1.1. Future planning / meeting dates

●BI-Weekly Meetings starting now

●Make doodle for future meetings

1.2. Leadership Roles (Intention & passion)

1.3. Expectations (from council & students)

●Peter: Making Council a Priority; Communication among us, More promotions

●Menfes: Having Fun while fulfilling our duties

●Rhyena: Confidence, committed

●Lucas: Not to think of council as a hierarchical structure, Don’t be afraid to seek for help, be diligent

●Christine: Get everyone involved, bond with everyone else, Be down to earth and not on a high horse

●Fizz: Have faith in each other, Be a role model, be more outgoing/inclusive

●Jason: Be a leader

2.1. House Rules, office space, meeting etiquette, etc...

●Respect the house rules

●Be respectful to office space and lead others how to treat the space as well

●Be serious about our jobs.

●Meeting etiquette: Be prompt and no lame excuses on attending meeting

3)Council Changes/Improvements: Ideas

4.1. President: Spring Open house (Looking for volunteers: May 7th): Master’s office also looking forvolunteers for the summer:

●Attending: Menfes(maybe), Rhyena, Sami(maybe), Lucas, Jason, Peter

4.2. Finance: Audit: Future purchases: Big Kahuna pending payments.

●Had a meeting yesterday

●Outstanding balances: Big Khahuna, Formal security

4.3. Social Cultural: Frosh Week Planning: Brainstorming: Song: Promo: Themes: Changes/Improvements: Etc...

●Frosh Planning; song

●Frosh applications to come out by the end of the month

●Montreal trip planned to be on October 28th to October 30th or the next weekend

4.4. Communications: Club involvement/events & ideas.

●Frosh jersey designs (Baseball jerseys)

●Website edit to current council (2016-2017)

●Council Biography on social media for introduction to the Vanier community (potential agenda)

4.5. Campaigns & Advocacy: nothing to report

5)Hirings: CRO, Speaker, Athletics, Vandoo

●Applications being released by end of the month

●Deadline for application is May 27th

6)Constitution Changes

6.1. Changes/Updates

7)Charity Ball

7.1. Support & Donation for 2015-2016. (Motion)

●Motion that VCC donates $100 to the GCSU (charity ball) (5-1-3)

8)Ascend Retreat

8.1. Volunteers or nominations

●Jason Talk to Logan if knows of people who have applied and want to go for us to sponsor

9.1. Volunteers to spearhead reno for VCC/VAC office space: Brainstorming ideas: purchases

●Spear head on the renovation is Fizz and Menfes and Sami

10)Council Retreat:
10.1. Dates/Availability : Brainstorming ideas.

●Jason to come up with a doodle for potential dates

11) New Business...

11.01 Find volunteers to help Master’s Office over the summer

Motion to Adjourn Meeting @3:53 pm, Motioned by Lucas, seconded by Christine [9-0-0]

Members Present: / Members Absent: / Visitors:
Jason Lomboy
Man Van
Menfes Kidus
Sami Dessuky
Lucas Santos
Fizz Oladiran
Rhenna Miller
Christine Nieto
Sello Tlelima / Daniel Cabalse