Families in Transition
School-Level Point of Contact
2015 - 2016
School / School / Registrar / F.I.T. Point of Contact 2015 -2016 / Telephone / Direct / Fax / Email Address0441 / Apalachee / Sellars, Janice / Love, Samantha (Guidance) / 488-7110 / 922-0202 /
0401 / Astoria Park / Session, Linda / Mims, Kinisha / 488-4673 / 922-4174 /
1181 / Bond / Williams, Arnetta / Williams, Arnetta / 488-7676 / 922-5206 /
0521 / Buck Lake / Chapman, Linda / Chapman, Linda / 488-6133 / 922-4161 /
1161 / Canopy Oaks / Allen, Janet / Allen, Janet / 488-3301 / ext. 230 / 414-7356 /
0491 / Chaires / Beal, Marji / Rentz, Kathgret / 488-5977 / ext. 2223 / 922-6462 /
1202 / Conley / McCallum, Rachel / McCallum, Rachel / 414-5610 / 414-8163 /
0511 / Desoto Trail / Teaf, Colleen / Gruber, Angie / 488-4511 / 488-1757 / 487-1623 /
0561 / Ft. Braden / Williams, Keka / Moberly, June
Tejada, Samantha / 488-9374 / 488-9706 / 488-5948 /
0381 / Gilchrist / Roulhac, Linda / McKhan, Oronde / 487-4310 / 487-0959 /
0041 / Hartsfield / Bryant, LeTrese / Bryant, LeTrese / 488-7322 / 922-2372 /
1131 / Hawks Rise / Dawson, Debra / Dawson, Debra / 487-4733 / 488-6971 /
0481 / Killearn Lakes / Dailey, Pam / MeJia, Jan &
Holt, Crystal / 921-1265 / 922-2566 /
0421 / Moore / Johnson, Mary / Johnson, Mary / 488-2858 / 922-6658 /
0171 / Oak Ridge / Brown, Tassie / Brown, Tassie / 488-3124 / 922-7145 /
0311 / Pineview / White-Reilly, Tameka / Pearcey, Paula / 488-2819 / 487-4559 /
0231 / Riley / Lau, Tammi / Williams, Stephanie / 488-5840 / ext. 2222 / 922-4227 /
1171 / Roberts / Kennett, Kim / Kennett, Kim / 488-0923 / 487-2416 /
0091 / Ruediger / Welsh, Denise / Welsh, Denise / 488-1074 / 487-0007 /
0071 / Sabal Palm / Thomas, Kamille / Thomas, Kamille / 488-0167 / 922-8481 /
0431 / Sealey / Wright, Lillie / Wright, Lillie / 488-5640 / 488-1239 /
0501 / Springwood / Joiner, Karen / Joiner, Karen / 488-6225 / 922-8932 /
0031 / Sullivan / Allen, Tina / Allen, Tina / 487-1216 / 487-0005 /
0131 / Woodville / Jackson, Dee Ann / Jackson, Dee Ann / 487-7043 / ext. 4106 / 921-4281 /
0032 / Cobb / Grantham, Amy / Jones, Yvonne / 488-3363 / 921-5736 /
0531 / Deerlake / Colvin, Julie / Colvin, Julie / 922-6990 / 487-1613 /
0451 / Fairview / Franklin, Charlie Mae / Shelton, Arecia / 488-6880 / ext. 124 / 921-7976 /
0561 / Ft. Braden / Williams, Keka / Williams, Keka &
Benton, Jennifer / 488-9374 / 488-9706 / 488-5948 /
2022 / Griffin / Harris, Arimentha / Harris, Arimentha &
Jefferson, Tarran / 617-5353 / 617-5354 /
1201 / Montford / Smith, Shannon / Gitlin, Sonja / 922-6011 / 922-4848 /
0291 / Nims / Woodson, Shakelia / Woodson, Shakelia / 488-5960 / 922-0203 /
0092 / Raa / Paul, Robbin / Paul, Robbin / 488-7495 / 414-7702 /
1151 / Swift Creek / Bahr, Tammi / Griggs, Susan / 414-2666 / 414-2659 /
1141 / Chiles / Tucker, Jeanne / Tucker, Jeanne / 488-1756 / 488-1218 /
0161 / Godby / Rodriguez, Mindy / Rodriguez, Mindy / 617-4741 / 617-4729 / 617-4733 /
0021 / Leon / Smith, Molly / Smith, Molly / 617-5700 / 617-5722 / 922-5311 /
1091 / Lincoln / Howard, Barbara / Howard, Barbara / 487-2110 / ext. 1402 / 488-2201 /
0051 / Rickards / Coffee, Jolisa / Coffee, Jolisa / 414-5554 / 922-7104 /
9003 / Adult Ed. / Sloan, Josephine / Parker, Anne / 922-5343 / 922-5352 /
0411 / Everhart / Osborn, Brenda / Thompson, Lori / 488-5785 / 922-6487 /
0191 / Second Chance / Brandi Roberson / Barrineau, Susan / 410-1250 / 410-3353 /
0361 / Lively / Reed, Dianne
Blackburn, Maryann / Reed, Dianne
Blackburn, Maryann / 487-7411
487-7469 / 487-7430
487-7630 /
3518 / McKay Scholarship / Cook, Rowena / Cook, Rowena / 487-7530 / 487-7849 /
0452 / Pace Secondary / Hatcher, Kendra / Capuano, Josette / 488-8927 / 922-7065 /
9006 / Pre-School Programs / Barfield, Adeane / Fletcher, Martha
Cherry, Barbara / 922-2099 / 487-7614 /
0204 / SAIL / Cain, Shirley / Cain, Shirley / 488-2468 / 922-8483 /
1211 / Success Academy / Roberson, Brandi / Barrineau, Susan / 410-1250 / 410-1531 /
7001 / LCS Virtual / Lewis, Freda / Lewis, Freda / 487-7830 / 414-5174 /
1402 / School of Arts & Sciences / Bowens, Vickey / SImmons, Cathryn / 386-6566 / 386-8183 /
1417 / Tallahassee School of Math and Science / Knight, Melanie / Jordan, Patricia / 681-7827 / 325-6706 /
1421 / Imagine School / Turknett, Stacey
Harvey, Pam / Turknett, Stacey
Harvey, Pam / 877-5187 / 877-6463 /
1441 / Governors Charter / Levine, Laurie / Levine, Laurie / 391-5259 / 391-5260 /
1442 / Woodville Middle Charter / Jackson, Dee Anne / Jackson, Dee Anne / 922-4213 / 921-4281 /
1502 / Juvenile Detention / Holland, Ateasa / Holland, Ateasa / 488-7672 / 410-2532 /
1503 / Pace Center for Girls / Webb, Bernadette
Gordon, Lashawn / Gordon, Lashawn / 241-0241 / 241-0242 /
1507 / AMI Kids / Swinton, Dorian / Swinton, Dorian / 921-1250 / 386-1352 /