Tangible Obligations

I wanted to include on a separate sheet of paper the stuff that needs to get done and some recommendations on how to go about it.

I hate asking and dealing with money so I’ll get this out of the way. Fees for this season are $125. We need these ASAP…..like yesterday….and by latest, February 20, 2015. If you compare this to many other teams it is a lot better and/or comparable. These fees will include a full kit of 2 tops; white and red, black shorts, and two pair of socks, all are yours to keep. We have chosen to go with Nike US Striker III this year. The remainder of the fees will cover field maintenance (we are in a contract with the high school and board), officials’ fees and team supplies. Our fundraisers are also helping cover these costs and help to keep the fee per player low. If you have any problems with getting this done, please schedule a meeting with me and we can figure out a plan. I can assure you that I’m not trying to bleed you dry!

To help with the fee that you are responsible for, I am going to draft a letter for players to take to local businesses if they would like to sponsor us. Each sponsorship will cost the company $200 and will give them a 3 ft. x 5 ft. vinyl one sided, one color sign to be hung on the fence at the field and will stay up through the end of the season in May. I will give a $50 credit for one sponsorship towards fees, and waive fees completely for 2 sponsorships. Please take advantage of this if the fees are an issue because we would love to have all of the community support possible. Anything more than 2 would also be quite helpful. This would be fully tax deductible for the company and all they need to do is describe what they would like in 1 color, preferably a business card type design with a check, and I’ll get a receipt for them for their records. Again, I’ll have some forms for this, but if you want to get it in early, please do!

Players will need a ball, shin guards, soccer cleats at a minimum. I also recommend cold weather undergear (don’t let them convince you it HAS to be under armor!!)and solid black cloth gloves.

Transportation will be your responsibility for now. I am hoping we can really rock on sponsorships and fundraisers and get a few buses for some of the distant games, but right now it just cannot fit into the budget. Hopefully that will change and I will let you know. I know plenty of parents have already expressed concern and plenty others have already offered to be designated rides for players. Please meet and discuss options and let’s work things out among us. Hopefully, this will be a moot issue, but until then it is a reality.

PARENT MEETING - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9 ……… 5:05 PM we will address a lot of the same stuff, but also make sure everyone is on the same page! THANKS for entrusting me with your kid! LETS GET STARTED!!!!!!