Girdwood Land Use Committee

Final Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2014

Agenda Item LUC 1410-01:

Call to order at 7PM

Agenda Approval for October Meeting 4-0

Minutes Approval for September Meeting 2-0

LUC Officer reports None

LUC comments and actions as necessary. None

Agenda Item LUC 1410-02: Public Comment None


Agenda Item LUC 1410-03: Committee reports:

Trails Committee Report (Brian Burnett)

Steve Nuss with AWWU attended Trails Committee October meeting. Trails Committee was enthusiastic of the preliminary plat, delighted for having the Iditarod National Historic Trail platted. Some confusion over actual name of the trail is being worked out between surveyor and the USFS.

Trails Committee working on Interagency Land Management Agreements involving Lower Iditarod trail & California Creek Trails.

Trails Committee continues to work on Girdwood Trails Plan, hopefully bringing it to LUC in spring 2015 for review.

Tim Charnon adds that he saw in GTC minutes information about planned kiosk work at Hand Tram,

He inquired about the status of the RAC Grant, and was told that there is $7345 remaining in budget, with kiosks anticipated to use much of those funds. RAC Grant closes in 2016.

Girdwood Area Plan Review Committee (Lewis Leonard)

This project is not currently progressing. MOA has lost staff in Community Development section. Likely no progress until after beginning of 2015.

Girdwood South Townsite Area Plan (Lewis Leonard)

Lewis suggested adding topic to this evening’s agenda. Review of elements required of plan at working group meeting prior to Planning and Zoning meeting last month:

1.  Name change back to Girdwood South Townsite Area Master Plan. (name was originally changed to just area plan at recommendation of MOA.)

2.  Once decided, the 2nd collector route must be identified on the Official Streets and Highways Plan and on the Commercial Transportation Master Plan.

3.  Development Master Plans must include design details for snow removal management

4.  Future Development Master Plans should include design standards above what is required for each land use in the land use regulations.

5.  HLB to amend map in Girdwood South Townsite Area Master Plan to show private land inholdings (3)

6.  2nd collector is either Juniper Road or another route between Juniper and Ruane Road, connecting to Alyeska Highway

Lewis cautions that although we may think this process is concluded with this project, there may still be work to be done, and LUC should keep an eye on the plan to make sure it is adopted, followed and functioning as intended.

Girdwood Land Use Committee Meeting Agendas and minutes are available on line:

Old Business:

Agenda Item 1409-04: Girdwood Industrial Park and AWWU Treatment Plant

Steve Nuss, AWWU seeking Motion of Non-Objection for Preliminary Plat; 2nd presentation by Nuss at LUC regarding this item. Overview: AWWU operates in Girdwood Industrial Park under Management Authority letter from Mayor. AWWU interest is to see area platted so that AWWU could clearly own and operate there.

3 phases of development, 1st phase to be completed in summer 2015 includes 5 lease lots (AWWU included) with paved road, sidewalk or path, drainages, and sewer. Variances to be sought for cul de sac at end of road and long “flag” lots, in order to maximize potential of the space. Design variance will be sought later to have just one sidewalk instead of 2 running along road through industrial park.

In response to first LUC meeting, new plat for display now has legend. Actual plat also now has the Iditarod Trail platted in. The official name of the trail needs to be confirmed, surveyor is working with USFS to determine proper name for this trail: Iditarod National Historic Trail vs Iditarod Commemorative Trail. Once platted and recorded, trail becomes a Dedicated Trail. Social trails crossing Industrial Park Land are handled with easement and sidewalk/path through industrial park. Cost for lots is unknown. HLB will be land manager.

Brian Burnett inquires if Chief Chadwick has mentioned any concerns with this plan, particularly cul de sac and flag lots. Kyle Kelley responds that Chadwick has attended GBOS meetings and has been in support of plan with these elements.

Brian asks about lessees currently using the land. Are they aware of coming change and do they have concerns? Kyle Kelley says that he has discussed with most existing lessees. They’re enthusiastic to have corner stakes and to know where their leased land actually is. They are concerned about cost of leasing land, but not about the mechanics of the platting.

Lewis Leonard states that he was questioned by someone in Anchorage about Industrial Park in Girdwood. This individual had received mailer regarding platting. He requests that LUC receive a copy of the mailer prior to GBOS meeting on 10/20 so that we know what is being sent out.

Tim Charnon asks if AWWU has plans for Glacier Creek side of their management area. Response from Steve Nuss is that they do not, it’s just part of the area they have management of. Tim suggests that easement for Iditarod Trail should be consistent in language and width with rest of the trail. Steve Nuss says this was discussed with HLB and there is a 150’ creek easement within which the 50’ trail easement can fit. Discussion regarding moving trail easement so that it is not directly next to the AWWU designated land. Question exists about whether the trail must be staked and physically surveyed as was required by MOA for Beaver Pond Trail. Steve Nuss confirms that AWWU will do whatever is required to meet standards to survey and designate the trail.


Girdwood Land Use Committee moves to non-object to the Girdwood Industrial Park preliminary plat as presented last month and this month with the following changes with respect to platting of the Iditarod Trail:

·  50’ easement starting from the western boundary to the edge of western boundary Phase I.

·  50’ easement directly behind AWWU boundary of management authority to the eastern edge of the plat

With these elements, Land Use Committee agrees to pass this recommendation on to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors.

Motion passes 6-0

New Business:

Agenda Item 1410-04: Arlberg Road Extension Project

This item will return as new business when more information is available. Overall, cost of Arlberg Extension is higher than amount granted. Possible addition to the CIP list once a new calculation for the cost has been received.

Meeting adjourned 7:55PM