2013Work Plan–PSHSASafety Group
Activities/Due Dates / Member Firm
Requirements / Suggested Actions
1. Workplace
Form and Element Choices
To be completed
February 15/13 for new firms / This document is to assist in choosing your elements.
New Firms:
- Complete a Workplace Assessment by using the form on the SG members only page- 2013 resources
- Utilize this information to identify gaps in your safety program and to help you choose four elements to work on during 2013.
Returning Firms:
- Utilize the form you completed at year end in 2011to help you choose four elements to work on during the 2013 year.
- Who will complete the assessment? (JHSC or management team)
- Retain the Workplace assessment in your files for review by your Regional PSHSA consultant, or WSIB Consultant
2. Element Selection
Complete by February 15/13 / All Firms are required to select new elements that have not yet been fully implemented in their workplace.
- Element choices: (note the Common element, has been determined by the SG steering committee)
2)RTW element(choose 1 of 5 - Category D # 26 - 30)
3)one from Leadership (category A)
4)one from Organizational or Hazard Recognition (category B or C)
5)one elements from any category (preferably category D)
Any elements not listed in the Employer Guideline must be approved by the WSIB consultant.Submit the “other element “formsto PSHSA for approval. /
- How will the elements be selected? (JHSC, special committee, management team, etc.)
3. Action Plan
Complete & submit to PSHSA by February15/13 /
- Complete the Company Profile and Action Plan tab of the SG reporting form
- Once the elements have been chosen, this action plan form will help guide the SG members on the tasks and actions needed to complete the 5 steps.
- Use your Safety Group Program Employer Guidelines, page 11 (5 Steps
to Managing Health & Safety) and the Element Requirement Chart (page 19-50) as a guide to help complete the action plan - Consider setting regular meeting dates to work on each element.
- Meet with workplace parties to determine what the objectives are, what needs to be completed and who will be responsible
- Be very specific in your description
4. Payment of fees
February/13 /
- Invoices will be sent 10 days following the first meeting. Terms of payment are net 30 days.
- Notify finance
5. Progress Report
Form #1 and #2
Due to PSHSA by May 10/13 and
October 11/13 /
- First and Secondreview of work completed for each element.
- Review documents for each step and mark “Yes” or “No”
- This form is available as the Progress Report tab inthe SG reporting forms Excel file
- Set date to meet to do a paper review of the elements
6. Year-end Achievement Report Form
Due to PSHSA
December 13/13 /
- A formal review of the elements and their 5 steps to report on all work that will be completed by the end of the year. All steps that are, or will be completed by the due dates must be marked as a “YES”.
- Documentation should not be attached but should be available for review by WSIB and/or PSHSA if a visit is scheduled.
- This form is available as the Year End Achievement tab inthe SG reporting forms Excel file.
- Steps 1-3 must be completed by year end, If steps 4-5 t are not completed by December 31, you must have a plan to complete them by March 30 of next year
7.Year-end Maintenance Report Form
(not required for Advantage members)
Due to PSHSA
December 13/13 /
- Due for all organizations who have returned for a second, third, fourth or fifth year.
- Firms are required to demonstrate that that they have maintained the elements implemented in prior years. This is accomplished by re-checking the 5 steps to determine if they are current, applicable, evaluations completed, ensuring training is current, etc. Dates must be included for Steps 1 and 4 for all elements.
- This form is available as the Year-End Maintenance tab inthe SG reporting forms Excel file.
- All steps must be completed by year end
8.Year-end Workplace Assessment Form
To be completed by
December 31/13 /
- This is the “self assessment” that was used to assist in choosing your elements. This is your working copy for the duration of your participation in Safety Group. It is an important record to keep year after year.
- At the end of each year, complete a re-assessment of your program to identify programs completed.
- This form is available to download from the PSHSA Safety Group web site.
- Maintain completed report for review by your PSHSA consultant or WSIB consultant at validation audit(if selected)
9.Year- End
- Determined by WSIB after visits made to 10% of the organizations
- The refund is based upon successful completion by all firms in the safety group, for all criteria set by WSIB
- Will be announced in November of the next year. For 2013 Safety Group, the rebate amounts will be announced in November of 2014.
10. 2014Application Form
Due to PSHSA
December 20/13 /
- All firms must re-apply by completing an application form and submitting to PSHSA. This must be done each year to maintain your status in SG.
- The application forms are available on the PSHSA web site at under the heading “Safety Group”.
- Have senior management sign both pages of the application
11. Participate in Validation Audit
March - August /
- 10% of members will be randomly selected by WSIB for a Validation Audit. Selected firms must participate.
- Firms may request a “mock” audit by their PSHSA consultant or WSIB