Newly Qualified Teacher

Support Programme 2013-14


The NQT Support Programme has been designed to help NQTs build and extend the knowledge and skills developed during their initial teacher training in an environment of Christian care and pastoral support. The scheme provides opportunities for them to meet their peer group, to discuss common issues away from their place of employment, to engage in a programme of on-going training, as well as benefiting from advice and support from an external professional.

Over the last 3 academic years the Diocese has successfully supported over 50 NQT’s in their first year of teaching through this programme.

NQT Support Programme

The programme consists of 6 half-termly meetings – three hour afternoon workshops. Each session considers a specific topic area for discussion and learning.

All workshops will be held at The Diocesan Education Centre, The Cathedral, Stag Hill, Guildford, GU2 7UP.

Date / Workshop Title / Time
3rd Oct / Managing the Role – organizing the classroom & managing the curriculum / 13:30- 16:30
Thurs 7th Nov / Working with Parents – writing reports, dealing with issues, effective feedback, using parent helpers effectively / 13:30- 16:30
Weds 15th Jan / Behaviour Management and SEN Issues / 13:30- 16:30
Weds 5th Mar / Assessment and Differentiation / 13:30- 16:30
Weds 30th Apr / The Subject Leader’s Role / 13:30- 16:30
Thurs 12th Jun / Looking Forward / Looking Back - self review skills / 13:30- 16:30

Cost for the complete package:

£315 for Gold level subscription to Diocesan Services to Schools Scheme or

£355 for Silver level subscription to Diocesan Services to Schools Scheme

(equating to £52 or £59 per person for each session).

Costs are subject to a minimum of 12 NQTs being enrolled by their schools. Schools will be invoiced in September 2012 for the full amount. Should the minimum numbers not be reached schools will be offered a modified schedule at revised rates.

Discount on CPD Training Courses

Any NQT who attends our NQT Support Programme will be entitled to attend CPD Training Courses 2013 - 2014 at the Diocese at a 15% discount.

Additional Consultancy Support

Extra support can be purchased from your school’s attached Diocesan Education Consultant. Please contact Alex Vinall for further details.

·  Visit(s) to observe NQT (eg NQT who is struggling and/or external view of progress)

·  Support and advice for NQT mentors

·  Advice on process requirements and general support for NQTs

Course Tutor - Vivienne Aitchison

Next Steps, How to Sign Up …

To sign up for the NQT Support Programme 2013 / 2014, please complete the attached form and return either by post or email to Alex Vinall, Diocesan Education Centre, The Cathedral, Stag Hill, Guildford, GU2 7UP, , tel: 01483 484912 by Friday 12th July please.

Diocese of Guildford

Newly Qualified Teachers’ Support Package

2013 / 2014


Please complete the form below if you would like to enrol an NQT in the 2013/2014 Diocesan NQT Support Package.

Please return the form by Friday 12th July by email to Alex Vinall at . Call Alex on 01483 484912 if you have any enquiries.

Name of NQT
School email address for NQT
Name of school
School tel. no.
Services to Schools level and price
(Please indicate) / GOLD
£315 / SILVER

Participating schools will be invoiced for the full amount in September 2013.