Great Depression Scavenger Hunt

1. Life During the Great Depression

a) What was unemployment in 1930? And in 1932?______

b) How many children between the ages of 10-18 worked in factories, canneries, mines and on farms for low wages during the Great Depression?______

c) Who played the "eviction game"? What were the “game pieces”?


d) What is a "Hooverville"?______

e) Name two of the lessons learned during the Great Depression.______


3. Dust Bowl Timeline

a) Using the Timeline how many dust storms were there in 1932? In 1933?


b) Using the Timeline what happened to help stabilize the nation in March 1933?


c) Using the Timeline how many states were affected severely by the drought in May 1934?______

d) Using the Timeline in 1935 the Soil Conservation Service developed an extensive soil conservation program. What were five farming practices that were “advocated”?


5. Prices

a) Looking at the Wages table, how much was the average salary?______

b) Looking at the Wages table, how much per week did a doctor make?______

c) How much did a rain coat cost?______Gallon of Gasoline? ______

6. Social Security

a) How is social security funded?______

b) When was it signed into law?______

7. Social Security History

a)  What did the proponents (those who favored Social Security) argue that got the Social Security Act passed?______


b)  In what year were payroll taxes first collected?______

c)  Who was the first person to collect the first monthly payment?______

d)  How much was his/her payment?______

e) The 1935 Act also included other programs. List two other groups that it helped.


f)  The Act was amended in 1939. What were the two changes?______


8. To answer the questions below click on the links after each topic. Read the excerpt and write your answer.

Gene Wadsworth -

a) What did one of Gene’s cousins tell him that made him leave home? ______

b) What was the name of the boy that Gene traveled with and considered to be much like a brother? ______

c) What happened to Jim? ______

9. Look at the symbols

a) Draw the symbol that means “Can sleep in barn”? ______

b) Draw the symbol that means “Police officer lives here”? ______

c) Draw the symbol that means “unsafe place”? ______

10. Playtime for Kids

a) What new board games were popular during the depression? ______

b) The Apetz brothers had homemade toys. List 3 of these toys and of what they were made. ______

11) Family Food

a) What meat did the Apetz brothers eat a “Lotta lotta of “? ______

b) What were two popular meals that families ate during the Depression? ______

12) School Days

a) How did Mildred Opitz get to school? ______

b) What was the first Dr. Seuss rhyming book published? ______

13. Weird Facts

a) Why were fashion accessories like necklaces or scares so important during the Depression? ______

b) What two great structures were built during the Great Depression?


c) How many women were abandoned by their husbands during this time?


e)  Why do scholars find the 2009 economic crisis more troubling that the 1929 Crash? Give two reasons. ______

