Fortune Teller Fish”

Problem: Why does the fish move?


  • Made of plastic-like or cellophane material
  • Made in Taiwan
  • Has painted writing / symbols on one side of fish

Sources: Ms. Martin, my past experience, the wrapper the fish came in

Hypothesis:If we increase the temperature, then the movement of the fish will increase.

Experiment: Materials

Heat lamp

Thermometers (2)

Ring stand

Fortune Teller Fish

Flat, clean dry surface

One piece black construction paper

One piece white construction paper


  1. Set up the experimental and control groups.
  2. Make sure there is at least a 15 °C difference in temperature between the hot and room temperature setups.
  3. Place the fish on the control setup, observe and record results.
  4. Place the fish on the experimental setup, observe and record results.
  5. Clean up.


The Effect of Temperature on the Movement of the Fortune Teller Fish

The Effect of Temperature on the Movement of the Fortune Teller Fish

We tested the Fortune Teller Fish at two temperatures in order to determine the effect of temperature on the movement of the fish. Our control group was the room temperature setup. Our experimental group was the setup with the heat lamp. When the Fortune Teller Fish was placed on the room temperature surface, it did not move. The air temperature in the room was 23.5 C. When the Fortune Teller Fish was placed on the heated surface, it did move. The temperature of the air over the heat lamp was 46.7 C.

The fish curled over the heated surface, which suggests that temperature might effect the movement of the fish. However, this result is possibly a false positive. Air has moisture in it. Hot air holds more moisture than cool air.

In order to improve this experiment, the setups should have a way to isolate the temperature and remove the water vapor from the air. Perhaps we could use two clear containers, and vacuum the air out. The experimental group would be the container with the heat lamp on it, while the control group would be the container without the heat lamp on it.

Conclusion: My hypothesis was correct. When the fish was placed over the hot plate, it moved. (As shown by the moisture test, the result was probably a false positive.)