2010: A New Decade of Indigenous Public Health

NIHB Public Health Summit

May 18-20, 2010

Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel

2600 Louisiana Boulevard NE

Albuquerque, NM87110

Our American Indian and Alaska Native Communities are growing and changing. As we enter a new decade, we can embrace public health interventions and models which can only improve the lives of our children and families.

The Nation Indian Health Board is proud to host a 3-day Public Health Summit for people who are interested in gaining a better understanding of the status of public health in tribal communities. Public health is a science of protecting and improving the health of communities through education, promotion of health lifestyles, and research of disease and injury prevention. The session tracks established for this year’s summit include:

Track A: Health Promotion/Disease Prevention:Tribal Programs on Childhood Obesity, HIV/AIDS prevention, Cancer Prevention & Control, Diabetes Prevention, Maternal/Child Health

Track B: Behavioral Health: Suicide Prevention, Alcohol/Drug Abuse, Traditional Medicine, Treatment/Recovery Programs

Track C: Public Health Preparedness & Emergency Response: H1N1, Environmental Health, Water & Sanitation

Track D: Tribal-State Relations:Data Sharing, Tribal Epidemiology Centers, Direct Funding, Veterans’ Affairs, Disability Issues, Tribal Public Health Accreditation

Click here to access the Save-the-date flyer for the 2010 NIHB Public Health Summit.


NIHB invites you to submit an Abstract Proposal Formto present at our 2010 Public Health Summit scheduled for May 18-20, 2010. The Summit will be held at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Summit attendees include individuals who are interested in gaining a better understanding of the status of public health in tribal communities in areas such as: environmental health, emergency preparedness, health promotion, disease prevention data gathering and sharing, public health literacy in media, behavioral health and mental health and work force needs.

Click here to access the 2010 Call for Proposals Instructions(PDF file)

Click here to access the2010Abstract Proposal Form(PDF file)

All proposed abstracts must be received by March 15, 2010 at 5:00 pm [EST]

Questions? Contact or call Audrey Solimon at (202) 507-4070


Registration fees for the 2010 NIHB Public Health Summit are $250.00 per person. Registration fees include one conference packet, and admission to regular session, opening and closing ceremonies, and summit activities.Information on how to register for the Summit will be posted soon.


Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel

2600 Louisiana Boulevard NE

Albuquerque, NM87110

Ph: (505) 881-0000

Fax: (505) 881-3736

NIHB has secured special room rates for the 2010 NIHB Public Health Summit. The summit activities will be held at the Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown Hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Room rates for NIHB’s Public Health Summit attendees are set at a flat rate of $81.00 (single/double/triple/quad)plus tax per each night’s stay.

To be eligible for this room rate, you must make your room reservation no later than Tuesday, April 27, 2010.To make a reservation, call (505) 881-0000 or click here to visit their website. (this is the website address link )


Share your products and knowledge by becoming an exhibitor. We have space available for corporate, Tribal/non-profit/university and arts/crafts. For more information, contact or call Erica Doxzen at (202) 507-4070.


If you are interested in sponsoring the 2010 NIHB Public Health Summit please contact the NIHB Events and Meeting Coordinator Krystin Poitra at (202) 507-4088 or email