Yaxley Parish Council.


Minutes of the Meeting of Yaxley Parish Council held on 15th March 2017.


Councillor K Pawsey Councillor J MooreCouncillor I Luff

Councillor A LuffCouncillor J HawesCouncillor B Feaver

Councillor R HallCouncillor T ThomasCouncillor C Wright

District Councillor David Burn.

P Freeman Parish Clerk.

Four members of the public.

Meeting about the Emergency Plan.

Councillor Luff welcomed everyone to the meeting and went over the background to the plan. He stressed the need for confidentiality and pointed out that there was no insurance cover for vehicles.

The key areas he stressed were:

  • The call out procedure.
  • The type of emergency situations.
  • There were 12 volunteers and this included people from three farms who had access to heavy equipment.

Councillor Luff thanked everyone for attending the meeting and the Chairman thanked him for all the work that he had undertaken on the emergency plan.

  1. Apologies for Absence.
  • Councillor Wright and Councillor Burn.
  1. Councillor’s Declaration of Interests in Agenda Items.
  • None.
  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 1st February 2017.
  • The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record and was signed by the Chairman, proposed by Councillor A Luff and seconded by Councillor Hawes.
  1. Matters arising from the minutes:Notes on the action are in red.

Action Points:

  • Items for the Yaxley Messenger:
  • Allotments available.
  • Vehicle activated sign.
  • Casual vacancy on the Parish Council.
  • Application for grants for the purchase of defibrillator.

PF. Completed.

  • Reclaim VAT. PF. The Clerk reported that he had completed the claim for VAT.
  • Respond to offer to stain communal shed on the allotments. PF. Completed.
  • Ask Mark Sano to carry out rat control on the allotments. PF. Completed.
  • Follow up the email from the police about a car plus a van which are parked on a sharp bend on the Old Ipswich Road opposite the entrance to Yaxley Community Hall. This vehicle blocks the view around the corner. PF Completed.
  • The Clerk will apply for grants for the defibrillator. PF.
  • Meeting for the volunteers about the Emergency Plan at the beginning of the next meeting. IL and PF.Completed.
  • Order portable speed aware device: PF. Completed.
  • The equipment +2 batteries and data collection unit.
  • Contact Highways about the locations for the equipment.
  • Respond to Mr Lake about fibre broadband in Yaxley. David Burn will follow up. PF.
  • Respond to planning applications. PF. Completed.


  • Request clarification on application for change of conditions on planning decision on Yaxley Manor House. Meeting to be called on the 15th February 2017, if necessary. PF. Completed.
  • Notify David Newcombe that he has received the contract for grass cutting for 2017 and request that brambles are cut back on the hedge by the cemetery. PF. Completed.
  • Report potholes on The Street in Yaxley and on the splay by the entrance to Eye Airfield. PF. Completed.
  1. Notification of any urgent business.
  • None.

Meeting closed at 7:55 p.m.

Public Forum.

County Councillor – Jessica Fleming:

Bird Flu and Defra Instruction – As of 15th March the 3km Protection Zone centred on Redgrave ends and a 10km Surveillance Zone is scheduled to end on 20th March.

As of 28 February 2017, England is under general biosecurity controls, to remain in place until at least 30th April. Defra only mandates housing or full netting in ‘Higher Risk Areas’, shown in an interactive map. Refer to the following for information post 28th February 2017 -

Highways – Following a site visit in February with the area highways officer, locations for VAS posts were agreed but some work is still needed by Highways to trim vegetation. The cost of posts can be funded through my own highways or locality budget.

Footpath Yaxley to Mellis Primary School – The feasibility study work has been costed and funding is approved, I will keep the Parish Council informed of progress.

Business Rates – Rates will adjust as of April 1st, 2017, please get in touch if you have concerns, rates collection is a District Council responsibility. The Government website is:

Search for your propertyto estimate your rates and the relief you could get from 1 April 2017.

District Councillor: David Burn:

Taken from Councillor Burn’s email with his apologies for the meeting.

I continue with my efforts to clarify the broadband situation. I have been asked to supply telephone numbers from different parts of the village. Would you please ask the members if it's OK to forward their numbers (which I have).
The recent parish council newsletter has stolen all my report thunder and I wouldn't have had anything extra to say this evening.
When discussing the chicken factory scoping opinion remember that the main thing is to ask for what you would like to see addressed in the environmental impact assessment. Expression of support or objection will come later if a planning application is made.

The council was thanked for resolving the problem of the car parked on the double bend near to the entrance to the community Hall.

Potholes by the entrance to the airfield will be reported to the highways Department of Suffolk County Council.

Meeting opened at 8:01 p.m.

  1. Correspondence received.


Signed: ______Date: ______

15th March 2017.

Yaxley Parish Council.

  • Various documents from SALC.
  • Various emails from Suffolk Community Foundation.
  • Town and Parish Council Newsletter.
  • Various emails from the Highways Department Suffolk County Council.
  • Clerks and Councils Direct.
  • The Local Councillor.
  • Dangerous parking in Yaxley.
  • The Pension Regulator.
  • Paul Newis - potential Parish Councillor.
  • Melanie Fisher -potential Parish Councillor.
  • Resignation from Parish Council - Tess Thomas.


  • Report Flooding and Drainage Issues in Suffolk.
  • The Great British Spring Clean - Spring 2017.
  • Mellis to Yaxley footpath - petitions from Mellis Primary School.
  • Free Community Event for Parish Magazine Editors.
  • Poster advertising the opening of the Forge Community Church in Eye.
  • Open Spaces Survey.
  • Development Management Team Map and Phone Numbers.


Signed: ______Date: ______

15th March 2017.

Yaxley Parish Council.

  1. Yaxley Allotments:
  • Update on allotment gardens and tenancy agreement.
  1. Report on the number of vacant plots.
  2. 19.
  3. Applications for plots:Mrs J Brooks – former tenant and Mr S Alexander.
  4. Agreed, proposed by Councillor Hawes and seconded by Councillor Hall.
  5. Tenancy agreements for 2016/2017.
  • It was agreed that the Clerk should contact Mr Hearne about his outstanding allotment tenancy agreement.Action: The Clerk.
  1. Request by Mr Childes to keep bees on an allotment.
  • Following a discussion, it was agreed to accept the advice from the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners and to contact Mr Childes to inform him of this decision. Action: The Clerk.
  1. Repairs to the shed on the allotments.
  • These will take place in the near future.
  1. Other matters:
  • The post for the gate to the allotments was broken and it was agreed to ask Mr Keeley to repair it. Action: TheClerk.
  • The rats appear to have disappeared
  • Unused plots: nothing to report.
  1. Highway matters:
  2. Portable Speed Aware Device.
  3. The device had been delivered and was at the Chairman’s house. There was an IT element to the equipment.
  4. Parking on corner by the entrance to Yaxley Community Hall – double yellow lines at specific locations in Yaxley.
  5. The police reported that the owner of the vehicle had been told not to park on the corner by the entrance to Yaxley Community Hall.
  6. Parish Councillors had met David Irving from the Highways Department Suffolk County Council and Councillor Fleming to look at the possibility of installing double yellow lines at various places in the area.
  7. Pedestrians, including young children, using Mellis Road at peak times.
  8. Nothing to report.


  1. Finances and financial report.
  2. Balances on Accounts: 27thFebruary 2017.
  3. Current account:£4,947.04p.
  4. Deposit account: £5,569.06p.
  • Councillors noted the bank balances.
  • Detailed accounts, had been given to Councillors, which recorded all items of income and expenditure, and compared them to the budget. The spreadsheet also showed both as a percentage of the budget.
  • The accounts were to the date of this meeting and included a bank reconciliation for both accounts.
  • There were no questions from Councillors.
  • To authorise cheques for signature:

N.B. Cheque signatories to initial cheque stub and invoice.

Payee / Details / Cheque Number / Amount / Power
P Freeman / Clerk’s Pay and Expenses / 101058 / £245.65 / LGA 1972 S112 (i)
HMRC / PAYE / 101059 / £55.20 / LGA 1972 S111
Westcotec / Vehicle Activated Sign / 101060 / £3,780.00 / LGA 1972 S111
Yaxley Community Centre – replacement cheque / Share of recycling credit / 101061 / £162.34 / LGA 1972 S111
Yaxley Community Centre / Share of recycling credit / 101062 / £183.55 / LGA 1972 S111
Yaxley PCC / Share of recycling credit / 101063 / £183.55 / LGA 1972 S111


Signed: ______Date: ______

15th March 2017.

Yaxley Parish Council.

  • It was unanimously agreed to pay the invoices listed above, proposed by CouncillorI Luff and seconded by CouncillorFeaver.
  • Receipts:
  • JP and Mrs JM Brooks - £30 allotment rent.
  • MSDC – Recycling Credits: £367.10
  • Requests for financial support: none.
  1. Casual Vacancy.
  • This will be dealt with at the next meeting.
  1. Purchase of a Defibrillator.
  2. Following a discussion, it was agreed not to proceed further with an application to Awards for All, as the conditions of a Lottery grant made it difficult to proceed.
  3. A discussion will take place with a local parishioner who had offered to help fund the defibrillator.
  4. It was agreed to approach the publican at the Cherry Tree Public House about locating it on the wall of this building.Action: The Chairman.
  1. Fibre Broadband in Yaxley.
  2. See Councillor Burn’s report.
  1. Yaxley Community Hall:
  2. Car Park and Security of the Community Hall.


  • This will be considered at the next meeting.
  1. Areas of Responsibility.
  2. It was agreed that a new agreement should be prepared. Action: TheClerk.
  3. Various agreements had been seen in the past.
  4. Points from the Chairman’s email will be included in the agreement.
  5. The responsibility for the alcohol and entertainment licences will be included.
  6. The responsibility for the play area and playing field will be included.
  7. The Clerk will respond to Mrs Thomas and Mrs Armstrong to inform them that an agreement was being drawn up. Action: TheClerk.
  1. Parish Council matters for publication in the Yaxley Messenger.
  • None.
  1. Planning:
  2. Applications:
  3. Application Number: 0332/17

Proposal: Scoping Opinion - proposed development for production facility at Eye Airfield.

Crown Chicken (Cranswick Poultry) Eye Airfield, Eye.

The following was sent to MSDC Planning Department:

The Parish Council believes that Crown Chicken should be asked to address the following environmental issues:

  • The impact of wind direction on any emissions from the production facility.
  • The visual impact of the building and other facilities on the village of Yaxley.
  • The impact of the expected massive increase in vehicles in the area because of HGVs and workers’ cars associated with the production facility.
  • The environmental impact on the infrastructure of the area, on the A140, and the risk of increased traffic through Yaxley as vehicles use the road to Wortham as a short cut to the A143.
  • The impact on the MSDC Eye Airfield Development Brief which had designated this area as a buffer to reduce the environmental impact, on the people living in Yaxley, of increased levels of industrialisation on Eye Airfield.
  • Applications – no decisions to date:
  • Application Number: 5021/16

Proposal: Variation of condition 2 and 7 following grant of planning permission 1822/16.

Location: Yaxley Manor House, Mellis Road, Yaxley IP23 8DG

  1. Planning decisions:
  2. Approved:
  3. Application number 0133/17

Proposal: demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a sunroom

Location: Rose Cottage, Mellis Road, Yaxley

  • Application Number: 4853/16

Proposal: erection of a two-bay cart lodge and garage.

Location: Bridge House, Old Ipswich Road, Yaxley.

Location: Conifers, Mellis Road, Yaxley.

  1. Refused:
  2. Application number: 4529/16


Proposal: application for outline planning permission - correction of up to 8 no. new dwellings and construction of a new vehicular access (following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings).

  1. Withdrawn: None.
  2. Appeal by: None.
  1. Play area:
  2. To receive Play Area Inspection Report.
  • Everything was in good order.
  • Councillors I and A Luff will take responsibility for the play area until the next meeting.
  1. Yaxley Cemetery:
  2. To consider inspection report - Councillor J Hawes.
  • All was in order and the memorials were safe.
  • The grass needed cutting.
  1. To receive Councillor’s reports.
  2. Councillor Luff – EPR.
  • Nothing to report.
  • SALC.
  • Nothing to report.
  • Councillor Moore - Yaxley Town Estates Fund.
  • Nothing to report.
  1. AOB - Any items raised earlier but not for an extended discussion or decisions and items for inclusion at the meeting on26th April 2017.
  • There was a resource implication of the emergency plan, e.g. a generator. It may be necessary to contact MSDC about further grants.

Meeting closed at 9:00 p.m.


Signed: ______Date: ______

15th March 2017.