Green-e Energy MCR Page 1 of 6
Spring 2017Green-e Energy Marketing Compliance Review
MaterialsForm for Commercial & Wholesale (Multiple Mix) Products
What to submit:
Submit all materials related to the certified multiple mix product. Submissions include, but are not limited to, the materials listed in this document. Add rows as needed.Submit separate MCR Formsfor each product.
How to fill out this form:
List the document name (as written on the electronic file) or URL beside the appropriate Material Type. If a document applies to more than one Material Type, write the document name in all appropriate sections of the MCR Form. Include any pertinent notes to your Green-e Energy staff reviewers in the right hand column after the document name. Do not embed attachments in this document; submit them as email attachments.
How to submit:
Please submit this form as an email attachment, along with all marketing and disclosure materials that reference the certified product(s). Materials may be submitted in .DOC or .PDF format. Do not group multiple documents into one document; submit materials in individual files labeled according to their Material Type. If the MCR submission is large, compress the documents into a .ZIP file or use a service such as Dropbox.
Send this form and all materials to by Tuesday, February 28, 2017 with a subject line “<Company Name> Spring 2017Energy MCR”.
After you submit:
Green-e staff will review your submissions to verify adherence to the Green-e Energy Code of Conduct. Feedback on materials intended for continued use will be based on Version 2.1 of the Code of Conduct, which came into effect on January 1, 2017. Materials no longer in circulation are only subject to the previous version of the Code of Conduct, Version 2.0. If applicable, you will be asked to complete these changes within 30 calendar days from the date you receive feedback from Green-e staff. Failure to complete the requested changes will result in non-compliance with program requirements, and continued non-compliance will trigger Section V Enforcement and Censure of the Code of Conduct. See further information about submitting for MCR and extensions in Marketing Compliance Review Frequently Asked Questions.
Materials FormCompliance Review Period: / Materials used from January1, 2016 – December31, 2016
Date MCR Submitted:
Company Name:
Certified ProductName:
Product Type: / Competitive Electricity, REC, Utility Green Pricing
Select all sales channels that apply to your certified product: / Call centers, Door-to-Door, Relationship marketing, Online sales,
Mailings, Automatically-renewing purchases, Responses to RFPs,
Project-level PPAs, Other, please describe:
Describeany non-Green-e certified REC or electricity options that you sell:
Does your product have special features?
These are features such as project financing, or donation to an environmental causeaffiliated with the certified product.
Company Website(s):
Contact Information
MCR Contact Name, Email & Phone:
Secondary Contact Name, Email & Phone:
Material Type / Document Name, URL, Notes
2016 Prospective Product Content Label (PPCL)
- One sample sufficient (will vary based on mix).
- May be contained within contract.
- Must have been provided to 2016 customers at time of purchase. / Attach file to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
2017Prospective Product Content Label (PPCL)
- One sample sufficient (will vary based on mix).
- May be contained within contract.
- Mustprovide to 2017 customers at time of purchase.
- Must be sent to continuing customers and (if marketing online) posted on website by April 1, 2017. / Attach file to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
2015 Historical Product Content Label (HPCL)
- One sample sufficient (will vary based on mix).
- Must have been sent to 2015 customers and (if marketing online) posted on website by August 1, 2016. / Attach file to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
Submit if available:
2016 Historical Product Content Label (HPCL)
- One sample sufficient (will vary based on mix).
- Must be sent to 2016 customers and (if marketing online) posted on website by August 1, 2017. / Optional – Attach file to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
Price, Terms & Conditions (PTC)
- Include samples of all contracts, sales agreements, addendums used in association with the certified product. / Attach file to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
(block out all confidential customer information)
Customer Welcome Packet
- Sent to new customers within 60-days of purchasing the certified product.
- Contains welcome letter, current year’s Prospective Product Content Label, and Price, Terms & Conditions.
- Requirements may be fulfilled through contract, if applicable. / Attach file to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
(block out all confidential customer information)
Materials with a Subscription Mechanism
- Documents that contain a way to purchase the certified product, i.e. by filling out a form or checking a box.
- Includes PPA templates, responses to RFPs, etc. / Attach file(s) to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
Materials without a Subscription Mechanism
- All other marketing materials: certificates of purchase given to customers, pitch decks, brochures, newsletters, etc. / Attach file(s) to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
List all statements of carbon equivalency used in your marketing
- Provide the document and the conversion calculation (with references) used to support the statement. / Attach file(s) to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
Television Spots, YouTube videos, Radio Spots,etc. / Attach file(s) to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
Company website, product webpages, and other electronic media
- Including social media posts relating to the certified product. / Include links to all relevant sites and webpages here
Sample Copy Customer Billor Invoice
- Required regardless of who sends out your bill. / Attach file to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
(block out all confidential customer information)
Call Center documentation
- If applicable. Such as call center scripts, training materials, TPV scripts. / Attach file(s) to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
Materials specific to wholesale products
- Any materials directed at resellers and therefore not intended for end users. / Attach file(s) to email (and include URL here, if applicable)
Note any recent changes that your company has made to be in compliance with the Green-e Energy Code of Conduct:
I am an authorized agent of the Participating Company named above, and I declare that the information submitted is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Print Name & Title:Signature: