August 22, 2012
To: / Board of Trustees
From: / Cory Gray, Superintendent of Schools
Subject: / Transportation Services Update
Originator: / Gail Prokopchuk, Director – Transportation Services
Resource: / Edward Latka, Assistant Superintendent – Business Services
That the Board receiveaTransportation Services update, as information.
Transportation Services has been progressing with the following projects in preparations for September 2012
- TCCAP Update
- Red Alternating Lights on School Buses
I have provided a brief update to each of the topics and welcome your feedback or suggestions.
TCCAP Update
- The website has been updated and revised to include a “quick link” to the proposed “2012-2013 School Bus Routes”
- All School Bus Route Information has been uploaded to the website with approximate pick up times and stop location. Updates to stop time and placement will occur again during the last week of August and throughout the month of September.
- School Bus driver’s will receive updated route information at the “Welcome Back” on August 28
- Prior to the first day of school, all drivers will be required to conduct a “dry run” to determine stop times or safety concerns. Drivers are to contact each parent on their route with confirmed pick up time for students, prior to the first day of school.
- The "Back to School" radio campaign on The Eagle will launch August 20th and run until Sept 3. These radio announcements will air 6 times daily, be 15 seconds in length will feature important School Bus Information including where to access school bus route information, how to register for the school bus, Red Alternating Light regulation, Inclement Weather and information.
- School Bus Transportation “Back to School” advertisementwill appear in the August 20 & Aug 27 newspaper editions in Edson, Hinton, Lobstick and Grande Cache.A list of School Bus Routes and service areas will be included in the advertisement.
- The annual “Route Review Process” has been posted on the site to allow sharing of the processes Transportation uses when conducting the annual route reviews
- The Transportation department has minimal feedback from stakeholders on the proposed route reviews for 2012-2013. All phone calls which require a reply are being recorded for follow up and action taken/resolve is being documented. Transportation Services will continue to log inquiries/complaints throughout the year to ensure we are addressing concerns and recording the follow up action.
Website visits July 30, 2012 – August 13, 2012
School Bus Route Website HitsDate of Last Reset / Hits
School Bus Route Information / July 30, 2012 / 186
Lobstick Bus Routes / July 30, 2012 / 106
Grande Cache Bus Routes / July 30, 2012 / 138
Edson Bus Routes / July 30, 2012 / 537
Hinton Bus Routes / July 30, 2012 / 496
Use of Red Alternating Lights on School Buses – Bylaw Update
Background - Alberta Traffic Safety regulation requires school bus drivers to activate the Red and Amber alternating lights whenever they are loading or unloading students, unless there is a Municipal By-Law which prohibits their use. Effective September 1, 2012 all GYPSD buses will be required to activate the Alternating lights when loading or unloading students at our schools as there is currently no bylaw which prohibits the use of Alternating Lights.
The Director of Transportation met with Protective Services Committee at the Town of Edson on June 29 to present information regarding the use and regulation of the Red and Amber Alternating Lights on School Buses. Protective Services Committee would be discussing with Council members and provide a recommendation on how to proceed as there is no bus loop at Evergreen school.
A second meeting was held on July 5 with Town of Edson Chief Administrative Officer, Clarence Joly, Ed Latka and I. Discussions included the possible options for loading and unloading at Evergreen and A.H. Dakin Schools. Initially A.H. Dakin was not considered for a bylaw exemption as the traffic flow in the back alley where the buses load and unload was minimal, most parents use the street to pick up or drop off their children. To ensure consistency in relation to loading and unloading at schools with no bus loops, we agree that an exemption at A.H. Dakin and Evergreen would be required.
Clarence Joly contacted Transportation on July 25, 2012 to confirm “The Town of Edson will be proceeding with a bylaw exemption prohibiting the use of the Alternating Lights at both Evergreen and A.H. Dakin Schools.” Town Council will meet on the proposed bylaw change on August 14, 2012.
August 15, 2012 - Town of Edson reported that Council had third reading and passed a Bylaw “Prohibiting the use of the Red Alternating Lights at Evergreen and A.H.Dakin Schools”. A copy of the bylaw and minutes from the meeting will be provided next week.
Effective immediately all school bus operators within GYPSD will be required to use their Red Alternating Lights anytime they are loading or unloading students, except at Evergreen and A.H. Dakin schools.
Transportation Services is in contact with the Town of Edson to initiate discussions on the exemption for Evergreen.