Bath Community Academy

Health & Safety Committee

Wednesday 19thMarch2014

Attendees: A Williams, A Hurford, S Stone,A Bingham (DT), C Hughes (School Trips/Activities),

N Rowley (Art), S Lock (Respect), G Seavill (for latter part of meeting)


Apologies were received from DCo. SLo was welcomed as the representative from Respect.

2. Notes from last meeting (29January2014) with updates

Actions from the last meeting were checked, the following wereupdated or carried forward as still requiring action:

Implement refresher MIDAS training for minibus drivers – all staff now trained but queries against Brian Elliott and Andrew Mackney. AWi confirmed that neither require refresher training. CHu toadvise Donna Wiles to do the driving rather than Andrew Mackney. Correction – it was discovered after the meeting that Andrew Mackney has undergone refresher training so please ignore the comments relating to him.

Establish guidelines for use of new projectors in Art – not yet carried out.AHu to e-mailNRo/DCoreestablishing guidelines, NRo/DCoto advise AHu when completed.

Risk Assessments for general classrooms – AHuhas received the risk assessment from JCA, this is on the list of risk assessments to be undertaken.

Emergency First Aid coursesfor Mark Gunning, Harley Caswell and Jess Fresle– courses still to be arranged by members of staff. With regard to Jess Fresle, her concerns were due to the course being on a Wednesday (the day she is out at Primary School) so she has requested to do the course on another day. AHu to look intoan alternative provider.

Options for lino in staff room – this has now been sorted out.

Contact Paul Cracknell regarding repair of Sports Hall roof – AHu advised that Aquaterra has no money to do this (their R&M budget is capped at £6k, they do not have to spend above this) and has , therefore, referred this to BCA to undertake. The current position is that Jason Curtis (Aquaterra) will obtain a quote from their roofing contractor and this will be reviewed by Su McNab (Chief Operating Officer, CLF).

Look in Consortium catalogue for new display screen re art/academy as a whole – NRo has given details to AHu who will definitely order 11 as the requirement for next year and possibly 18 allowing for future increases.AHu to order display screens.

Modification of School Trips and Activities spread sheet to include tracker and details of rejected trips/activities with reasons – CHu has now modified this.

Place detailed notes/recommendations from meeting with Guy Littlemore re fire evacuation procedures in H&S folder on Shared Documents – AHu has now done this so H&S Committee members are welcome to go in and view this.

3. Review of Accidents

The Committee reviewed the report from C Elliott entitled “Types of Injury 28/01/14 – 18/03/14”.

There were 58 entries in total with the majority under “Injured onsite” category (43 entries) and “Unwell” category (10 entries). The location for most injuries was PE (11) and Outside (i.e. break times 12).

It was confirmed that the accident book is kept in Reception/Front Office if further details are required.

AHu to speak to Charlotte Elliott regarding cumulative report for next time (i.e. total report with 6 date ranges covering the whole year from 01/09/13). Also Location total should equal Category total of Injured onsite and Building related injury. Also suggestion to re-instate Fighting as a category as in the original report.

4. Site Issues

Nothing to report.Agreed to reduce agenda item in the future.

5. Feedback from high risk departments


ABi very happy with new carpet and confirmed that Bowerhill have carried out repairs to DT equipment as necessary.


DCo not present.


GSe not present.


Nothing to report.


PAl not present.

6. Risk Assessment progress and review

AHu confirmed that work on risk assessments is ongoing.

7. Training Needs

Emergency First Aid certificates for remaining PE staff as outlined in Section 2. Defibrillator training for nominated First Aiders (Toby Howden, Loraine Kemery-Webb, Rhian Skinner) – AWi has met with these staff who have confirmed their willingness to undertake training.

8. First Aid provision/qualifications etc.

Dealt with under Section 2.

9. Any school trips taking place and has this been assessed and authorized

H&S Committee reviewed the report from CHu entitled “School Trip and Activities”.AWiconfirmed that just needs minor tweaking now and will need to be maintained by CHu.It was confirmed that the School Trips purple folder is in the Reception/Front Office if staff want to see individual risk assessments, etc.

10. Inspection findings and required actions

Nothing to report.

11. Findings of any compliance issues to feed into the academy’s overall strategic health and safety plan

AHu confirmed that Mannings Facilities Management Ltd has been appointed as the new contractor for the CLF’s H&S/M&E compliance contract for its academies. They are already known to BCA. The contract is expected to commence from 1st April, detailed discussion to take place between MFM Ltd and AHu/SSt to establish the annual programme of compliance testing.

12. Date of next meeting

The next meeting is scheduled forWednesday 14thMay 2014at 3.30pm in the Main Meeting Room.

15. AOB

H&S Policy – this has now been finalised and signed off,AHu has asked DCo to load this ontoBCA’s website.

The meeting finished at 4.35pm.

Actions / Actionee / Completion Date
1. Contact Paul Cracknell (Aquaterra) re Sports Hall roof / AHu / ASAP
2. Order display screens for Art/whole school / AHu / ASAP
3. Speak to CEl re cumulative accident report for next time, Location Total should equal Category Total of Injured Onsite and Building Related Injury, re-instate Fighting as a category. / AHu / ASAP

Alison Hurford, ABM, 21 March 2014