Curriculum Vitae

Name: / Ayman El-Sayed Mohamed El-Sahar
Title: / Lecturer Dr.
Department: / Pharmacology and Toxicology
E-mail: /
Website: /
Mobile: / +2 01222221666
Phone: / +202 22730639


·  Academic Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology & Toxicology) from Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, April 2015.
Master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology & Toxicology) from Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, May 2012
Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, May 2003, Excellent with 1st Degree of Honour
·  Research interest
Inflammation, Central nervous system diseases and Cardiovascular diseases.


Course Title
Undergraduate Courses
(General Program) / 308 First Aid
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Undergraduate Courses (Clinical Program) / Choose an item.
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Postgraduate Courses / Biostatistics and drug discovery diploma , drug targets

Career History and Professional Experience

Titles / 1) Lecturer of Pharmacology and Toxicology from May 2015.
2) Assistant Lecturer of Pharmacology and Toxicology from June 2012 to April 2015.
3) Demonstrator of Pharmacology and Toxicology from November 2003 to June 2012

Publications and Presentations

1.  Neuroprotective Effects of Atorvastatin through Anti-oxidant, AntinflammatoryAnd Anti-apoptotic mechanisms against transient Ischemic/reperfusion injury in diabetic rats. Ayman E. El-Sahar, Marwa M. Safar, Hala F. Zaki, Amina S. Attia and Afaf A. Shoka International Journal of Development Research Vol. 4, Issue, 12, pp. 2712-2718, December, 2014

2.  Sitagliptin attenuates transient cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury in diabetic rats: Implication of the oxidative–inflammatory–apoptotic pathway. Ayman E.EL-Sahar, Marwa M.Safar, Hala F.Zaki, Amina S.Attia and Afaf A. Shoka. Life Sciences 126, 21-26.Februrary, 2015

3.  Neuroprotective effect of pioglitazone against Transient Cerebral Ischemic Reperfusion Injury in Diabetic Rats: Modulation of Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, and Anti-apoptotic biomarkers. Ayman E.EL-Sahar, Marwa M.Safar, Hala F.Zaki, Amina S.Attia and Afaf A. Shoka. Life Sciences 126, 81-86.March, 2015