Geometry Syllabus – 2014-2015 Mrs. Wenter
Welcome to Geometry. I would like to go over important information and expectations to help my students be successful in Geometry this year.
· Website---
· Contact: e-mail:
Phone: 281.641.6721
Text and e-mail alerts: I will send out mass e-mails throughout the semester and will also be sending out mass texts using Remind101. These texts are one-way and are used solely to be reminders and will not allow for responses. If you would like to respond to any message, please e-mail or call me.
To receive text alerts send a text message to the following from your phone:
For students: Text @wentergeo to 2816773385
For parents: Text @wenterpar to 2816773385
· Online Geometry Textbook--- Each student has the same username and password.
The website is
Username: wenter
Password: kphs1
I would like to suggest that you explore this great resource. There are video tutorials, extra practice and many other bits of great information available on this site.
· Notes--- detailed notes are given daily during class. All students are expected to follow along with the lesson and take all notes given during class. These notes are a great resource to look back on when doing homework and reviewing for tests.
· Homework--- Practice is very important in mastering Geometry and a homework assignment can be expected daily. The expectations of work to be shown for the homework problems are given in the notes.
· Grades--- It is important for both students and parents to go online to check grades for each class. The Geometry grade is based 70% on tests (summative) and 30% on daily work (formative). One test per 9 week grading period may be reassessed if a student makes below a 70%. Please see district policy for reassessing.
· Late Policy---If a student has a zero, it’s very important to get this assignment turned in ASAP. Students do not have an indefinite amount of time to turn in missing work. One zero can hurt a student’s grade. 20 points will be taken off for every class day an assignment is late.
· Tutoring--- Geometry tutoring is at the following times and locations.
Morning (6:45-7:15) / Afternoon (2:45-3:15)Monday / X / Mrs. Wenter (2307)
Tuesday / Mrs. Payne (2303) / Mrs. Wenter (2307)
NHS (2506) 3:00-4:30
Wednesday / Mr. Mottola (2311) / Mrs. Payne (2303)
Thursday / X / Mr. Mottola (2311)
NHS (2506) 3:00-4:30
Friday / X
· Calculator/Clicker---students will be issued a Ti-83+ calculator to use during class and will be working with a CPS Clicker. Students are expected to keep both in working order and return to proper caddy at end of period. Students will be responsible for damage or theft.
· Quizzes--- Students should expect a quiz everyday over previously taught material.
· Online learning--- Students will be expected to complete online assignments and activities weekly. If a student does not have a computer at home there are computers available on campus for them to use.
· Supplies---
binder/spiral (ONLY for Geometry)
1 Pack of College ruled paper
10+ pencils
Expo – dry erase markers (4 pack or larger. Black, red, blue and green preferred)
pack of 4 AAA batteries (optional)
Kleenex (optional)
Hand Sanitizer (optional)
Please email me at any time throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns. My goal is to help each student succeed, in any way I can. In return, each student needs to realize it is their job to follow the expectations of class…being prepared for class (papers, pencils etc.), actively participating during the lesson by following along and taking notes, doing all assigned work, going to tutoring when difficulty arises and being prepared for tests. I am looking forward to a great year!
Thank you,
Shannon Wenter