Honiton Town Council
For the agenda, click here.
Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held at The Beehive, Dowell Street, Honiton on Tuesday16th June2015 at 7.00pm.
Members present
St Michael’s WardSt Paul’s Ward
Cllr Ashley AlderCllr Roy Coombs (Chairman)
Cllr Jill McNallyCllr Vera Howard
Cllr Jackie Wadsworth
In Attendance
1 member of the public
DeputyTown Clerk
15/63To accept apologies for absence
Cllr Kolek (S); Cllr Taylor (P)
15/64To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda and receipt of requests for new DPI dispensations on the agenda
Cllr Wadsworth – Honiton Dairy – applicant is a friend of the Councillor – personal
Cllr Howard – Hale Close Farm – applicant is known to the Councillor – personal
Cllr Coombs – Claywell, New Street – Councillor is a member of the Glen Conservation Group - personal
15/65To confirm the minutes of the Planning Committee meetings held on 2nd June 2015
The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd June, having been circulated in advance, were agreed and signed as a correct record.
15/66To consider the following applications, based on the information available:
The following applications were considered, based on the information available. Participation of those Councillors who are also Members of the District Council in both the debate and subsequent vote is on the basis that the views expressed are preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Town Council. The District Councillors reserve their final views on the application until they are in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against.
15/0612/MFUL(amended plans)
The Chairman declared the meeting out of session.
The member of the public, who is a resident of Rowcroft Close, addressed the Committee to raise concerns regarding the capacity of the current foul drainage system which the developer is proposing to use. Councillors asked several questions regarding the status of the pipe work and its ongoing maintenance.
The Chairman declared the meeting back in session.
Signed Chairman
The Town Council unanimously agreed to continue to object to this application on the grounds of overdevelopment and re-iterated its concerns about the potential impact on the railway cutting. The Town Council noted and supported the concerns raised by local residents with regard to the foul drainage pipe work and strongly urges East Devon District Council to address these concerns.
The Chairman thanked the member of the public who then left the meeting. / Mr A Pugh
542 / Heathfield House, Rosemount Lane, HonitonEX14 1RN
Re-development of site for 14no. dwellings and associated works
7th July 2015
The Town Council supports this application (For 3; Against 1; Cllr Howard did not take part in the vote) / Mr Dobson / Hale Close Farm, Honiton
EX14 9TQ
Outline application with some matters reserved (access to be considered) for the construction of 2no holiday let units, and associated gym, games room and biomass boiler and store; garage/workshop for use with existing dwelling on footprint of existing (redundant) farm buildings
The Town Council unanimously supports this application / Mr C Howell / 7 Coombe Close, Honiton
EX14 2EJ
Construction of conservatory to side of dwelling
The Town Council unanimously supports this application / Mrs V Salter / 10 Macauley Close, Honiton
EX14 1UU
Access ramp to front door
The Town Council supports this application (For 4; Cllr Coombs did not take part in the vote)
Signed Chairman / Mr P Redvers / Claywell, New Street, Honiton
EX14 1BU
Disability modifications including installation of a stair lift, alteration of rear steps and addition of a rail, lowering of utility room floor and associated lowering of door frames and skirting; fit shower into cloakroom
7th July 2015
The Town Council supports the pre-application comments of the Conservation Officer and objects to this application on the grounds that it would be detrimental to the appearance of the listed building in the Conservation Area. The Town Council would prefer to see the installation of the separate access to the rear of the property (For 4; Cllr Wadsworth did not take part in the discussion or the vote) / 543
Mr R Harris / The Honiton Dairy, 60 High Street, HonitonEX14 1PQ
Proposed entrance door
The Town Council supports the pre-application comments of the Conservation Officer and objects to this application on the grounds that the proposed entrance door would be detrimental to the appearance of the listed building in the Conservation Area. The Town Council would prefer to see the installation of the separate access to the rear of the property (For 4; Cllr Wadsworth did not take part in the discussion or the vote) / Mr R Harris / The Honiton Dairy, 60 High Street, HonitonEX14 1PQ
Proposed entrance door and internal alterations to create first floor access to flat
The Town Council unanimously supports this application / CTIL & Vodafone Limited UK / Kings Transport, Durham Way, HonitonEX14 1SQ
Replacement telecommunications pole (17.5m height including 2no. new 300mm dish antennae); installation of 2no. new equipment cabinets, 1no. meter cabinet and ancillary works
The Town Council is disappointed to note that the proposed work appears to have been agreed in advance of this application being sent to the Town Council for consideration. The Town Council therefore does not wish to comment on this occasion.
Signed Chairman / Mrs Y Clarke / Briarbank, Exeter Road, HonitonEX14 1AL
T1, Oak – Lift crown by removing 4no. lowest branches
T2, Birch – Fell
T3, Birch – Prune branches to give clearance to BT lines
7th July 2015
The Town Council is disappointed to note that the proposed work appears to have been agreed in advance of this application being sent to the Town Council for consideration. The Town Council therefore does not wish to comment on this occasion.
It was also agreed to seek an explanation from EDDC with regard to work to trees being agreed prior to submission of a planning application and its subsequent consultation with the Town Council / 544
Mrs F Bastyan / 17 Gronau Close, Honiton
EX14 2YT
T1, Ash; Reduce and thin crown by 20% through target pruning to create a balanced tree
15/67To note planning decisions, copy letters and correspondence received and to resolve any matters arising
Decision notices
1.15/0376/FUL – Barn Mews, King Street, HonitonEX14 1AB – conversion of dwelling to 4no apartments, demolition of barn in rear garden and replace with 3no dwellings – refused
2.15/1001/FUL – 10 Lilley Walk, Honiton EX14 2EA – proposed garage conversion and new garage extension – granted
3.15/1027/MOUT – land east of Hayne Lane, Gittisham – email notes regarding formal pre-application advice provided by EDDC to the developer
4.Agenda for Development Management Committee meeting 23 June – including 14/0557/MOUT – land at Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton – recommendation: Approval with conditions
Item 3 – the pre-application advice provided for application 15/1027/MOUT was noted. It was agreed to request the pre-application advice for applications 12/0622/FUL (land north of Field View rear of 46/52 High Street) and 13/2744/MOUT (land at Hayne Lane).
Late Correspondence
a.Ottery Moor Lane planning application for 150 homes – email from Cllr Mike Allen (EDDC) requesting comments on the balance of obligations if the planning application proceeds
b.Notice of temporary prohibition of stopping, clearway and pedestrians – Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 August 2015 – to allow for Honiton Show
Item a – the Deputy Town Clerk read the email from Cllr Allen with regard to application 14/0557/MOUT – land at Ottery Moor Lane. The Town Council supports the Ward Member’s work in trying to secure sufficient planning contributions to effectively deal with the impact of any new housing on the Honiton Surgery. Local knowledge would suggest that the Practice is currently oversubscribed which has a detrimental effect on waiting times.
With regard to the application for Ottery Moor Lane, the Town Council notes and supports the comments of the S.106 Officer that open space provision, including allotments should be provided on site rather than by way of financial contributions. The Town Council would also wish to see the provision of pedestrian links to the High Street which were to have been provided under a previously refused planning application (07/2663/MFUL – Tesco Stores). The Town Council would also wish to encourage the provision of public transport links on the site.
Item b – the Town Council noted the temporary closure of Gittisham Footpath 2. It was agreed to request that Devon County Council install warning signs on this footpath to alert users to the fact that it is closed annually for the Honiton Show, with no alternative route provided.
Signed Chairman7th July 2015
15/68Close of meeting
Prior to the close of the meeting,the Chairman advised the Committee of amended plans for application 15/0655/MFUL (Brookfield Farm). The Chairman also advised that the CopperCastle tollgate had been upended. It was noted that the tollgates are unaffected by application 15/1085/OUT (Hale Close Farm).
The Chairman closed the meeting at8.55pm.
Signed Chairman7th July2015