The huge crowd and amazing trade at the Anneskeagh Charolais herd dispersal sale was a fitting tribute to an outstanding Charolais breeder, and gentleman the late Brian Donnelly, Newhaggard, Lusk, Co. Dublin.

The herd which was set up in 1993, very quickly attained premier status and the quality and depth of the herd was certainly appreciated by the huge attendance in Naas Mart.

As expected in a dispersal sale there were some very good top prices culminating in €15,500 for an imported stock bull “Anneskeagh Uranus” (born Dec. 2002) €12,000 twice for two cows “ Anneskeagh Leonie” (born Nov. 1995) and “Anneskeagh Naomi” (born March 1997) and €11,000 for “Anneskeagh Seychelles” (born Nov. 2001) but the sale was rock solid with outstanding prices in all categories and a total clearance.

Þ Weanling heifers averaged €3750 with a top of €7,600 for “Anneskeagh Vienna” (born 24th Nov. 2004) By a son of “Major” and out of a home bred dam by “Anneskeagh Oscar” she was purchased by Danny McKay, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.

Þ Weanling bulls averaged €2,433 with a top of €4,200 for “Anneskeagh Valentino” (born 29th Nov. 2004) By “Erriff Savo” an Irish bred son of “Hermes” and out of a home bred dam by “Domino” he was purchased by Paul Grant, Newry, Co. Down.

Þ Maiden heifers averaged €3,078 with a top of €6,200 for “Anneskeagh Venice” (born 29th March, 2004) By the same stock bull “Erriff Savo” as the top priced weanling bull, and out of a home bred dam by “Judicieux” she was purchased by Danny McKay, Ballymena, Co. Antrim.

Þ Yearling bulls averaged €3,457 with a top price of €5,400 for “Anneskeagh Viking” (born 29th March, 2004) By “Enfield Newlook” and out of a home bred dam by “Knockane Jester” he was purchased by Dan Melody, Bunratty, Co. Clare.

Þ In-calf heifers averaged €4,488 with a top price of €10,400 for “Anneskeagh Ulrica” (born 25th Jan. 2003) By “Impecable and out of a home bred dam by “Epsom” she was purchased by Barry McEvoy, Newry, Co. Down.

Þ Older cows (born prior to 2000) averaged €4,802 with a top price of €12,000 for “Anneskeagh Leonie” (born 21st Nov. 1995) By “Erudit” and out of a granddaughter of “Pacha” she was purchased by Castlemartin Farm, Kilcullen, Co. Kildare. She had a heifer calf at foot, born in March by “Anneskeagh Uranus”.

Þ Younger cows averaged €5,000 with a top price of €11,000 for “Anneskeagh Seychelles” (born 5th Nov. 2001) By “Excellent” and out of an imported dam by “Meillard” she was purchased by Sean McCrystal, Maghera, Co. Derry. She had a heifer calf at foot, born in February by “Anneskeagh Tchaikovsky”

Five stock bulls:

· Anneskeagh Oscar (born January 1998) €5,200

· Anneskeagh Sandman (born April 2001) €9,000

· Erriff Savo (born August, 2001) €10,300

· Anneskeagh Tchaikovsky (born Feb. 2002) €6,800

· Anneskeagh Uranus (born Dec. 2002) €15,500

“Anneskeagh Uranus” is by a son of “Invincible” and out of a dam by “Erudit”. He was purchased by Richard Maguire for the, Skidoo 96 Herd, Ballyboughal, Co. Dublin.

Volume buyers were:

Eugene McSweeney, Clane, Co. Kildare – 16 lots

Victor Alfred, Adare, Co. Limerick – 7 lots

Danny McKay, Ballymena, Co. Antrim – 6 lots

Seamus McGreevney, Gormanstown, Co. Meath – 5 lots.