Virginia Society for Respiratory Care

Board of Directors Meeting

City Space Building

Charlottesville, VA

July 19, 2013

I.  Call to order: Hanns Billmayer

II.  Roll Call: Present-Hanns Billmayer, Chris Baughman, James Shuke, Shelia Mullins, Tom Malinowski, Andrew Carruthers, Cathy Bray, Pat Doorley, Robin Wilson, Tabatha Dragonberry, Dave Faux, Chad Gibbs,

Excused-Paul Dalby, Dan Rowley, Lois Rowland, Mike Simmons,

Stan Holland, Nancy Woods, Denise Bieszczad, Jolynn Hamelman, Michelle Leonard, Shane Blake, Pam Niblett, Cam McLaughlin, Ken Ours, Bruce Rubin, Tim Sharkey, Pam Niblett

Absent: Cathy Blevins, Jamey Young, Wendy Ayers, Brian Wilson, Maria Ling, Leigh Haverstick. Sherry Compton, Mark Winstead,

Conference Call: Richard Stairhime, Terry Cunningham, Tom Trenis, David Squeglia, Eric Kirkland

Guest: John Massanopoli, Ryan Sharkey, Melissa (unknown last name), Judy Seal

Quorum present for meeting.

April 2013 meeting minutes were approved after couple of spelling


Executive Committee Reports:

I.  President Report- Electronically submitted. Also, in the future to have previous meeting minutes prior to BOD meeting to expedite the current meeting.

II.  Vice President Report- Electronically submitted. Discussion on Cvent process for meetings.

III.  Treasurer- Electronically Submitted. Discussion on making adjustments with vendors since they are merging and cash flow is less these days. Asking Tim Sharkey to design a questionnaire for Cvent to query vendors on their thoughts of VSRC meetings.

IV.  Secretary- No Report

V.  President Elect – Electronically report. Discussion on a survey for interest on credentials for RRTs for entry level jobs. Suggestions on moving forward with this with some type of “grandfathering” in place for CRTs.

VI.  Immediate Past President- No report

VII.  Delegate- No report. Currently in Orlando at HOD meeting. Discussion on the donation for the disaster relief. We are budgeted $500.00 but probably need to send $ 250.00 for cash flow reasons. Unanimously agreed with the present BOD since its half of what is budgeted.

District Directors Reports:

1.  Blue Ridge – Discussion on future meetings in late September.

2.  Central – Electronically Submitted.

3.  Northern – Electronically Submitted. Discussion on process of temporary license. Dan Rowley is best contact to give feedback on this issue. Terry Cunningham to contact Dan Rowley on this issue and report back in Oct at next BOD meeting.

4.  Tidewater – Electronically Submitted.

5.  Western – No report.

Hanns commends Districts on job well done. District directors challenged to encourage membership. VSRC are in the top 8 of membership as the nation’s membership has declined. Good job. Don’t forget about the Summit Award. Forms are on the website.

Standing Committees:

1.  Audit- Electronically Submitted.

2.  Bylaws/Historian-Electronically Submitted. There were some recommendations made from last meeting. Total of 4 standing rules identified with recommended corrections. See Pat’s report. There was discussion regarding removal of language regarding the counting of ballots since we are electronic. Leslie Harris scholarship language needs to change due to scholarship process changing. Discussion regarding a suggested VSRC meeting fee which will reflect that the CRCE fee at meetings for non members of AARC will pay at least $10.00 fee. Motion made by Tom Malinowski to accept new bylaw corrections. (See motions). Pat to make official changes and send to be kept with these minutes.

3.  Education- No report.

4.  Judicial- No report.

5.  Legislative- HR 2619. Respiratory Care Access Act. To be able to work independently in physician practices. Please see the on-line letter for congressman and senators located on the AARC home page. ANYONE can view this; you don’t have to be a therapist. District directors get the word out to department directors, AARC members, families, friends…etc.

6.  Membership- Electronically Submitted

7.  Nominations/Elections- Electronically submitted. Sept 9 open voting and close Oct 11, 2013 in time for Oct meeting. (See report for nominations). Extend time for nominations to Aug 15, 2013. Motion made to continue with these recommendations. (See motion).

8.  Programs Oversight (VP)- No report

A.  Spring program –Electronically submitted. Overall good program this year.

B.  Fall Program- Oct 24 & 25, 2013 at the Virginia Tech Skeletal Inn.

C.  Central District/Capital City Symposium- Electronically submitted.

D.  Peds Program- Next meeting September 27, 2013 @ Mary Washington Hospital at Fick Conference Center. So far 14 people registered for this meeting.

E.  Public & Professional Relations- No report

9.  Publications-No Report

10. Strategic Planning- Electronically submitted.

Other Standing Members:

1.  Medical Advisor-No Report

2.  Parliamentarian-No Report

Ad-Hoc Committee/representatives:

1.  Disaster Response- No report

2.  Historian-Two suggestions:

a. Re-write the history on website.

b. Look at other options for website.

David Squeglia is going to bring some information on the History to Oct BOD meeting.

3.  Home Care- No report

4.  Industry Liaison- No report

5.  Student Representative-Electronically submitted.

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

New business from Tom Malinowski’s report: We need to make sure we secure the relationships with hospitals that we have acquired in the past. There was much discussion on how to proceed with information for the Respiratory Care Advisory to educate for CRT to RRT. Various methods were discussed on how to survey our customers and professional groups. It was stressed that this should be carried out to all groups in non threatening way. Motion made by Tom Malinowski (see motion).

1.  Tax status (501-C6) for VSRC- In April 2013 IRS unable to find that we filed 2004 taxes. Jim sends copy to IRS and to AARC of each year, which he obtained and corrected. Although, when he received this information the address was incorrect. This opened up another issue on tax exempt status. In 1981 we failed to apply for this non-exempt tax status. To correct this will cost us $850.00 to correct this. Our accountant will take care of this issue. Could end up costing us $850-$2000.00 in the end. We have been in contact with the AARC to see if they can assist us on this matter. (See motion). Jim to report back at Oct meeting.

2.  Shelley Meshu Dean of Health Sciences in Virginia for VSRT program. Pat is meeting with her next week to discuss online VSRT (BS) thru Old Dominion University program for RT’s. UVA is hosting the meeting.

3.  Our motion to Board of medicine was approved by attorney general from Respiratory Care Practitioner to Respiratory Therapist.

4.  Vendor sponsoring a speaker at VSRC conference. The VSRC will provide a registration for discount in an amount that will not exceed the speaker expenses normally paid by the VSRC. Discounts will be administered and negotiated by the vice president, Treasurer and the Program planner. Program directors will discuss prior to Oct BOD meeting and have feedback at that meeting.

5.  Elected members to think about Bageant and James P Baker award.

Motion made to adjourn and so moved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shelia Mullins, RRT, CCT, RDCS

Secretary Virginia Society for Respiratory Care