Part 9
Originally SEQUEL for "Structured English Query Language" developed in 1974.
Prototype implementation of a revised SEQUEL 2 by IBM in System R in 1976
Name changed to SQL for “Structured Query Language” in 1976, but pronounced “sequel” for many years.
Outer join was added and a commercial implementation by Oracle in 1979
IBM implementations
· operational System R 1981
· DB2 (MVS/370, MVS/XA) 1985
· QMF ad hoc query / report-writing front-end
used with both SQL/DS and DB2
ANSI standard X3.135 October, 1986
Ingres V5.0 SQL to QUEL translator 1987
ANSI revised standard with “integrity enhancement feature” in 1989
ANSI SQL92 with full referential integrity
SQL 3 on drawing board with object-oriented SQL
SQL Commands
Interactive SQL command forms
alter*† / analyze*† / audit*†comment* / commit / copy†‡
create / delete / drop
explain plan*† / grant / help
insert / label*‡ / lock*
modify†‡ / no audit*† / rename*†
revoke* / rollback / save†‡
savepoint† / select / set†
truncate*† / update / *†
* not available in Ingres
† not available in AS/400
‡ not available in Oracle
Embedded SQL Commands
close / commit / connectdeclare / delete / describe
execute / fetch / insert
open / prepare / rollback
savepoint / select / type
update / var / whenever
SQL Command Variants
Alter/Create/and Drop commands
alter cluster*† / create cluster*† / drop cluster*†create collection*‡ / drop collection*‡
create controlfile*†
alter database*† / create database*†
create database link*† / drop database link*†
alter function*† / create function*† / drop function*†
alter index*† / create index / drop index
create integrity†‡ / drop integrity†‡
alter package*† / create package*† / drop package*†
drop permit†‡
alter procedure*† / create procedure† / drop procedure†
alter profile*† / create profile*† / drop profile*†
alter resource cost*†
alter role*† / create role*† / drop role*†
alter rollback segment*† / create rollback segment*† / drop rollback segment*†
create schema*†
alter sequence*† / create sequence*† / drop sequence*†
alter session*†
alter snapshot*† / create snapshot*† / drop snapshot*†
alter snapshot log*† / create snapshot log*† / drop snapshot log*†
create synonym*† / drop synonym*†
alter system*†
alter table*† / create table / drop table
alter tablespace*† / create tablespace*† / drop tablespace*†
alter trigger*† / create trigger*† / drop trigger*†
alter user*† / create user*† / drop user*†
alter view*† / create view / drop view
* not available in Ingres
† not available in AS/400
‡ not available in Oracle
Table Creation
Create brings a base table into existence, defining the field names and formats.
In Ingres:
SQL> / CREATE TABLE dept(deptno / INTEGER,
dname / CHAR(15),
loc / CHAR(3),
dbudget / MONEY);
In Oracle:
SQL> / CREATE TABLE dept(deptno / INTEGER,
dname / CHAR(15),
loc / CHAR(3),
dbudget / DECIMAL(18,2) );
On AS/400:
SQL> / CREATE TABLE dept(deptno / INTEGER not null,
dname / CHAR(15) not null with default,
loc / CHAR(3) not null with default,
dbudget / DECIMAL(18,2) not null with default);
dept table:
deptno / dname / loc / dbudget
(whole #) / (up to 15 char.) / (up to 3 char.) / ($ amount)
Separate column definitions by commas
Enclose table definition within ()
Specify a datatype (and width, if applicable) available in the implementation you are using
Terminate command with a ;
Datatypes Available
CHAR*† / 1 character string
CHAR (width) / character string (up to 255 char)
CHAR VARYING(width)*† / character string (to 2000 char)
CHARACTER (width)* / character string (up to 255 char)
CHARACTER VARYING(width)*† / character string (to 2000 char)
DATE† / date
DEC (width, decimal)*† / fixed decimal
DECIMAL (width, decimal)* / fixed decimal
DOUBLE PRECISION*† / double precision
FLOAT† / double precision
FLOAT4†‡ / single precision
FLOAT8†‡ / double precision
FLOAT (precision)* / floating point
INT*† / long integer
INTEGER / long integer
INTEGER1†‡ / one-byte integer
INTEGER2†‡ / short (2-byte) integer
INTEGER4†‡ / long (4-byte) integer
LONG*† / character string (up to 2GB)
LONG RAW*† / binary (up to 2 GB)
LONG VARCHAR*† / character string (up to 2GB)
MONEY† / money
NUMBER*† / double precision
NUMBER(width)*† / long integer
NUMBER(width, decimal)*† / fixed decimal
NUMERIC (width, decimal)*‡ / fixed decimal
RAW*† / binary (up to 255 bytes)
REAL*† / single precision
SMALLINT† / short integer
TEXT†‡ / character string (to 2000 char)
TIME*†‡ / time
TIMESTAMP*†‡ / time
VCHAR (width)†‡ / character string (to 2000 char)
VARCHAR (width)† / character string (to 2000 char)
VARCHAR2 (width)*† / character string (to 2000 char)
* not available in Ingres † not available in AS/400 ‡ not available in Oracle
Remaining Tables in Sample Database
(ename / CHAR(20),
job / CHAR(10),
mgr / CHAR(20),
hired / DATE,
rate / NUMBER(18,2),
bonus / NUMBER(18,2),
deptno / INTEGER);
(ename / CHAR(20),
project_id / CHAR(7),
tname / CHAR(10),
hours / INTEGER);
(project_id / CHAR(7),
description / CHAR(20),
pbudget / NUMBER(18,2),
due_date / DATE);
Inserting Data Values
Populates the table with actual data values
SQL> INSERT INTO dept(deptno, dname, loc, dbudget) VALUES(400, 'programming', '200', 150000);
SQL> INSERT INTO dept(deptno, dname, loc, dbudget) VALUES(401, 'financial', '200', 275000);
SQL> INSERT INTO dept(deptno, dname, loc, dbudget) VALUES(402, 'academic', '100', 390000);
SQL> INSERT INTO dept(deptno, dname, loc, dbudget) VALUES(403, 'support', '300', 7000);
· Separate field names and values by commas
· Enclose the set of field names and values within ()
· Field names and values are matched by position
· CHAR and DATE values are in single (close) quotes '
· "Null" fields may be entered in two ways
- Omit field name (and provide no value)
- Place two consecutive commas in the values clause
Data Insertion in Sample Database Tables
SQL> INSERT INTO emp(ename, job, mgr, hired, rate, deptno) VALUES('smith', 'programmer', 'barger', '12/17/90', 35, 402);
SQL> INSERT INTO task(ename, project_id, tname, hours) VALUES('olson', 'admit', 'design', 75);
SQL> INSERT INTO proj(project_id, description, pbudget, due_date) VALUES('admit', 'Admissions', 15000, '4/7/98');
Querying a Table
The select statement provides the mechanism for database queries, providing for find, join, selection, projection, entry-level derivations, order, file-level derivations, formatting, and presentation in a single (but perhaps complex) statement.
ename / job / mgr / hired / rate / bonus / deptnosmith / programmer / barger / 17-dec-90 / 35 / 402
jones / programmer / radl / 20-feb-91 / 35 / 401
king / clerk / barger / 22-feb-91 / 18 / 402
turner / supervisor / 02-mar-91 / 75 / 1000 / 400
olson / analyst / radl / 28-apr-91 / 55 / 0 / 401
pearson / programmer / radl / 01-may-91 / 30 / 401
allen / programmer / barger / 09-jun-91 / 30 / 402
martin / programmer / barger / 09-nov-91 / 25 / 402
vogel / consultant / turner / 17-nov-91 / 80 / 400
rogers / programmer / barger / 08-sep-92 / 25 / 402
sturm / clerk / radl / 23-sep-92 / 18 / 401
radl / supervisor / turner / 03-dec-92 / 65 / 600 / 401
thomas / analyst / barger / 03-dec-92 / 50 / 0 / 402
barger / supervisor / turner / 23-jan-93 / 65 / 550 / 402
· the * means obtain all columns
· there are no restrictions, so all rows are selected
Selection (Restriction) of Rows
Allows only specific rows of the table to be retrieved
Give all the information in the employee table for members of department 401.
SQL> SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = 401;
ename / job / mgr / hired / rate / bonus / deptnojones / programmer / radl / 20-feb-91 / 35 / 401
olson / analyst / radl / 28-apr-91 / 55 / 0 / 401
pearson / programmer / radl / 01-may-91 / 30 / 401
sturm / clerk / radl / 23-sep-92 / 18 / 401
radl / supervisor / turner / 03-dec-92 / 65 / 600 / 401
· the WHERE clause restricts which rows are retrieved
Selecting Specific Columns (Projection)
Specify the names of the columns desired
SQL> SELECT ename, mgr, deptno FROM emp;
ename / mgr / deptnosmith / barger / 402
jones / radl / 401
king / barger / 402
turner / 400
olson / radl / 401
pearson / radl / 401
allen / barger / 402
martin / barger / 402
vogel / turner / 400
rogers / barger / 402
sturm / radl / 401
radl / turner / 401
thomas / barger / 402
barger / turner / 402
· Place a comma between column names
· Because there is no WHERE clause, all rows appear for each column named
Reordering and Renaming Columns (Permutation and Presentation)
Columns are presented in the order requested in the select statement, with optional aliases
SQL> SELECT ename, deptno, mgr AS manager FROM emp;
ename / deptno / managersmith / 402 / barger
jones / 401 / radl
king / 402 / barger
turner / 400
olson / 401 / radl
pearson / 401 / radl
allen / 402 / barger
martin / 402 / barger
vogel / 400 / turner
rogers / 402 / barger
sturm / 401 / radl
radl / 401 / turner
thomas / 402 / barger
barger / 402 / turner
· the order of the names in the select statement determines the order of the columns in the display
· this table is logically identical to the previous one
· the AS (keyword optional) establishes a column alias for the display
Combined Selection and Projection
Selection and projection can be combined in a single statement in the obvious way
Suppose we wished to see the name, department number, and hourly rate (in that order) for employees in department 401
List the name, department number, and hourly rate for all employees of department 401.
SQL> SELECT ename, deptno, rate FROM emp WHERE deptno = 401;
ename / deptno / ratejones / 401 / 35
olson / 401 / 55
pearson / 401 / 30
sturm / 401 / 18
radl / 401 / 65
Entry-Level Derivations
New columns can be created based on values in existing columns
For example, suppose we wished to see a list of old and new hourly rates for employees in department 401 if we raised the hourly rates by 20%
SQL> SELECT ename, deptno, rate AS old_rate, l.2*rate AS new_rate FROM emp WHERE deptno=401;
ename / deptno / old_rate / new_ratejones / 401 / 35 / 42
olson / 401 / 55 / 66
parson / 401 / 30 / 36
sturm / 401 / 18 / 21.6
radl / 401 / 65 / 78
· assigning an alias to rate is optional
· assigning an alias to 1.2*rate is also optional (the formula will print if there is no alias)
Ordering Rows (Sorting)
Relations are not presumed to be stored, processed, or presented in any particular order
Many implementations will store rows in their order of input
The ORDER BY clause in SQL provides for sorted output
The following construct presents the previous query in order of increasing hourly rate
SQL> SELECT ename, deptno, rate AS old_rate, 1.2*rate AS new_rate FROM emp WHERE deptno=401 ORDER BY old_rate;
ename / deptno / old_rate / new_ratesturm / 401 / 18 / 21.6
person / 401 / 30 / 36
jones / 401 / 33 / 42
olson / 401 / 53 / 66
radl / 401 / 65 / 78
· for multiple column ORDER BY clause, first is primary
· can use column name, alias, or column number to identify sorting column
· default is ascending order, use DESC after column name for descending order
General Structure of Select Command
The SELECT command consists of two to six clauses, always in a fixed order
required / SELECT / (columns)required / FROM / (tables)
optional / WHERE / (conditions)
optional / GROUP BY / (columns)
optional / HAVING / (conditions)
optional / ORDER BY / (columns)
If an SQL SELECT command is phrased incorrectly, the user will end up with
· an error message
· no result at all
· answers to a question you didn't realize you asked
Sample Queries
IN Construction
The IN operator selects rows that match one of the values in a set
SQL> SELECT ename, job FROM emp WHERE job IN ('clerk', 'analyst');
ename / jobking / clerk
olson / analyst
sturm / clerk
thomas / analyst
Wildcard Usage
The % may be used to match any size string, the _ to match any single character
SQL> SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE ename LIKE '_a%';
Sample Queries
Multiple Conditions
Multiple conditions may be combined with the logical AND and OR operations, and grouped with ()
SQL> SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job = 'programmer' AND mgr = 'radl';