Held at 7.15pm 26 May 2014, Ythan Centre

1. PRESENT: Sandy McDougall, Mark Grant, Tim Canning, Nick Langan, Jim Hocking, Peter Mackie, Aileen Taylor, Rachael Goldring, Alistair Walker, Ross Purdie and Cllr Richard Thomson.

Also in attendance:

Police Scotland

Evening Express – Kirsty

Sue from Gazette Magazine

Scott Kemp – New Ellon Academy Rep

MINUTES: Rebecca Allan

2. APOLOGIES: Cllr Isobel Davidson, Cllr Gillian Owen and Cllr Rob Merson.

Welcome by Chairperson: Sandy McDougall

2. / Adoption of Minutes from previous meeting:
March Meeting
Proposed – Tim Canning
Seconded – Jim Hocking
April Meeting
Proposed – Nick Langan
Seconded – Alistair Walker
3. / Matters Arising:
-  Community Council Correspondence now received – Sandy followed up on this one so all correspondence should be up to date
-  Ellon Academy sie – comments were set regarding the use of the site
-  Deer Park Asset – Tim will send letter tomorrow, expressing interest.
-  Texaco – Letter sent, Tim will circulate to CC, Suggested clearing site, CC paid work + Asked for evidence that still following appropriate legislation and testing.
-  Bridge Street Lights – Mark has spoken with Owners
4. / Police Report
-  Recent reduced numbers in car/house break-ins which is positive for the area
-  3 drug raids took place, drugs such as Heroin, Diazepam, and Cocaine were seized.
-  On the 30th April there was an incident involving a female being struck with a hammer – this is now being dealt with in court
-  On the 17th May an incident took place with regards to the robbery of a taxi driver – this is also now being dealt with in court.
5. / Planning and Infrastructure:
a)  Tree Felling in Ellon
Castleton Trees – Alistair is concerned about the amount of trees coming town, and informed the CC that the letter signed states trees will screen the development and wildlife will be protected – discussion took place regarding this concern and it was decided that Alistair should source further information to support the concern, in order to provide a clear support for any complaint.
Caroline’s Wells woods – Sandy discussed the matter of not being allowed to see the plans under exception of freedom of information act. It was decided that Sandy should ask for this item with the exception section removed. It was also decided that CC will request for shared overview from Trustees as an interest of openness.
b)  Auld Brig Lighting – It has now been advised that no planning permission is required, therefore once the CC have the funds they can go ahead with the installation. / AW
6. / Reports on Committee’s
Victoria Hall Management Committee:
-  The AGM will take place on the 11/06/14
-  The new sign for the Victoria Hall is now up
-  Over £1000 was raised at the Mamma Mia night
Community Development Group:
-  No meeting took place
7. / Local Issues
a)  Tidy Village Grants – A discussion took place regarding how to obtain volunteers for this, it was suggested to try “Ellon Mums facebook” page and the Ellon Meadows as part of their fundraising.
b)  The Fire station open day will take place this weekend
8. / Public Events
a)  Ellon Gala Preperation – 2nd June 2014 – 2 stalls, Buzz Wire activity for 50p, Splat the Rat for 50p and Play your cards right for £1. All helpers to be there for set up at 10am – starts at 11am.
b)  International Street Market – Phonecall received this week to say they can do Sunday 18th August 2014 – this was agreed to be a good date by CC – This will be promoted on Facebook once confirmed.
c)  Fit Like Ellon – This event will take place on the 7th June 2014 – 10am until 2pm
d)  Referendum Meeting – 12 August 2014. Mark contacted both groups “Yes” and “Better Together” – the hall is now also booked. Still awaiting confirmation from “Better together”. Again this is to be promoted on Facebook.
e)  Elections – Tim sent Ellon Times 4 page ad to run and this will be open from 15th June – 30th July (6 weeks). Phil, Tim and Aileen are co-opted members currently which will need to be renewed as members. Tim will issue a reminder to those who are up for renewal also. / TC
9. / Corporate Communications
Nothing to report.
9. / AOCB
Garden Competition – Silverwear plates have been bought (4), Aileen is away until the 28th June but will circulate instructions on her return. To be discussed in detail on Aileens return. / AT
11. / Date of next meeting
23 June 2014