Farm and Garden Camp

Apprentice Application (14-15 year olds)

Camp Overview:

Farm and Garden Camp includes activities in the Children’s Garden, hands-on animal care and productive farm work, an intentional focus on growing the food that we eat, a weekly farm stand for families, and preparing, sharing and celebrating at the Friday Farm Feast. Located on the Hampshire College Campus, the Farm Center serves as a vibrant public resource to connect to our food, and explore the rich history of agriculture in the Pioneer Valley. Farm and Garden Camp is a program of The Farm Education Collaborative (TFEC). TFEC designs and delivers authentic agricultural experiences that nurture the connections between families, farms, and food in the Pioneer Valley. Find out more at

Apprentice Program Description:

Having previously participated in the Jr. CIT program, Apprentices are ready to take the next step towards becoming a CIT by becoming direct stewards of animals and plants on the farm. Apprentices work directly with the camp director and garden and animal specialists to develop in the following areas:

  • Knowledge about camp routines and infrastructure, and animal/plant health and care;
  • Skills with farm tools, plant identification, animal handling, communication with staff, teaching campers;
  • Awareness of camp operations and safety.

Rather than spending most of their time with a designated camper group as Jr. CITs do, Apprentices’ schedules are variable and include daily chores, helping with camper activities, and working on special projects. As a working farm is constantly in motion, each day will offer exposure to new challenges and opportunities.

Each Apprenticeship is two weeks long, though weeks need not be consecutive. The timing of your camp day is the same as campers – drop off between 8:45 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., and pick up at 3:00 p.m. Apprentices are welcome and encouraged to participate for more than one summer; your skills, knowledge and opportunities for leadership will only increase in your second year!


Apprentices must have participated in the Jr. CIT program for one year or more and be 14 years of age or older. As Apprenticeships put participants in direct contact with animals and farm tools, Apprentices must demonstrate maturity and good judgement. Apprentices must commit to two weeks; consecutive weeks are preferred but not required. Apprentices must apply and be selected for this program.

Application & Registration:

Register for your preferred sessions as a Jr. CIT. Additionally, complete this application and email it to . You will receive notification of whether you have been selected for the Apprenticeship within two weeks of our receiving your application. Selection is in part based on your application and in part based on availability. If you are not selected as an Apprentice and choose not to participate as a Jr. CIT, we will refund your deposit.


Date of Application: ______



Weeks you have registered for:

[ ] Session 1 – July 9-13

[ ] Session 2 – July 16-20

[ ] Session 3 – July 23-27

[ ] Session 4 – July 30-August 3

[ ] Session 5 – August 6-10

[ ] Session 6 – August 13-17

[ ] Session 7 - August 20-24

Are there any other weeks you are available, in case the Apprentice position is not available during the weeks you registered? ______

Address: ______


Date of Birth:______Age by July 1st: ______

Home Phone: ______Applicant Email: ______

Parent/Guardian Email (parents will be CCed on all communications): ______

Education - School you are currently attending and grade entering in the fall

Why do you want to be an Apprentice at Farm and Garden Camp at Hampshire College?

What are your goals for participating in this program?What skills are you looking to improve? What do you hope to learn?

What experience do you have that will help you at Farm and Garden Camp? (Coursework, other CIT experiences, other leadership roles, etc.)

What are your greatest strengths? What qualities and skills are you proud of?

Farm Camp Skills: Which of the following would you have a strong interest in pursuing and/or sharing with campers? (Do not feel you need to mark all boxes.)

[ ]Crafts[ ]Storytelling[ ]Field Work

[ ]Musical Instruments[ ]Animal Care[ ]Cooking

[ ]Water games[ ]Fiber Arts[ ]Farm Stand

[ ]Gardening[ ]Journaling[ ]Tools (hammers, carpentry, etc.)

[ ]Group Games[ ]Songleading[ ]Other