Youth Homelessness in Norfolk
Government data
The map below compares the rate of statutory homelessness (for every 1,000 young people in each area, the number accepted as statutory homeless) across the East of England. You can see from the dark orange colouring that Broadland, Great Yarmouth and North Norfolkhave the highest rates of statutory homelessness in Norfolk.
On average,for every 1,000 young people in the East of England, 2.64 were accepted as statutory homeless.This is above the national average of 2.16.
This map was created using Tableau software.
For a fully interactive version of this map, go to:
Broadland has the highest rate of statutory homelessness in Norfolk with 3.75 out of every 1,000 young people being accepted as statutory homeless.
Local Authority data
However, this government data does not adequately demonstrate the scale of the youth homelessness in an area.
For example, in Great Yarmouththe rate of statutory homelessness is 3.39, butfor every 1,000 young people in the area, 23.91asked their council for help because they were homeless or at risk of homelessness.
71% of local authorities in Norfolk provided data (and 60% of LA’s in the East)
Approached / Assessed / Statutory / Prevention1. Broadland / Rate/1,000 / 4.91 / 4.82 / 3.75 / -
Total / 55 / 54 / 42 / -
2. North Norfolk / Rate/1,000 / 6.79 / 6.79 / 3.46 / 1.55
Total / 57 / 57 / 29 / 13
3. Great Yarmouth / Rate/1,000 / 23.91 / 23.91 / 3.39 / 4.36
Total / 247 / 247 / 35 / 45
4. King’s Lynn & West Norfolk / Rate/1,000 / 23.74 / 7.43 / 2.69 / 5.10
Total / 326 / 102 / 37 / 70
5. Norwich / Rate/1,000 / - / - / 1.07 / -
Total / - / - / 26 / -
6. South Norfolk / Rate/1,000 / 0.22 / 0.22 / 0.70 / 3.78
Total / <5 / <5 / 8 / 43
7. Breckland / Rate/1,000 / - / - / 0.62 / -
Total / - / - / 8 / -
Comparison of rates/total numbers of youth homeless in Norfolk local authorities. A dash (-) means the local authority did not provide the data.
To view/download this data for yourself, search for an area here:
Charity and housing provider data
As you know, Government and local authority data does not tell the whole story…
Charities and housing providers hold vital knowledge and data on the state of youth homelessness in the areas they work in. We’re keen to get this information on our Dashboard to help raise awareness of the true extent and nature of youth homelessness in the UK.
To get started, we’re really interested in just having a chat to understand what information you hold about the areas you work in and whether or not it could be presented on the Dashboard.
Get in touch here: / 020 7423 6852
In return we can help you understand your data in the context of the other available information for your area, by offering you a free license for Tableau Online. With this you can work on maps and visualisations such as the one included in this summary.