Australian Biological Resources Study(ABRS)

National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP)

Financial Report

for Research Grants andPostdoctoral Fellowship Grants

The Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) National Taxonomy Research Grant Program (NTRGP) provides grants for taxonomic research. Grants are awarded for research projects where the primary aim is to undertake taxonomic research on the Australian biota or to develop products that aid in the dissemination of taxonomic information. The program also supports projects that build Australian taxonomic capacity.


Generally, Financial Reports are due on 30 September of each grant year. For specific dates, please refer to your grant Funding Agreement or contact the ABRS on:

Grants Officer

Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS)

GPO Box 787

Canberra ACT 2601



Financial Reports should report on a financial year basis, i.e. 1 July to 30 June of each year and cover the ABRS Grant funding only. Financial Reports must be lodged with the ABRS Grants and Business Manager, either via email or hard copy. If your report is submitted via email, you do not need to send a hard copy as well. All emailed reports must include a PDF of the signature page. Do not delete any part of this form.

Australian Biological Resources Study(ABRS)

Grant Number / Principal Investigator Name
Host Institution Name / Reporting Period (i.e. 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014)
Project Title
ABRS Grant Funding
Please include only ABRS Grant funding received in the reporting period / $ / $
Please include any amounts carried over from the previous reporting period. These amounts should have been approved by the ABRS prior to carrying over / $ / $
Cash Co-funding
Please include only cash co- funding received in the reporting period / $ / $
Salary Co-funding
Please include only salary co-funding received in the reporting period / $ / $
Please include ABRS funds, cash and salary co-funding when calculating your expenses. It is intended that your actual figures will match your budget figures as per your Project Budget listed in your Funding Agreement.
Personnel / $ / $
Travel / $ / $
Equipment and Other Costs / $ / $

*Budget figures should be as per the budget listed in your funding agreement.


Please provide comments on any funds that have been over or underspent for this reporting period. If these amounts vary from the budget, please include a request to vary the budgetby completing the ‘Request to vary budget’ section below.

Request to vary budget

If you wish to vary the allocation of ABRS grant funding from your funding agreement budget, please include a request here and details of how the budget will be allocated.


I, as a representative** of the host institution, agree that the details provided in this Financial report are a true and accurate record of the accounts for this project.


**For the purposes of this Financial Report, a representative of the host institution must be qualified to prepare such reports or be authorised to sign such reports.