Web-Based Directory of

CommunityPhysicalActivityFalls Prevention Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

for Exercise Program Providers

  1. Why establish a new web-based directory of CommunityPhysicalActivityFalls Prevention Programs?

Preventing falls and harm from falls is a strategic priority for the NSW Department of Health and increased promotion of physical activity falls prevention programs is integral to achieving this priority. Research has shown that physical activity, particularly activity that includes balance and leg strength components, plays a major role in preventing falls in older people.

A project was conducted across the State during 2009 by NSW Health of Physical Activity Programs currently funded or supported through a NSW Area Health Service. As a result, it was recommended that a web-based resource directory of best-practice community physical activity programs with a falls prevention component be developed to provide ready access to falls prevention physical activity information for older people, their carers and health practitioners. The Clinical Excellence Commission has been asked to create the directory.

2.Which exercises contain a balance and strength component?

Research has shown that exercise which challenges balance has the greatest effect on preventing falls in older people. The most beneficial exercises include those where participants aim to:

stand with their feet close together or on one leg (movement from one leg to the other);

undertake exercises while standing with minimum use of hands to assist; and

undertake exercises with controlled movement of the whole body while standing (eg reaching while standing, tai chi, etc).

Specific exercises may include:

Heel to toe standing

Knee raises

Heel to toe walking (so the toes of your back foot touch the heel of your front foot)

Side leg raises

Sideways walking

Heel raises

Stepping up a step

Sit to stand exercises

It is optimal for falls prevention that exercises progress so that active balance and standing exercises are undertaken for 30 minutes in each session.

  1. Why should I register my program with the new web-based directory of CommunityPhysicalActivityFalls Prevention Programs?

The directory is an excellent opportunity for you to promote your program within your local community.

We have been informed that GPs, health professionals and community members may not be aware of appropriate physical activity programs in their local area. Paper-based resource directories often become out-of-date quickly due to changes in program details, and are often not widely circulated. A web-based directory is a quick and easy way for them to access program information, and also allows for the information to be updated by the provider as changes occur.

Some other benefits include:

  • Free advertising and promotion of the program within your local community and beyond.
  • Ready access to your group by health professionals and your local community.
  • You will receive (via email) education updates, information on new initiatives regarding falls prevention and a regular newsletter.
  1. Who will use the new web-based directory of CommunityPhysicalActivityFalls Prevention Programs?

It is expected that the directory will be used by:

  • Your local community
  • Hospitals
  • Community Health Centres
  • Residential Aged Care Facilities
  • General Practitioners
  • Allied Health professionals such as physiotherapists
  • Other Health Practitioners
  1. What do I need to do to be part of the new web-baseddirectory of CommunityPhysicalActivityFalls Prevention Programs?

It’s easy! All you need to do is:

  • Visit to register your details and provide information on your particular physical activity program.


  • Complete the attached form and return it to Esther Vance, Project Officer, NSW Falls Prevention Network, Neuroscience Research Australiavia fax 02 9399 1204 or via mail to PO Box 1165, Randwick NSW 2031.

Please either register your Program online or return your form to Kylie by 14 May 2010. If you run more than one Program, it will be necessary for you to register each one separately.

  1. Is there a cost involved in joining the new web-based directory of CommunityPhysicalActivityFalls Prevention Programs?

No, participation is absolutely free. This initiative is fully-funded by the NSW Department of Health.

  1. Which programs will be included in the directory?

Physical activity programs that have a falls prevention component - according to the Best-Practice Recommendations for Physical Activity to PreventFalls in Older Adults (Sherrington C, Lord SR, Close JCT 2008) - will be included in the directory. Examples of programs that may not be included are swimming and/or aqua-aerobics, simple walking programs (unless they include specific balance exercises before, during or after the walking), and gentle exercise programs that do not contain a balance component.

  1. Should I registerif I’m not sure whether or not my Program will qualify?

Yes please! Your program may qualify and you will then be included in the directory. Even if you don’t qualify, the information collected during the registration process will be provided to your Area Health Service and/or local public health facility so they are aware of your program.

All registrants will receive feedback on their registration.

  1. What if my class times change? How will I ensure that the information on the website is current?

You will be asked to choose a password as part of your registration. This password will allow you to visit the website and update your details (class times etc) as required.

If you don’t have access to the internet, you will be asked to let us know of any changes so we can update your information for you. Contact details will be provided to you once your registration has been accepted.

  1. When will be new website be available?

It is anticipated the directory will be formally launched during July/August 2010. You will be notified when the directory is available for use by the general public, health practitioners, community health centres, GPs, allied health professionals as well as within local hospitals and residential aged care facilities.

  1. Who should I contact if I have more questions?

You can contact Kylie Kearns, Project Officer, NSW Falls Program, Clinical Excellence Commission via email phone (02) 9399 1063.