BASE Version 3.0: Students at the BASE, a tool for differentiating core curricula. Price Lab School, University of Northern Iowa



Identify the specific special needs of the students in your classes: / BIG IDEAS:
Identify the essential skills and content that ALL students will learn in this unit / ANALYSIS OF DIFFICULTIES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENRICHMENT
Target areas for supplemental and intensive instruction / STRATEGIES for supplemental and intensive instruction for students who are less-than-proficient and highly proficient
Create and use instructional and assessment strategies that differentiate the content, product, and/or process by readiness, interest, and learning profile /


N of…
Areas of difficulty for students who are less-than-proficient:
Prioritized vocabulary and skills for supplemental or intensive review:
Enrichment opportunities for highly proficient: / Strategies: Acronyms, Rhyme/Song, Movement, Storytelling/Drama, Keyword Picture, Graphic Organizer, Literature Circles, Jigsaws, Paired Reading, Peer Tutors, Flexible Grouping, Learning Centers, Alternative Algorithm, Technology, Manipulatives,Kansas Univ. Strategies, scaffold
Differentiation of process, product, content, or environment through: Pre-Assessments, Tiered/Scaffolded activities, products, and assessments; Compacting, Learning Contracts, Student Choice, Multiple Intelligences

Accommodation: of time, length, or complexity; assistive technology; scaffolded processes; additional management and motivation strategies; etc.

Friend’s Co-Teaching Models: Station Teaching, Parallel Teaching, Alternative Teaching, Team Teaching, One Teach/One Assist

/ •student learning
•your teaching
•the planning process
•reflect and adapt for the future

The BASE process is based on the practice of Price Lab School teachers and is adapted from the research and work of Friend, M. (Co-Teaching); Kameenui, E., & Carnine, D. (Universal Design); Lenz, B. K., with Bulgren, J.A., Schumaker, J.B., Deshler, D.D., & Boudah, D.J. (Content Enhancement: Unit Organizer Routine); Schumm, J., & Vaughn, S. (Planning Pyramid); Tomlinson, C. (Differentiation); Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (Understanding by Design); and Iowa Department of Education (Instructional Decision-Making Model, Collaborative Consultation Model).