Anne Van Couvering, ND

Hamptons Naturopathic

17 Main Street, Sag Harbor, NY

(631) 353-2316

Home Care for the Cold & Flu Season

To keep you & your family healthy – “the best cure is prevention”

  • Regular handwashing – after sneezing, after playing, before dinner, etc
  • Vitamin D –400 IU/day for children and 1000 IU/day for adults* in the winter
  • Vitamin C – children 500 mg/day, adults 1000 mg/day* during cold & flu season
  • Regular exercise – even in cold weather, go outside and move every day
  • Sleep – adults need 49 hours of sleep a week, children more and a regular bedtime
  • Water – ½ your body weight in ounces every day (150 lb person = 75 oz water)
  • Laughter – laughter and play reduce stress; stress increases your chances of catching a disease. Make sure you do what you love!

If you start to get sick:

Day One: “hit it hard”

  • REST!!!!!
  • Vitamin C – increase dosage from once a day to once an hour when you first start to feel ill (if your stools get loose, back off)
  • Biovegetarian Wellness formula – adult dose: 2 pills every 2 hours; children ½ pill every 2 hours (available at Hamptons Naturopathic)
  • Elderberry Syrup - 1 tsp per hour for the first 4 hours, then every 2 hours for the rest of the day; children take ½ adult dose
  • Warming Socks – instructions available at
  • Tea – Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat or Echinacea – take with honey
  • NO sugar or dairy for the duration

Day 2: “Keep going, but a little less so”

  • Continue to REST!!
  • Vitamin C – back off to dosing every 4 hours (adults 4000 mg total, children 1600 mg)
  • Biovegetarian – 2 caps every 4 hours (children ½ cap)
  • Elderberry (Sambucus) Syrup – 1 tsp 4 times a day (children ½ dose)
  • Warming socks – repeat
  • Tea – Gypsy Cold Care tea
  • Eucalyptus or Thyme or Mint steams to clear sinuses as needed

Day 3 and beyond: just like day two, continue until you’re better – following this protocol carefully, most people are well by the end of day three. (Call your doctor if you are worsening or if you are not better in 5-7 days.)


  • Fever is your friend - it is how your body destroys those viral invaders! – do not reduce fevers unless they go over 102* for adults and 103* for children. EXCEPTION – any fever in an infant should receive prompt medical attention
  • If you or your child experiences a stiff neck, high fever (over 104*) or changes in consciousness, you need to see a doctor ASAP
  • *Dosages above are for the average person – if you are chronically ill or especially sensitive, or if your child is an infant, work with your naturopath to optimize your dosage.