SS9 – Crossroads

Napol1 – Napoleon’s Early Career

Napoleon’s Early Career

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on the island of Corsica to a family of minor nobility, and he attended military school in Versailles.

Although not a top student, Napoleon had a head for details and an incredible memory.

Always the supporter of the Revolution, Napoleon demonstrated his fearless leadership abilities against an angry mob set against the newly elected French Republic gov’t, the Convention, in 1795.

Napoleon was one of France’s youngest Generals and proved himself in campaigns in Italy and Eygpt.

Napoleon’s victories in Italy resulted in large spoils of war which made him personally, very wealthy. It was in Italy, that he also made a name for himself both inside the military and with the French public at large.

Fearful of Napoleon’s grown popularity the French gov’t agreed to send him to Egypt to war against the British.

Napoleon was a military leader, not a naval combatant, and the British Navy defeated him. However, he did escape back to France more popular than ever.

SS9 – Crossroads

-Napol1 – Napoleon’s Early Career

Napoleon’s Early Career

Directions: Read pages 94-97 in your text Crossroads – A Meeting of Nations, and then complete the following work on a separate piece of paper.

1. On a separate piece of paper, provide definitions for the following terms;



2. On a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions using COMPLETE


  1. What were some of the good things that Napoleon created as Emperor of France and as Europe’s most powerful person in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries? (2 mks for quality of thought and details)
  1. Describe Napoleons actions and attitude towards the angry mob in Versailles in 1795. (2 mks for quality of thought)
  1. Why was Napoleon fighting the Austrians in Italy and what was the result for the Italian people? (2 mks for quality of thought)
  1. Napoleon came from a poor family. How did he acquire so much personal wealth and how did the French government react to his growing popularity? (2 mks for quality of answer)
  1. Read Josephine Bonaparte on page 95 of your text. On the space provided opposite, create a “Personal Ad” for Napoleon’s ex-wife. Be sure to include details such as what type of person she is looking for, some of her past history

and a short description of herself.

You will be marked out of 5 for the amount of details, quality of thought, and effort put into your personal ad as well as 3 neatness and spelling,

for a total of 8 marks

Total: ____ / 21











