Town of Kinderhook

Planning Board Workshop Minutes

August 13, 2009

The workshop meeting of the Town of Kinderhook Planning Board was called to order by Chairman Gerard Minot-Scheuermann, on August 13, 2009, at 7:03 pm, at the Kinderhook Town Hall, 4 Church Street, Niverville, NY. The roll was called by the Secretary.

ROLL CALL: Present

Gerard Minot-Scheuermann, Chairman Robert Cramer

Tim Ooms, Ag. Member Cheryl Gilbert (@ 7:25pm)

Pat Prendergast, Engineer Marc Gerstman, Attorney

Jake Samascott, Alternate Michael Kipp, Liaison

Mary Keegan-Cavagnaro (@ 7:05PM) James Egnasher

Edward Harsen, Alternate William Butcher

Excused Absent

Don Kirsch, CEO Derick LaTorre, Alternate

APPROVE MINUTES: July 9 and 16, 2009 – The Chairman advised the members to review the minutes for additions, corrections or deletions; let the Secretary know so that she can make changes.


1. Minutes, dated 12/4/08, from ZBA. (on file)

2.  Minutes, dated 6/4/09, from ZBA. (on file)

3.  Minutes, dated 2009, from ZBA, re: Meetings Cancelled – 1/8/09, 2/5/09, 3/5/09, 4/2/09, 5/7/09; 7/2/09. (on file)

4.  Letter (copy) to NYSDOT, Joe Visconti, dated 7/27/09, from Crawford & Associates, re: SDA Church.

5.  Letter to Kinderhook Planning Board, Gerard Minot-Scheuermann, dated 8/6/09, from Crawford & Associates, re: Seventh Day Adventist of Kinderhook.

6.  Letter (copy) to William Better, dated 8/10/09, from Barbara A. Beaucage, re: Masterson.

7.  Letter (copy) to Paul Freeman, dated 8/10/09, from Barbara A. Beaucage, re: DHN Realty.

8.  Document, not dated, from Niverville Fire Department.

No correspondence was discussed at this time.



1.  Reclamation of RJ Valenti mine – US Rte 9 – Pat heard they are doing some cleanup work at the site, but he has not gone over to see what is going on yet.

2.  John and Bonnie Kroha – (for Susan Losee) – 44.-l-3.100 – CR 28A –

Conservation Subdivision – (Peter VanAlstyne) – No one was present.

3.  Marcia Anderson – Revised property line adjustment – CR 21 – We are holding

on this until Peter VanAlstyne can explain it to us. He is not here tonight.

4. Mark Cebula and Margaret Zollo – 13.-1-31.200 – 10 Hidden Acres Rd., AR

Zone – Proposed three-lot subdivision – (SEQRA not received as of 8/13/09) –

(Peter VanAlstyne) – No one was present.

5. Greater NY Corp. of Seventh Day Adventists – 23.-1-9.121 – 10.10 acres –

Proposed Site Plan – R2 Zone – New documents received – Dan Proper was

present. The submission to DOT was part of the packet submitted. He reviewed

the revised plats with the Board. The traffic analysis was also included in the

packet. Pat has received/reviewed these plans. He discussed the main changes;

the basic layout stayed the same since the last meeting, he said. They added

more details to the back. The front of the page is highlighted text that gives all

information they are giving us. The floor plan elevations have not changed.

Right now, they are looking at crawl space; not a cellar. They submitted a new

grading plan, which Dan explained. They are bringing the building up quite a

bit. C1 is the utility plan with general arrangements of the neighbor’s well, as

well as the proposed well for the Church. The associated utilities and leach field

system; they have had the perc test done. The County inspected it; a letter was

received from them today, but he did not bring it in tonight. He has to correct

the plans. The County and DEC have both signed off. Pat asked if they will be

sizing everything; Dan spoke about the design flow. It will be 1000 gallons/day.

They showed lighting on the plan and the site plan; they have not yet submitted

the lighting and landscaping plans. They are working on them. Their general

intent is to have full lighting around the parking and the building; walkways as

well. Pat asked about the height of the light poles; 10’. There will be a split-rail

fence. Pat talked about the lights; he explained that the pole is fine, but the

fixture is not. Dan will look into more detail what is available. He spoke about

the underground utilities, the asphalt parking and the dumpster pad. C3 is the

grading plan for the site. Pat has not done a complete review yet, but he asked

about catch basins or dry wells in the parking area; the whole parking lot could

be about 3-4 dry wells. Dan’s only concern is separation distance from the well.

Pat asked why they put the well so far back on the lot; Dan explained why. They

discussed alternate areas for placement. Dan will look at the options. He is

concerned about the adjoining neighbors. Robert and Dan discussed the

placement of the dumpster. Gerard suggested he look at other dumpster

enclosures within the Town to get some ideas. The Pastor notified the neighbors;

he will provide that list of names and the letter that was sent to the Secretary.

Gerard asked for a pdf file of the plan. Robert talked to Dan about the

dumpster enclosures. The Board members continued to review the plats.

Dan spoke about the drainage system itself; if runoff occurs, they are planning

infiltration basins. Slope on the site is minimal. He talked about his plan for

pre-treatment; Pat will review that. Pat asked if they had set up an escrow

account yet with the Town; they will send $1000 to the Secretary. The review

continued. The first step in the SEQRA process, Dan mentioned, is to make a

determination as to what type of action this is. Does the Board have enough

information to make that determination? Marc replied that a couple of things

are still outstanding; landscaping plan. The Planning Board should see that.

The lighting fixtures will be per Code, Marc assumed. The drainage plan

location; we will wait for Pat to review that. The landscaping plan may be

done for next week, Dan said. If the Board determines that there are no gaps in

the application and they feel the application is complete, Marc noted that they

could make their determination of significance and/or schedule the Public Hearing

next week if the Board feel comfortable. We need to talk about parking; that

information has been submitted, Dan replied. Edward was concerned about the

specs. on the proposed propane tank; even if it will be underground, we will want

to see that on the plan. Dan spoke about the location of utilities; the members

will take home the plans and review them for next week. Tonight is the first

time they have seen these revisions. Marc asked the members if there was any

other information they would like to see before next week; Gerard asked if there

will be any signs out on the road. Dan was advised to detail a sign on a sheet;

list the specifics about that, Robert said. A1 contains the location of the sign;

we need the details of it and the measurements. Marc asked if they have talked

with the Fire and Police departments about emergency access; Dan has not. Marc

asked him to reach out to them; he will. Will there be sprinklers; no. Is there an

exception for churches; no. Dan quoted the Fire Code; has to be accessible with a

100’ hose if there is no sprinkler. If that is a floodlight on the back of the

building, Robert noted, they might want to consider a different type of light there.

William asked if the entrance was power for handicap accessibility; they had not

planned for one, Dennis Wedlick’s assistant replied. The members reviewed the

aesthetics of the architecture; they want to stay with the barn-like structure.

Cheryl asked about the west elevation on the street side; that is the only side

where you will see the larger windows, she was told. Pat asked if they will have

gutters that drain into catch basins; he talked about erosion and a chance that

someone would slip and fall on ice. They had not addressed that, Dan replied.

The walkways are under covered areas. There is one egress on one side where

they will selectively put gutters. Edward said that the metal shed roof is going to

melt real quick and that is right over the entry walkway. Dan replied about

ground gutters. Metal roofs are notorious because of snow slides, Edward added.

Gerard said that color samples or photos would be needed. They will be

providing colored renderings. Robert asked if 3 on 12 at the front entrance was

acceptable; Pat replied. There will be air conditioning. Edward asked if that was

an exterior lamp over the double door; yes. Robert advised them about the

requirements of the Code regarding lighting. What is currently on the plat is a

representation, Dan replied.

6.  Kyle Mitchison – Round Lake Rd. – Subdivision – Final updated materials

received from Peter VanAlstyne – Marc spoke with Mr. Mitchison; Chatham

has approved this subdivision and the variance. This Board has only to sign

and stamp the final plan; the problem now is the deed that refers to a map

dated September 8th and the last map, the one Mr. Mitchison just presented, is

dated July 20, 2009. We have to rectify the date; Marc asked Mr. Mitchison

to find out from Peter VanAlstyne what the situation is or have Peter call Marc.

The Secretary will hold onto the maps until this is clarified.




1.  Liaison to Village Planning Boards – Cheryl said that she attended the SEQRA workshop at Columbia-Greene and it was quite good; she will prepare something for the Board from her notes.

2.  9/9H Corridor and Comprehensive Plan Review Committees – Robert did

not have a report.

3.  Liaison to Town Board – Robert mentioned the moratorium on outdoor wood-

burning appliances; Glenn Smith put on an interesting program and handed out

informational packets. It is interesting how much “stuff” comes out of one of

those units. So far, Marc said, only two permits were issued in the Town for

installation of these wood burners. A brief discussion took place; James said

they should ban all burning in the Town; it is a health issue period. Cheryl felt

they could be more efficient; they can, Mary replied. They have only been out

for 1-2 years, Tim said. Mary said that the Village of Kinderhook met last night

and passed a three-month moratorium; they also voted in favor of tabling the

expansion of the historical district.

4. PB Liaison – Michael Kipp – Marc reported that a document was received from

the Town Clerk today regarding the resolution passed by the Town Board on

Monday on the Recreational Trail. The EAF Part I is included. They voted to

declare themselves lead agency for purposes of SEQR; the Planning Board

must decide if they want to accede to that. The only involved agency is the

Planning Board. There is a letter attached to the documents. A letter went to the

Village of Valatie. Copies of this entire document will be made and distributed

to the Planning Board members at Marc’s request. Marc explained the status to

the Board; this concerns only Phase I. Phases II and III are still conceptual.

There is a license request in to National Grid that has not been responded to yet.

Phase I is independent utility from Phases II and III, therefore, it is not segmenta-

tion under SEQR. Phases II and III will be looked at in the future. It is a

conceptual plan that is moving forward and evolving. The Town Board would

love to hear from the Planning Board next month. Michael explained where the

trail will run. They will be coming for a formal site plan approval, Marc added.

Michael said he will provide the map to the Secretary to attach to the other pages.

This is an unlisted action so a coordinated review is not required, Marc noted.

He is going to recommend to the Town Board that they do the coordinated

review, however.

Michael spoke briefly about the grant that has been applied for for Greenway; it

includes Stuyvesant and Stockport as well. The trail will run from Rossman

Road. CLC applied for money with National Parks. They acted as lead for us

and assisted getting information and helped backing up an inter-municipality

agreement with Stuyvesant and Stockport.

5. Revised Code Suggestion Committee – Marc said that the Planning Board

quorum is going forward. He drafted proposed site plan modification language

for minor amendments that is going to the Code Committee tomorrow. The

next one he will be working on is the weight limits on Novak and Rod and Gun

Club Roads; he is waiting for a recommendation from the Highway Department.

John is extremely busy right now and Peter is going to be pursuing that. The

minor amendments to site plan is the next one the Town Board will be looking at.

6.  Holk Subdivision – Marc called Mr. Grattan about a week and a half ago asking

what the status was. It was unclear to Marc what the status was after talking to