(Rev. 02/10)
Sealed bids are invited for the construction of Powhatan Correctional Center Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade, Project #799-17607 at the Powhatan Correctional Center, State Farm, VA.
The project is generally described as a general upgrade of the entire plant to facilitate better reliability to meet Chesapeake Bay Area Nutrient Limits (CBANL) and to improve plant operations by automating many of the manual operations. The upgrade includes the following: new biological reactor and secondary clarifier flow distribution structures, four new continuous backwash upflow filters in a cast-in-place concrete structure covered with a timber pavilion to reduce algal accumulations, new supplemental carbon tote pad, new alum storage and feed facilities, new 1290 square foot masonry like multi-purpose building. The project also includes various site improvements including: new paving, drainage improvements, site and process piping, electrical improvements, process control and instrumentation improvements and a new emergency generator. The multi-purpose building improvements will include HVAC and plumbing. Additionally, an offsite covered sludge storage facility will be included as part of this project as “Additive Bid Item No. 1”, and a new fine screen structure with precast concrete enclosure to provide freeze-protection will be included as part of the project as Additive Bid Item No. 2.
Bidding shall be limited to previously prequalified general contractors. The pre-qualified contractors are Anderson Construction, Inc., English Construction Company Inc., F. L. Showalter, Inc., Faulconer Construction Co. Inc., Fielder’s Choice Enterprises, Inc., MEB General Contractors, Inc., Southwood Builders, Inc., Ulliman Schutte Construction , and W. M Schlosser Company, Inc.
Sealed bids will be received in the lobby at
Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, Virginia 23225
Attention: Jim Schrecengost
Capital Outlay Program Manager
A&E Services
The deadline for submitting bids is 2:00 P.M. sharp, as determined by the Bid Officer, on January 31, 2012.
The bids will be opened publicly and read aloud beginning at 2:00 P.M., on February 1, 2012, at the same location.
A Bid Bond is required.
eVA Vendor Registration: The bidder or offeror shall be a registered vendor in eVA. See the attached eVA Vendor Registration Requirements.
Procedures for submitting a bid, claiming an error, withdrawal of bids and other pertinent information are contained in the Instructions to Bidders, which is part of the Invitation for Bids. Withdrawal due to error in bid shall be permitted in accord with Section 9 of the Instructions to Bidders and § 2.2-4330, Code of Virginia. The Owner reserves right to reject any or all bids.
A pre-bid conference will be held at the James River Water Plant, State Farm, Virginia at 9:00 a.m., on January 5, 2012. Attendance shall be mandatory for those submitting a bid.
The contract shall be awarded on a lump sum basis as follows: the Total Base Bid Amount including any properly submitted and received bid modifications plus such successive Additive Bid
Items as the Owner in its discretion decides to award in the manner set forth in Paragraph 12 of the Instructions to Bidders. ‘Notice of Award’ or ‘Notice of Intent to Award’ will be posted on the bulletin board at 6900 Atmore Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23225.
Contractor registration in accordance with Section 54.1-1103 of the Code of Virginia, is required. See the Invitation for Bids for additional qualification requirements.
The Invitation for Bids for the above project, including the drawings and the specifications containing the information necessary for bidding will be available electronically at no charge and may be obtained from the office of RK&K. Bidders shall send E-mail to and must include Company Name, Address, Phone Number, Fax Number and Contact.
Bidders may request a hard copy of the Invitation for Bids documents. Hard copies will require a $300.00 non-refundable printing cost for each hard copy set. A non-refundable shipping charge of $ 30.00 per set is required for all sets requiring shipment.
Copies of the Invitation for Bids documents, including the plans and the specifications, will also be available for inspection at the following locations:
1. Commonwealth of Virginia
Department of Corrections
6900 Atmore Drive
Richmond, Virginia 23225
Attention: Jim Schrecengost
Capital Outlay Program Manager
A&E Services
2. RK&K
81 Mosher Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21217
Attention: Terry Zentkovich
Project Manager
3. RK&K
801 East Main Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Attention: Rachael McKinney
Project Engineer
4. Project Site (only after the pre-bid meeting)
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