Hillcrest High School

Commerce and Information Technology Program


Instructor: Brett Bowen

Email:Course Fee: $25.00

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Business Essentials is a one-credit course designed to provide students with an overview of in-depth business concepts. Students develop an understanding of how academic skills in mathematics, economics, and written and oral communications are integral components of success in commerce and information technology careers. Students examine current events to determine their impact on business and industry and legal and ethical behavior, acquire knowledge of safe and secure environmental controls to enhance productivity, determine how resources are managed to achieve company goals, and identify employability and personal skills needed to obtain a career and be successful in the workplace. As students learn about different types of business ownership, they interpret industry laws and regulations to ensure compliance, identify principles of business management, and analyze business practices to determine ethical and social responsibilities.

Each student is encouraged to join Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), an organization that is a co-curricular component of this course. FBLA enhances classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth. Dues are $20.00 and can be paid to Coach Bowen.

Business Essentials is a career tech course that can be taken with other CT courses in order to obtain a Career Tech Completer or Concentrator status on your diploma. Some of these courses include Business Technology Applications, Multimedia Designs, Marketing Principles, Accounting, Advanced Accounting, Workforce Development, and Cooperative Learning.

TEXTBOOK: A number of textbooks may be used for instruction as well as enrichment or supplemental activities. None will be issued to the student.


Bring the following to class every day:Optional Items:

Notebook or binder- 1 box of kleenex

Paper- Bottle of hand sanitizer or

Pen or pencil sanitizer spray (Clorox Anywhere)

Flash drive- ream of copy paper


The first semester’s grade will be generated from daily assignments, class participation, projects, and exams. (85% assignments + 15% midterm exam). The second semester’s grade will come from the same type of assignments as the first semester. The two semesters’ averages will compose 80% of the final grade and the comprehensive final exam will make up the remaining 20%.


80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

59 and below F

POLICY: All Tuscaloosa County Board of Education policies will be followed. This covers computer and Internet usage, discipline, make-up work, etc. (See the Student/Parent Information Guide regarding any policy.) It is imperative that you do not use websites on the Internet that you have not been instructed to use.


Technology can be a valuable educational resource. Students are allowed to use electronic and technological devices at SPECIFIED times and ONLY when authorized by the teacher for an instructional purpose. Devices such as smart phones, Kindles, Nooks, laptops, and iPads are items that students can use at the designated time. Students may also use these devices to replace paperback/hard-cover novels required for purchase/use for reading assignments.If a student is using a device inappropriately (not in accordance with classroom instruction or TCBOE policy), consequences will be enforced as statedin the Code of Conduct Handbook.

CLASSROOM RULES:1. Be Respectful and Responsible.

2. No Food or Drinks of any kind.


If you need special accommodations in my classroom, please let me know immediately. I look forward to working with you this year.

Detach below and return to Coach Garner


My signature certifies that I have read, my teacher has explained, and I understand and agree to abide by the procedures and regulations in the Business Essentials’ syllabus for the 2014-2015 school year.

Student’s name (print):______

Student’s signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s name (print):______

Parent’s signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s contact info – Phone: ______Email: ______