Kirkheaton School Improvement Priorities
Priority / What the priority involves in a nutshell / Priority
Priority 1 / Continuing work from 2012-13, analysing what is missing from level 4/5 writing. Working party to plan and deliver actions with continued impact on standards / Further increase standards in literacy so all indicators are above national average and above current achievement (EYFS/KS1/KS2)
See details in plan
Priority 2 / Working party to plan and implement ‘Big maths’ approaches to calculation to ensure consistent approaches, observations of good practice with coaching to improve, scrutinize schemes of work and work in books and plan action for each team, gap analysis and constant robust progress monitoring and action, leading CPD to develop teaching strategies for using and applying and problem solving approaches. / To continue to raise standards in maths and sustain achievement above national averages in all key stages at all levels, for all year groups.
See details in plan and aspirational targets
Priority 3 / Training teachers to improve teaching and learning so more teaching is outstanding. Ensure we are ready to enable curriculum 2014 implementation, alongside a skills based curriculum which develops numeracy and literacy skills. Using cooperative learning to develop children’s thinking and interdependence and independence. Skilling up teachers in the areas of art & sport. Our school curriculum will be literacy and numeracy skills based, cross curricular, relevant and progressive for all children. Ofsted will verify the effectiveness of this curriculum and learning with a ‘good’ grade. / To ensure more teaching and learning is judged to be outstanding from 20% in 2013 to 35%+ in 2014.

Kirkheaton School Post OfSTED Action Plan

Priority 1:
Leadership - Raise the effectiveness of teaching and learning by:
-Strengthening the skills of leaders so they can effectively raise pupil achievement
-Robust monitoring of improvements that have been implemented
-Triangulating teaching and learning to provide clear evidence of improving standards
-Continuing to develop effectiveness of the Governing Body to rigorously challenge and hold School Leaders to account for the effectiveness of teaching and learning
Success criteria:
-Leaders deal rapidly and effectively withany teaching that requires improvement
-Unit leaders and maths/literacy leaders provide follow up support for teachers that require improvement
-All staff aware of the requirements of good/outstanding teaching and learning and demonstrate this in their teaching
-Governors effectively challenge and secure independent evidence to validate the quality of teaching and learning and its impact on pupil outcomes.
Good or outstanding teaching in all lessons, triangulated by good and outstanding learning in books and reflected in data
1.1: Leaders deal confidently with any teaching that requires improvement
What/Why? / When? / Who? / Actions / Links to SDP / Cost / Impact needed and who will monitor
(Data, teaching standards, book monitoring)
All staff observations will be joint observations to ensure agreed judgments using Ofsted based criteria / April to June 2014 / TQIO, HT & AQ /
  • The agreed teaching observation sheet will be used.
  • Lesson observations will be linked to work sampling evidence and data collection more explicitly so that feedback triangulates the progress and clear focused targets for improvement can be set.
  • Any teacher that Requires Improvement will be revisited within 6 weeks
  • All actions for teaching staff to be monitored rigorously, learning walks, professional discussions, peer mentoring
  • Learning behaviour will be highlighted in all lesson observations and feedback will reflect this
/ SIP3 / Management
time / Governors to receive termly reports from HT based on triangulation of information. Governors Challenge appropriately.
All observations to show good or outstanding practice with all children fully engaged 100% of the time
Leaders need to ensure they have secure judgement on good to outstanding teaching. / 6th June 2014
19th May / BR, SG, AQ, JB, RH, HL, RK /
  • Consultancy booked with Focus Education to work with SLT( and other pyramid staff) to ensure consistency in teaching standards
  • Carolyn Carter TQIO to carry out joint observations with HT to verify judgements made
/ Consultancy £1000 / All SLT able to judge teaching and know what teaching improvements are needed in their units.
SLT can give appropriate feedback and targets.
Good or outstanding teaching in all areas.
Monitored by Governors and TQIO visits.
SLT rigorously evidence judgments of teaching and learning / Each term / HT, AHT, AQ, JB RH, RK, HL /
  • Cycle of observations will be 3 per year.
  • Term 1- HT /AHT
  • Term 2 – Peer observations
  • Term 3 – Unit leaders
  • Support will be put in place for any teacher RI. They will be given clear targets and objectives to achieve.
  • Suitable CPD from within school and/or other suitable providers.
  • Any teachers RI by unit leaders will be observed by HT within 6 weeks.
/ SIP3 / Supply cover for each teacher to enable peer obs
£600 / As above
TQIO visit summer term
Good or outstanding teaching in every unit.
SLT to formulate a set of questions to audit books and planning / May 9th
2014 / SLT /
  • SLT afternoon booked to make a list of agreed questions to be used when auditing planning and books.
/ SIP 3 / Management
Time / SLT able to identify improvements in teaching and learning and show all teachers are good or outstanding
Rigorous and sustained monitoring of writing and maths books(linked to observations) / Summer observations and TQIO visit 20.5.14 / SLT /
  • A selection of books will be scrutinized. Teachers will be given clear actions for improvement and given a 6 week time scale to make improvements
/ SIP3 / Management
Time / HT AHT
SLT able to identify improvements in teaching and learning and show all teachers are good or outstanding
Half- termly review of progress using Target Tracker / 31.3.14
Summer term 1 and 2 / AHT AQ
Unit Leaders /
  • Children with specific intervention plans will be monitored half termly. This will include planning and book scrutiny.
  • Staff are held accountable for the progress and attainment of all pupils.
  • Interventions are SMART with specific targets linked to APP’s/EYFS.
/ Management
time / Children will achieve their specific targets
Monitored by HT and AHT and AQ
Staff will be more involved in the data collection and analysis. Progress meetings will be 1:1 with an emphasis on teaching standards / Summer term – w/c 30.6.14 / HT/DH /
  • Staff are held accountable for the progress and attainment of all pupils.
  • Staff do data collection and bring evidence to the progress meetings
  • Discussion takes place about what impact teaching has had on children identified. What has had an impact? What will be action next? What are successes? What support is needed? What action will unit take together? What is priority? What is worrying? What is needed?
  • Andrew and Barbara to work on questions necessary and the data pack that teachers need to bring. Train teachers up to produce own data pack.
/ PPA / Teachers more involved and understand implications of low progress.
Staff can use Target Tracker effectively for data analysis.
More accountability leading to impact on data.
Improved progress rates for all children.
Monitored by HT
1.2 Support for teachers that Require Improving
Learning walks (maths and literacy) / Summer 2014 / Subject leaders /
  • Literacy leader, maths leader, Big maths leader to do learning walks to ensure they have a clear overview of their subject and can feed back any areas for improvement for immediate implementation.
/ Cover supervisor time / Leads to outstanding and good learning in all lessons
Monitored by HL,AQ and RH
Demonstration lessons by outstanding teachers / Summer 2014 / HL, CA,
AQ, LB, SP /
  • Anybody who on observation requires improvement will spend time observing outstanding teachers depending on appropriate age range.
/ Cover supervisor time / Leads to outstanding and good learning in all lessons
Monitored by HT and Unit Leaders
Team teaching / Summer/ Autumn 2014 / HL, CA,
AQ, RH /
  • Outstanding teachers / unit leaders plan, support and teach alongside RI teachers to deliver good teaching and learning.
/ Cover supervisor time / Leads to outstanding and good learning in all lessons
Monitored by HT and Unit Leaders
Suitable CPD for all staff to develop subject knowledge / Ongoing
SPAG Course – CM – 30.4.14
Moderation of Writing – 7.5.14 / HT /
  • Following observations identify suitable training for staff focused on developing subject knowledge/ skills.
  • Use ‘experts’ in school to coach individual teachers and plan staff meetings based upon
CPD / Priority1/2/3 / Depending on the course. CPD money in Budget / Feedback from courses
Leads to outstanding and good learning in all lessons
Monitored by HT and Unit Leaders
Staff have the skills to assess progress within the new National Curriculum / Focus Course – 26.6.14
Kirklees Course 10.07.14 / AQ
BR /
  • Staff are able to review pupil progress in terms of the new National Curriculum, mid and end of year and include vulnerable groups.
  • AQ to attend course on New Assessments
  • BR to attend course on New Curriculum assessment
/ Staff meeting time 2.7.14 / Staff will be prepared for assessing children in October under new National Curriculum assessments
Monitored by HT AST and AQ
Buddy system / Summer/ Autumn / SLT Unit leaders /
  • RI teachers will be appointed a colleague to provide knowledge and support.
/ None / Monitored by HT and Unit leaders
Children with specific learning issues are identified on a provision map / September staff meeting / JB MG /
  • All staff use the provision map to target vulnerable children and plan effective teaching and learning plans/strategies.
/ Priority
2/3 / Leads to good or outstanding progress for all in the data at the end of the year
Monitored by JB and MG
1.3 Triangulation of teaching and learning to provide clear evidence of improving standards
Staff meeting to demonstrate how teaching and learning will be assessed / 7th May 2014 / HT /
  • Staff have a clear understanding of the correlation of all the evidence that will be looked at when making judgments on teaching and learning
/ Staff meeting time / Good and outstanding teaching
Monitored by HT and SLT and Governing body
Triangulation 3 x annually linked to observations, data and book scrutinise / w/c 30.6.14 / SLT /
  • During monitoring exercises add data to individual teacher documents.
  • This will include: current progress, monitoring evidence children from PERM targets and teaching grade.
/ SLT meetings Monday / Governor meetings
All teachers show good or outstanding teaching and learning, this is reflected in their books and in the data for their cohorts.
1-1 meetings with teachers / w/c 30.6.14 / HT AQ /
  • Professional discussions with all teachers leading to clear understanding of teaching grades and targets for improvement to be observed in October.( HT observations)
/ All teachers show good or outstanding teaching and learning, this is reflected in their books and in the data for their cohorts.
Monitored by HT
Performance Management Self Review
Performance Management Review / w/c 7.7.14
October 2014 / All teachers
Unit leaders /
  • Individual teachers analyse progress data from pupils targeted in Performance Management.
  • New targets set based on review of pupil data.
  • Early Governor involvement in target setting.
/ Cover supervisor time / Targeted children will have made expected levels of progress.
Teachers monitor progress and implement interventions as appropriate throughout the year.
Monitored by HT and SLT and Governing body
The revised SEF reflects the accurate judgement on the quality of teaching / September
2014 / HT AHT
  • SLT to amend SEF to reflect the Autumn 2014 picture.
  • SEF to be amended termly once all observations have been completed.
/ SLT time / Governors at FGB meeting x 3
TQIO Autumn visit
The new SIP and PERM policy reflects the changes made to observations and tracking progress / September/October
2014 / HT AHT
  • SLT to review and evaluate SIP.
  • Develop new SIP based on current data and information.
/ SLT time / Governors at FGB meeting x 3
TQIO Autumn visit
Governors are involved with setting the priorities for new improvement plan / October 2014 / HT SLT
Curriculum governors /
  • SLT team day to write new SIP
  • Governors from curriculum committee to be invited to enable involvement from an earlier stage.
/ SLT time- no cover needed / Governors meeting November
Monitored by TQIO

Milestone 1

Summer1 2014 - All staff will have been observed and given 1-1 feedback using triangulation of data. Progress meeting will have been completed and progress targets set for key children. These will be SMART and be reviewed by HT and AQ during PPA week beginning 4.6.14. All staff will understand how the triangulation process links all aspects of teaching.

Milestone 2

July 2014 - All SLT know that the judgements made about teaching are secure.

Milestone 3

October 2014 - The school target of 35% outstanding teaching will have been met and all teaching will be at least good.

Kirkheaton School Post OfSTED Action Plan

Priority 2: Improving teaching and learning in the classroom by:
  • writing continues to be a focus and all aspects of the school genre/sentence types pack are taught and revisited regularly and leadership to monitor this regularly.
  • ensuring children are fully engaged in their learning and taking responsibility for their own learning behaviour
  • improving teachers skills to be able to deliver consistently good/outstanding teaching

Success criteria:
  • Writing progress is accelerated and sustained for all children in all year groups
  • Staff and children demonstrate expected learning behaviour
  • Monitoring evidence shows that children are engaged and focussed in lessons that are stimulating and relevant
  • Workbooks show an improvement in presentation with children taking pride in their work

2.1: Writing progress is accelerated and sustained for all children in all year groups
What/Why? / When? / Who? / Actions / Links to SDP / Cost / Impact needed and who will monitor
(Data, teaching standards, book monitoring)
Staff are secure in assessing writing. / Last week of every half term
7.5.14 / All teachers /
  • Moderation of writing within units each half term to ensure marking is consistent and the skills (including SPAG) being taught are progressive.
  • Moderation of writing within the pyramid including King James High School
/ Priority
1 / None-PPA time / Unit leaders
LA/Internal writing moderation shows consistency and accuracy
The ‘Big Write’ which is completed and levelled each half term covers a range of genres. / Every half term beginning Summer 1 2014 / HL, JM, LB, CM /
  • Literacy working party meet and review completed ‘Big Write’
  • Literacy working party check that children have the opportunities to write for a variety of purposes and all elements of sentence types, non-fiction /fiction genre pack are being taught, revisited and progress and challenge is evident.
  • Fiction pack in place Summer 2 2014
  • Evidence collected to show range of genres in all units
/ Priority
1 / None-Cover supervisors / HT/AHT/HL
Books will show a range of genres in all units
Vulnerable children and Pupil Premium are making expected progress / Half-termly / All teachers
JB, MG /
  • Collect evidence to show these children are making progress
  • Evidence of action for these children
  • Pupil premium spending plan
/ None / Data shows children making good or better progress from starting points
Monitored by JB/MG
Children making expected progress / Spring 2
4 weeks intervention then ongoing into Summer 2 / All staff
DW, ST working in KS1
WG, AQ JB working in middle and upper school /
  • Identified children from Spring 2/Summer 1 progress meetings to be in booster groups with JB with very specific objectives linked to APP’s. Assessments to be made at start and end of interventions so progress is evidenced and measurable.
  • Members of staff leading intervention actions to keep detailed plan of progress and actions in place to address progress
  • Wendy Gray- Y6 targeted children
  • Andy Quinn- Y6 and 3 /4 targeted children
  • Danielle Williams- Y1 phonics/ writing /maths
  • Sarah Tate Y2 Level 3 writing and maths
/ Priority 3 / None / SLT
Data shows children making good or better progress from starting points
HAT team continue to set writing competitions to encourage children to write for a range of purposes / Ongoing each half term / SF /
  • Half-termly writing competitions covering a range of genre. Assembly time to launch competitions. Staff will encourage all children to take part.
/ Priority 1 / £50 for competition prizes / Children are applying writing skills to a range of genres
Monitored by CT’s in planning
Homework format includes the opportunity for children to present written work in a range of formats related to topic / Ongoing
Homework given at the beginning of each half term / Unit Leaders /
  • To continue to provide a range of writing opportunities for the children to complete at home with parental support. These will be linked to topic and children will have a choice of writing activities to complete.
/ Priority 1 / None / Children are applying writing skills to a range of genres
Monitored by CT’s
End of year expectations.
Transition between key stages/Units / July/September 2014 / All Staff /
  • Children identified during final progress meetings in June who did not make expected progress in 2013/14, particularly R, Y2, Y4, will have specific interventions put in place immediately at the start of the autumn term.
  • Unit leaders teaching time will initially focus on raising attainment within the first half term
/ None- unless specific resources are required School budget will allow for this / Unit leaders to monitor
Data shows children are on track
Review of long term planning / INSET
3.6.14 / All teachers /
  • Review long term planning for 2014/15. Ensure writing for a variety of purposes and genres is linked to topics and real life enabling children to be inspired and keen to write.
/ Priority
1 / Resources
All units have a budget of approx £1500 / Governors will be invited to attend part or all of the INSET day
Range of genres is evident for all age ranges
HT and SLT to monitor
Further improve literacy planning format / September 2014 / Literacy working party /
  • Devise a format that can be used throughout school that will include the ‘notebook ‘ method from ‘outstanding teacher’ programme.
/ None / HT/AHT
Use of format will ensure consistency leading to teaching that will be good or outstanding in all lessons seen