Shine Music Bursary


Note to the Applicant:

Please ask your Referrer to complete a Letter of Reference on your behalf, following the guidelines below.

Examples of suitable Referrers include a teacher, guidance counsellor, Child & Youth Worker, social worker, parole officer, spiritual leader, or community leader. In short, any adult who knows you well enough to provide a reference on your behalf.

We encourage you to provide more than one Letter of Reference. E.G. If one person knows your musical qualifications, while a separate person could support the reasons why you need financial support, then please provide Letters of Reference from both.

Note to the Referrer:

Thank you for writing a Letter of Reference in support of this individual’s application for aShine Music Bursary. Kindly include in your Letter of Reference all of the information requested in the form below.

Once completed, kindly submit a copy of your Letter of Reference directly to us.

  • You can submit it via email attachment sent to ,
  • Via regular mail to: Shine Music Bursary, c/o 34 Indian Trail, Toronto ON, M6R 1Z7.

If you should have any questions about the bursary, please see our website If you still have questions, feel free to email them to .

Shine Music Bursary


RE: Applicant’s Name:______

Referrer’s Details & Contact information:

Your Name:______

Your Agency/Organization’s name:______

Your occupation/job title:______

Your relationship to the applicant: ______

Period in which you worked with and/or known the applicant. From:______To:______

How may we reach you if we have follow-up questions?

By mail - address:______

By Email - address:______

By Phone - number:______

Letter of Reference Requirements

As part of your Letter of Reference, please include the following information:

a)Why you believe this applicant should be considered for the Shine Music Bursary; and,

b)Some background regarding the applicant’s personal situation, and/or informationwhich will help to corroborate the applicant’s claim for needing the financial support of this bursary. Recipients will be selected in part based on their perceived need for financial support.
If you do not feel qualified to attest to this on behalf of the applicant, then please provide what you can and kindly suggest to the applicant that they should also seek a second Referrer who can bolster the “need” side of their application.

c)Any other information that you feel is relevant.

Once completed, kindly submit your Letter of Reference directly to us, as outlined above.

…and thank you for taking the time to support your Applicant!

Shine Music Bursary
























Signed: ______Date: ______/______/______