Coming Together is beginning

Keeping Together is progress

Working Together is unity

Thinking Together is success


Work Session Agenda

November 8, 2017

5:30 PM in Council Chambers

Call to Order

Moment of Silence

Amendments to the Agenda

Public to be Heard

Please limit your comments to five (5) minutes, give your name, and address along with the purpose for your appearance before the Council

Mayor’s Report – Charles F. Swartz, III

Special Events Reminders:

·  Annual Tree Lighting and Santa at the Firehouse on Friday, December 1, 2017, sponsored by the Newtown Mercantile Group, beginning at 7:00 P.M.

·  The 55th Annual Newtown Holiday House Tour on Saturday, December 2, 2017, sponsored by the Newtown Historic Association, takes place 10:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Major snow date is Sunday, December 3, 2017.

·  Newtown Holiday Parade on Sunday, December 3, 2017, sponsored by the Newtown Business Association, takes place 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. on State Street and Washington Avenue.

·  Midnight Madness on Friday, December 8, 2017, sponsored by the Newtown Mercantile Group, is taking place 6:00 P.M. – 12:00 A.M.

·  Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 9, 2017, sponsored by the Newtown Business Association, takes place at the Temperance House with seatings at 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Entertainment is provided by Courtney's Carolers and the Newtown Arts Company.

·  Merchant Discount Day on Saturday, December 9, 2017, sponsored by the Newtown Mercantile Group, is taking place during open business hours.

·  Santa at the Santa House, in front of Alternate Dimension Toy Store on State Street, with face painting and other activities on December 9, 10, 16, 17, 1:00 – 3:00 P.M.

Vice-President’s Report – Christopher Gusty

·  Review last Preliminary Draft Budget

Engineer’s Report – Mario Canales

·  Proposal of 4-way Stop at Centre and S. Lincoln Ave.

·  Discussion of hidden driveway sign on Barclay St.

·  Update on Penn St. and S. State St. crosswalks

·  Update on left turn signal at S. State St. and Centre Ave. intersection

·  Discussion of road work on Penn Street and Maple Ave.

v Motion to authorize Mario Canales, Borough Engineer, to begin engineering work in preparation for the 2018 Penn Street and Maple Avenue road projects. Sec._

v Motion to approve Steeple View Phase I Escrow Release #11 in the amount of $97,592.50 Sec._ _

Solicitor’s Report –William Bolla

Environmental Advisory Board – Tara Grunde-McLaughlin

·  Newtown Common Project Update

v  Motion to authorize the advertisement for bids to proceed with the Newtown Common project. Sec._

Planning Commission & Zoning – Kevin McDermott

·  Update on Lubavitch Bucks County Mikvah Association

·  Update on General Code Organizational Analysis

·  Discussion to adopt International Property Maintenance Code

Budget & Finance – Christopher Gusty & Kevin McDermott

v  Motion to approve the Professional Services Invoices for September 2017. Sec._ _

·  Review of 2018 Preliminary Draft Budget

Shade Tree Commission – Tara Grunde-McLaughlin

·  Discussion of trees in right-of-way at 410 Washington Ave.

Old Business

New Business

Public to be Heard

Motion to Adjourn

November 8, 2017

Work Session Agenda

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